The Stadium: Architecture for the New Global Culture
The Stadium: Architecture for the New Global Culture
R. Sheard, R. Powell, P. Cook,
Periplus Editions
ISBN: 0794603351
PDF 360 Mb
208 pages
Get into the center of the action with The Stadium, a book that takes you to some of the finest event centers across the globe.
Sports fans in the United States can revisit their own home fields such as the Reliant Stadium in Houston, SBC Park in San Francisco, Oriole Park in Baltimore, and experience international attractions such as the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff, Wembley in London, Arsenal in London, and the Olympic Stadium in Sydney. With 250 eye-popping photos and 70 architectural plans,this book defines the stadium as a worlwide cultural icon.
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(Loads forces & Effects)
Part 6: Structural Design
(Section 1: Loads, Forces and Effects)
This Section covers basic design loads to be assumed in the design of buildings, the imposed loads, wind loads, seismic loads, snow loads and other loads, which are specified herein are minimum working loads which should be taken into consideration of design.
This is scan from hard copy - quality is not so good but workable.
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BS 8500 - Concrete, is the complementary British Standard to BS EN 206 - 1 and was first published in March 2002. It provides substantial national provisions not covered in BS EN 206 - 1. Both documents replaced BS 5328, Concrete, in December 2003. BS 8500 was updated in November 2006.
The standard is in two parts:
- Method of specifying and guidance for the specifier
- Specification for constituent materials and concrete.
Part 1 is for the specifier i.e. the person or body establishing the specification for the fresh and hardened concrete or who passes the specification to the producer, in other words the purchaser of the ready-mixed concrete.
Part 2 is for the producer and contains specification requirements for the producer.
Acknowledgement: The Concrete Society
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Post-Tensioned Concrete Walls and Frames for Seismic-Resistance
This case-study describes an innovative application of post-tensioned concrete construction in the new David Brower Center urban mixed-use development.
The use of post-tensioning in concrete structures to resist gravity loads is a well established technology with wide application. Recent advances in design practice and analysis techniques are demonstrating that post-tensioning also offers significant cost and performance benefits when incorporated into seismic resisting concrete walls and frames.
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Hi CIVILEA comunity, I found in other page this great soft: STAAD V8i but in Portable Version... I downloaded and... working ¡¡
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Revit Architecture allows architects to focus on designing buildings, without design software or application learning curves getting in the way. Work in any view, iterate throughout your different design phases, and quickly and easily make changes to major compositional elements. Create comprehensive design proposals in record time. See your ideas realized on the fly with 3D views and fully rendered scenes. You can even make late-stage changes with full confidence that your plans, schedules, and construction documents are coordinated.
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Quote:This is not version "suite". I think it is different from Revit Structure 2009 Suite so i posted it.
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Hope to help somebody download more easiler.
Posted by: abudabeeja - 09-09-2009, 02:05 AM - Forum: ASTM
- No Replies
Contaminated Sediments: Characterization, Evaluation, Mitigation/Restoration, and Management Strategy Performance
Contaminated Sediments: Characterization, Evaluation, Mitigation/Restoration, and Management Strategy Performance
(Astm Special Technical Publication, 1442.)
By ASTM International
Publisher: ASTM International
330 pages
ISBN: 0803134665
PDF 5.74MB
Product Description:
This new publication reviews recent advances in contaminated sediments-management-related research and focuses on the engineering aspects of contaminant transport, erosion, stability, monitoring, and modeling. It identifies both established and innovative physico-chemical and biological tests and methods used to characterize and evaluate properties and behavior of contaminated sediments, as well as the potential for contaminant transfer. This data reflects recent work carried out on large coastal investigations and on natural and artificial capping of contaminated sediments. Twenty-three peer-reviewed papers cover: Sediment Characterization of contaminated sediments has become more and more complex. It involves ex situ techniques from standard tests (e.g., physical properties) to biological analysis in addition to all the chemical analyses, but also in situ ones like erodability tests. Mitigation and Restoration Methods are diversified and touch on many different environments from river sediments and harbor lagoons to land reclamation. They involve techniques ranging from the use of geotextiles and geocomposites to selective sequential extraction methods Monitoring and Performance aspects of contaminated sediments are largely supported by extensive site investigations, like the Southern California project, but also by the development of modeling tools. In addition, four peer-reviewed papers in this volume summarize a five-year research effort aimed at evaluating the performance of a catastrophic capping layer resulting from the major 1996 Saguenay flood disaster that proved to be very beneficial to the Saguenay Fjord environment and ecosystem by covering most of the ancient contaminated sediments. Audience: This book is an invaluable resource for environmental engineers and scientists, water quality engineers, soil scientists, geotechnical engineers, and environmentalists, educators, and legislators.
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The Use of Glass in Buildings: 1st Symposium on the Use of Glass in Buildings (ASTM STP 1434)
The Use of Glass in Buildings: 1st Symposium on the Use of Glass in Buildings
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
(ASTM Special Technical Publication, 1434)
By ASTM International
Publisher: ASTM International
173 Pages
ISBN: 0803134584
PDF 3.4 MB
The broad focus of this comprehensive, new publication is the quality, design, use, and performance of architectural glass. Sixteen peer-reviewed papers cover: Quality Issues--addresses the problems associated with the use of ASTM C1036 for field inspections of glass; the interrelationship between building codes and glass standards; on-line quality control measuring systems for tempered and heat-strengthened glass; and the impact of self-cleaning glass. Performance Assessments--presents developments around the performance of insulating glass and glass facades, including in-situ dew point testing to assess life span of insulating glass units; and an assessment of annual energy consumption of ventilated double glass facades using computer simulation. Glass Design--examines the structural performance of laminated glass made with stiff interlayers; design methodologies for glass, including rectangular window glass supported on three sides; large trapezoidal window glass lites; window glass design software based on ASTM E1300; and a new procedure for thermal stress evaluation of monolithic glass. Glass in Hurricanes--addresses special design considerations for glass used in hurricane-prone areas, including retrofitting commercial structures with laminated glass and testing of annealed glass with anchored-film glass retention systems. Glass for Fire Safety and Security--covers a broad spectrum of topics, including security glazing, fire rated glass and sprinklers, and a design procedure for blast resistant laminated glass. Audience: This publication is a valuable resource for architects; specifiers;laboratory personnel; consultants; and glass manufacturers, fabricators, and installers.
Table of Contents Overview ASTM C 1036: Does It Work for Field Inspections of Surface Blemishes?
Mazula T., Hennings I. Codes and Standards Affecting Glass in Buildings: The U.S. and Beyond
Block V. The Impact of Self-Cleaning Glass
Barry C., O'Day T. PC-Based Stress-Measuring System for On-Line Quality Control of Tempered and Heat-Strengthened Glass
Redner A. In-Situ Dew-point Measurement to Assess Life Span of Insulating Glass Units
Torok G., Lichtenberger W., Major A. Evaluation of the Condensation Resistance Rating as Determined Using the NFRC 500 Procedure
Wise D., Shah B. Structural Performance of Laminated Glass Made with a “Stiff” Interlayer
Bennison S., Smith C., Duser A., Jagota A. Development of Design Methodology for Rectangular Glass Supported on Three Sides to Resist Lateral Uniformly Distributed Loads
El-Shami M., Norville H. Wind Load Resistance of Large Trapezoidal Glass Lites
Norville H., El-Shami M., Jackson R., Johnson G. Window Glass Design Software
Morse S. A Thermal Stress Evaluation Procedure for Monolithic Annealed Glass
Beason W., Lingnell A. Retrofitting Commercial Structures with Laminated Glass to Withstand Hurricane Effects
Beers P., Pilcher M., Sciaudone J. Testing of Annealed Glass with Anchored-Film Glass Retention Systems for Fallout Protection After Thermal Stress Cracking
Kaskel B., Pearson J., Schmidt M., Pelletier R. The Advantages of Glazing in an Overall Security Strategy
Betten M., Beruhe H. The Relationship Between Sprinkler Systems and Glass
Razwick J. Design Procedure for Blast-Resistant Laminated Glass
Norville H., Conrath E.
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