Integral and semi-integral bridges / Martin P. Burke.
p. cm.
ISBN 9781405194181 (hardback : alk. paper)
1. Concrete bridges—Design and construction. 2. Concrete bridges—Joints. I. Title.
This edition first published 2009.
This book is not a primer on the analysis, design, and construction of continuous bridges, or on the design of many of the common components of integral and semi - integral bridges, components that are typical of all deck - type highway bridges. These subjects are described and discussed in many excellent textbooks that have been developed and published by others especially for that purpose. Rather, this book focuses on those subjects that are of signifi cance for the design and construction of integral and semi - integral bridges, subjects that generally are not described and discussed elsewhere.
Acknowledgments vii
Introduction xi
Chapter 1 Integral Bridges 1
Chapter 2 Bridge Damage and the Pavement G/P Phenomenon 21
Chapter 3 Integral Bridges: Attributes and Limitations 41
Chapter 4 Design of Integral Bridges: A Practitioner’s Approach 59
Chapter 5 Genesis of Integral Bridges 71
Chapter 6 Cracking of Concrete Decks and Other Problems with Integral-type Bridges 81
Chapter 7 Integral Bridge Design in the Land of No Special Computations 99
Chapter 8 Semi-integral Bridges: Movements and Forces 121
Chapter 9 Emergence of Semi-integral Bridges 139
Chapter 10 Elementalistic and Holistic Views for the Evaluation and
Design of Structure Movement Systems 157
Chapter 11 Awareness of Reality in Bridge Design 185
Appendix 1 The Pavement Growth/Pressure Phenomenon: The Neglected Aspect of Jointed Pavement Behavior 215
Appendix 2 Glossary 243
Appendix 3 Captions for Photographs 245
Index 247
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A 31 pages report, with a full discussion and clarification of the design of Raft foundation in loose sand will be shown in details. The columns loads calculation for this raft is also will be shown in terms of the turbidity area of the columns. Final design and detailing will be shown at the end of this report with SAFE software design out file attached.
Residual Stress Effects on Fatigue and Fracture Testing and Incorporation of Results Into Design (ASTM special technical publication, 1497)
Residual Stress Effects on Fatigue and Fracture Testing and Incorporation of Results Into Design (ASTM special technical publication, 1497)
By ASTM International
Eleven peer-reviewed papers, written by experts in their field, provide an understanding of residual stresses, fatigue crack growth, fatigue lifetime predictions, and their effect on structural integrity. Residual stresses can be present due to processing and manufacturing of materials and structures, so it is imperative to understand how and why they can influence the test data that we used in structural design methodologies. Residual stresses may also be intentionally engineered into structures in attempts to improve fatigue life, and it is equally important that designers understand how to account for these potential effects on fatigue life.
Table of Contents
Predicting Fatigue Crack Growth in the Residual Stress Field of a Cold Worked Hole-By: M. T. Kokaly and L. F. Reid
Modeling the Formation and Growth of Cracks from Cold-Worked Holes-By: W. Fujimoto
Effect of Shot Peening on Fatigue Crack Growth in 7075-T7351-By: A. S. Kobayashi and M. Ramulu
Thermal Residual Stress Relaxation in Powder Metal IN-100 Superalloy-By: D. J. Buchanan and N. E. Ashbaugh
Stress Intensity Factor Analysis and Fatigue Behavior of a Crack in the Residual Stress Field of Welding-By: H. Terada
A Design Methodology to Take Credit for Residual Stresses in Fatigue Limited Designs-By: P. S. Prevey and N. Jayaraman
Correlation Between Strength and Measured Residual Stress in Tempered Glass Products-By: A. S. Redner, M. Schiavonato, and E. Mognato
Influence of Cold Rolling Threads Before or After Heat Treatment on High Strength Bolts for Different Fatigue Preload Conditions-By:R. I. Stephens and C. K. Horn
An Integrated Approach to the Determination and Consequences of Residual Stress on the Fatigue Performance of Welded Aircraft Structures-By: L. Edwards and D. Yapp
Residual Stress Measurements in Welded and Plastically Deformed Target Structural Materials-By: A. K. Roy and R. Rogge
Novel Applications of the Deep-Hole Drilling Technique for Measuring Through-Thickness Residual Stress Distributions-By: D. J. Smith and A. H. Mahmoudi
Publisher: ASTM International : 157 pages
ISBN: 0803144725
PDF : 5.34 MB
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Deep Foundations on Bored and Auger Piles - BAP V: Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Deep Foundations on Bored and Auger Piles (BAP V)
Product Description:
Deep Foundations on Bored and Auger Piles - BAP V: Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Deep Foundations on Bored and Auger Piles (BAP V), 8-10 September 2008, Ghent, Belgium
By William F. Van Impe, Peter Van Impe
Although progressing very well over the last years, the design criteria for bored and auger piles are still not fully under control and in acceptable synergism with the real pile foundation behaviour. Although there has been a lot of research in the past years worldwide on deep foundation engineering, the strong and competitive market has absolutely favorized the ingenuity of the contractor’s world. A striking example of this is of such developments linked ideas on energy piles; one of the key topics in this book. This book presents the current status of screw or bore pile-soil interaction findings and developments.
Publisher: CRC
ISBN: 0415475562
358 pages
PDF : 17.83 MB
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Internationally, significant attention is given to transport sustainability including planning, design, construction, evaluation, safety and durability of the road system. The 4th International Gulf Conference on Roads: Efficient Transportation and Pavement Systems - Characterization, Mechanisms, Simulation, and Modeling, hosted by the University of Qatar, November 2008, provided a forum for discussions of recent developments and research results and needs on transportation network optimization, traffic management, transportation safety, and pavement design, analysis, material characterization, modeling, and rehabilitation techniques. This book is a collection of 79 fully refereed papers and six keynote lectures from the conference, and includes contributions on a variety of topics:
* Highway Design and Transportation Planning
* Transportation Network and Management System
* Traffic Characteristics and Analysis
* Traffic and Transit Signal Control
* Traffic Simulation, Safety, and Management
* Advances in Road Safety Engineering
* Road Accident Analysis and Prediction
* Work Zone Lane Closures and Dynamic Merging
* Flexible Pavement Design, Analysis, and Evaluation
* Pavement Maintenance and Management
* Binder and Emulsion Characterization - Effect of Binder, Modified Binder, and Fillers on HMA
* HMA Testing and Properties
* Foamed and HMA Recycling
* Impact of Geogrids on Pavement Performance
* Research, Development, and Standardizations
* Case Studies
About the Author:
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada & Qatar University, Doha, Qatar Texas A&M University at Qatar, Doha, Qatar
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instead to uploading links to different books one by one
here a link to a good collection of books
1-theory of structures
Introduction. Scope. Types of structures and supports. Types of loads. Conditions of static stability. Calculations of reactions. Definition of internal forces (normal forces, shear forces, bending moments and twisting moments). Internal forces in the horizontal beams (cantilevers, simple beams, overhanging beams, compound beams). Differential relations between loads and internal forces. Internal forces in inclined beams. Internal forces in simple, hinged, compound, and arched frames. Analytical and graphical methods for finding the internal forces in simple ,compound ,and subdivided trusses and trussed beams, Influence lines for statically determinate structures. Properties of plane areas: – principal axes and principal moments of inertia, Mohr’s circle. Distribution of normal stresses: – normal stresses due to single and double bending in symmetric and non-symmetrical sections, eccentric normal forces, core theory. Distribution of shear stresses: – direct shear, shear in bending, line sections, shear flow, shear center, non-symmetrical sections. Torsion:- applications on power transmission shafts. Plane stresses and strains:- principal stresses and similarity between stresses and strains, strain rosette. Deflection of beams:- method of double integration, method of elastic loads, deflection of beams with variable cross sections. Buckling of compression members (columns):- critical loads for columns under centric loads, compression members under eccentric loads and lateral loads Statics of structures. Internal forces in plane beams. Internal forces in trusses. Normal and shear stresses distribution. Concrete foundations for electrical equipments and the effect of vibrations,Analysis of statically indeterminate structures by the method of superposition, beams with variable cross sections and beams on elastic supports . Analysis of statically indeterminate structures by the method of three moment equation. Maximum diagrams of shear forces, bending moments for statically indeterminate beams . Elastic strain energy . Theory of virtual work:– calculation of deformations in statically determinate structures due to loads and temperature changes. Analysis of statically indeterminate structures by the method of virtual work:- beams, frames, arches and trussed beams . Effect of yielding of supports and temperature changes Analysis of statically indeterminate structures by the method of moment distribution:– stiffness coefficients, distribution and carry over factors, fixed end moments ,structures without lateral sway, method of successive carry over, structures with lateral sway, elastic supports, yielding of supports and temperature changes . Influence lines for statically indeterminate structures using the different methods of analysis . Introduction to stiffness method for structural analysis, Study of the principles of statics for structures. Introduction to principle theories of structural systems .Concepts of structural behavior for building systems(reactions, equilibrium, stability, stiffness). Static analysis of forces. Study of internal and external forces and analytical solutions for rigid stable bodies. Diagrams of internal forces (bending moments, shear forces, normal forces). Methods of calculating structural deformations and deflection of statically determinate beams . Introduction to statically indeterminate structures, the analysis of statically indeterminate structures by the method of superposition and the method of three moment equation . Analysis of plane internal stresses (types of stresses, properties of areas, distribution of normal stresses, shear stresses in bending and torsion ). Buckling of columns
2-structural engineering books
Shear forces and bending moments for beams ,frames. Internal forces in trusses . Tests and measurements of mechanical properties of materials (simple tensile test, compression test, shear test, torsion test, bending test). Impact and hardness tests . Rotating beam tests. Measurement of strains. Construction materials – Design consideration and criteria – Design loads – Allowable stresses – Design of tension members – Stability of structures against lateral loads – Stability of multistory buildings – Buckling of columns – Design of axially loaded compression members – Design of laterally supported beams – Bolted and welded connections – Design of bracing systems – Column design by charts – Beam design by charts – Castellated beams – Design of floor decking sheets Reinforced Concrete: Fundamental of Reinforced concrete structural design – Analysis and design of sections subjected to bending – Load distribution – Details of beam reinforced – Solid slabs – Columns stairs – Frames – Ribbed slabs – Slabs with beams – Joints of precast reinforced concrete element. Soil Mechanics and Foundation: Properties of soils – Soil classification – Soil compaction – Stress distribution in soil – Consolidation theory – Lateral earth pressure – Shallow foundation – Deep foundation – Retaining walls –soil investigation
3-strcutural analysis
Study of matrices, stiffness and flexibility for structural analysis, matrix structural analysis ,stiffness matrices for different structural members (plane and space),overall stiffness equation for the structure, boundary conditions, calculation of internal forces in the members, effect of yielding of supports and temperature changes, Influence lines. Grid systems. Use of computer for analyzing structures by the stiffness method . Use of software packages for structural analysis .Introduction to dynamics of structures, Direct and indirect aspects, Indirect models (displacement models) Influence line diagrams for deflection, Influence line diagrams for stress resultant, Scale factors, Practical applications of the indirect method, Experimental procedure in the indirect method, Direct method of model analysis, Applications, Influence surfaces for deformations and internal forces, Approximate methods for analysis of statically indeterminate structures, Reasons for performing approximate analysis, Assumptions, Approximate analysis for industrial buildings, Approximate analysis for double diagonals trusses, Continuous beams under gravity loads, Building frames subjected to lateral loads, Portal frame method, Cantilever method, Vierendeel trusses, Approximate methods of shell analysis, Choice of method and inaccuracies of approximate methods. Plastic analysis of beams and frames, Definitions, Material behaviour, Assumptions, Theories of plastic analysis, Applications on beams and frames, Effect of normal forces, Analysis of plane frames, Grillages and space trusses using the stiffness method, Degrees of freedom and sign convention, Element stiffness matrix in element local axes, Transformation matrix for forces and displacements in global axes, Equilibrium equations in global axes, Internal forces in members of the structure, Influence of temperature change and settlement of supports, Effect of axial force on the stiffness of structures [P-delta effect], Stability functions and equations of stability, Buckling of trusses and frames, Applications, Structural dynamicS, Definitions, Classification of structural systems, Free vibration of SDOF systems, Undamped vibration, Damped vibration, Forced vibration of SDOF systems, Response to constant and harmonic forces, Response to general type of forces (using duhamel integration).
4-concrete structurs
Design of rectangular and square slabs under uniform loads and line loads, Design of hollow block slabs, One way and two slabs, Design of panelled beams, Design of beams under torsional moment and taking into consideration the effect of shear stresses, Design of stairs, Design of columns under biaxial moments, Design of short and long columns under centric and eccentric loads. Design of R.C. shallow foundations, Design of simple and continuous girders, Design of statically determinate and statically indeterminate frames and design of hinges. Design of trusses, Vierendeel girders, Arch slabs, Arch girders, Design of saw tooth slab and girder types, Details of joints in R.C. structures, Structural systems of buildings (wall bearing, skeleton). Physical and mechanical properties of concrete and reinforcing steel. Loads on buildings, Load distribution on beams. Behaviour and design of reinforced concrete beams, (simple, continuous and cantilever beams). Behaviour and design of axially loaded short columns. Study structural systems of slabs (solid, hollow block, ribbed, flat slab and panelled beams). Behaviour and design of reinforced concrete solid slabs (one and two way). Structural systems of stairs. Structural systems of reinforced concrete halls (frames, domes, cones, surfaces of revolution, folded plates, shells, ... etc.). Study of physical and mechanical properties of concrete and steel reinforcement, Study of structural systems, Statical systems of floor elements and load distribution on different supporting elements, Experimental behaviour of reinforced concrete elements under flexure, Design of short columns under axial and eccentric loads, Design of reinforced concrete beams and statically determinate frames under bending moments and normal and shearing forces using the limit state design method, Study of bond between concrete and steel, The development length of reinforcement, Details of reinforcement of beams and statically determinate frames, Study of serviceability limit states (deflection and cracking) and design of reinforced concrete elements using the working stress design method.
and other topics
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I need a program for construction calculation, which provides process of construction. In the first phase, members are coupled without having flexural rigidity and in this manner transfer a part of load. In the second phase, members are coupled stiff and transfer the next part of load. Does anybody know a program, which alows to change type of connection between members ( cancel joints between members for any phase ) ?