This study was conducted under the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Central Federal
Lands Highway Division (CFLHD) contract number DTFH68-03-P-00116. The current practice
in assessing the integrity of newly constructed drilled shaft foundations, or other concrete
structures that contain access tubes, is through the use of nondestructive testing (NDT) methods.
Most common NDT methods include crosshole sonic logging (CSL), gamma-gamma density
logging (GDL), and crosshole sonic logging tomography (CSLT). Numerous studies and field
investigations have been performed to evaluate the accuracy and effectiveness of these NDT
methods in detecting defects in drilled shafts. However, most of these studies have fallen short
to correctly identify and characterize defects for engineering decision making. Or, as stated by
Jerry DiMaggio (2004), FHWA Principal Geotechnical Engineer, “when using (NDT) methods,
the key questions that often must be answered are: (1) Is the test result a false negative? (2)
What are the next steps and who is responsible for incurred cost if a defect is suspected? and
most importantly (3) Is the discontinuity a defect?”
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Bentley MXroad V8i (SELECTseries 1) - 30 DAY TRIAL
Size: 620.74 MB
Bentley MXROAD is an advanced, string-based modeling tool that enables the rapid and accurate design of all road types. With MXROAD you can quickly create design alternatives to achieve the “ideal” road system. Upon selection of the final design alternative, MXROAD automates much of the design detailing process, saving the user time and money.
What’s enhanced in MXROAD and MXROAD Suite V8i (SELECT series 1)?
Roadway Designer Scheme manager for MX
Dynamic Surface Analysis caters for multiple MX models and boundary control. Utilizing Civil DTM technology changes to the design can be visualized quickly/dynamically without the need to run MX analysis/display options.
AutoCAD 2010 is now a supported environment to run MX. Bringing the supported AutoCAD versions to 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010
Enhanced menus and GUI customization using MicroStation Tasks and toolbars, providing fully customizable MX toolbars in the standalone and MicroStation environments
Reference file management now supported through input files via the MX script manager
Dynamic Section Enhancements
MX specific improvements to Accudraw
Incorporation of Bonus tools
Display Styleset - providing the ability to graphically test all features in a style set
Extend a String - providing the ability to extend a string to a string or a point or by distance and calculate the level
Support added for LandXML 1.2 schema
MX Engine Enhancements
Command Macros now enhanced to allow arithmetic between two or three variables
Use of different macro lines to display Interface strings
Interface now honors the String Naming Convention on Repeat Patterns, Rounding, and Circular Ditches
Drainage Design Enhancements
More than one pipe between two nodes
Display surface flow to upstream inlet
Automatic inlet spacing – general improvements for:
Inlet rules files now support efficiency
Support for combined curb and drainage systems
30 day trial
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Understanding Structural Engineering From Theory to Practice
Author: Wai-Fah Chen, Salah El-Din E. El-Metwally | Size: 27.6 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: CRC Press | Year: May 2011 | pages: 271 | ISBN: 9781439827109
In our world of seemingly unlimited computing, numerous analytical approaches to the estimation of stress, strain, and displacement, including analytical, numerical, physical, and analog techniques, have greatly advanced the practice of engineering. Combining theory and experimentation, computer simulation has emerged as a third path for engineering design and performance evaluation. As a result, structural engineers working in the practical world of engineering must apply, and ideally, thrive, on these idealizations of science-based theories.
Analyzing the major achievements in the field, Understanding Structural Engineering demonstrates how to bring science to engineering design. This book illustrates:
* Key conceptual breakthroughs in structural engineering in the 20th century
* The science of structural engineering from basic mechanics and computing to the ultimate process of engineering design
* How engineers implement theory to practice through idealizations and simplifications
* Covers current and future trends in structural engineering
Developments and advancements in structural engineering hinge on a few key breakthroughs in concepts, simplifications and idealizations. Simplification, the art of structural engineering, is a key theme throughout this book. But the authors go further—their clear explanations of the role and impact of new, science-based developments shows you how to put them into practice.
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The first edition of Rock Mechanics and Engineering bridged the gap between scientific research on rock mechanics and practical engineering. It was resolutely aimed at giving practical information to geologists, engineering geologists and engineers. Emphasis was placed on the lessons to be learnt from the study of case histories, with the Malpasset Dam rupture and the large Vajont rock slide amongst those described. In this second, enlarged edition the author continues to emphasise aspects of rock mechanics. Modern efforts at establishing an engineering classification of rocks are summarised and considerable attention is given to the Austrian tunnelling method. Firm in his belief that there is no better way to study the subject than by the detailed analysis of case histories, Dr Jaeger has incorporated a number of new ones, for example the discussion on the engineering classification of jointed rock masses and the required rock support is illustrated by descriptions of the second Gotthard Tunnel and the design of the third, much larger tunnel.
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Within the series "WBI-PRINT, geotechnical engineering in research
and practice", volumes 4 to 7 are designed as a compendium of tunnel
statics. This compendium started with the volume WBI-PRINT 4
"Stability analysis for tunnels, fundamentals", published in 1999
in German and in 2000 in English.
The present volume WBI-PRINT 5 "New Austrian Tunneling Method stability
analysis and design" covers, beside fundamentals of the New
Austrian Tunneling Method (NATM), case histories of realized mined
tunnels designed and constructed with participation of WBI.
The selected case histories from the years 1985 to 2001 include
crown headings with open and closed invert, sidewall adit headings,
full-face headings and headings under the protection of pipe
umbrellas and jet grouting columns.
Analyses according to the finite element method have proved to be
an indispensable tool for the design of tunnels. The stability
analyses for all case histories presented were carried out using
the program system FEST03. In order to enable this program system
to be used by our professional colleagues as well, we have been
offering it for sale for some little time now.
WBI-PRINT 5 has been previously published 2002 in German as a paperback.
Now the English translation is available online to provide
a worldwide access to those who are interested in tunneling.
It is also available on CD-ROM via WBI company.
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I need your help again, I have to find two standards, which are necessary for my laboratory work. These standards are:
1. BS EN 12615:1999 Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures - Test methods - Determination of slant shear strength
2. BS EN 12617-1:2003 Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures - Test methods - Part 1: Determination of linear shrinkage for polymers and surface protection systems (SPS)
If someone of you have them, please let's share them.
Thank you very much in advance.
Author: M. G. Oliva, L.C. Bank, J.S. Russell | Size: 7.45 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: WisDOT | Year: 2007 | pages: 138
IBRC 3 was a multi-stage project completed over a four year span. The three phases of the process are outlined below.
Phase 1: Complete background research and preliminary engineering required to develop a proposed precast deck system and design procedure for the full depth, precast, prestressed concrete deck panels. Develop laboratory tests based on the proposed system and carry out all testing.
Phase 2: Implement the full depth precast, prestressed concrete deck panel system on the Door Creek Bridge. Perform a constructability study and compare the construction of the innovative and conventional bridge deck systems. Evaluate structural performance. Determine minimum needed prestress levels across joints for future projects.
Phase 3: Monitor both conventional and innovative bridge decks. Use non-destructive load tests and inspect for cracking to determine feasibility of using prefabricated, prestressed concrete deck panels in the future. Run analytical studies of loaded bridge.
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Structural Identification (St-Id) of Constructed Facilities
Author: Edited by F. Necati Çatbaş, Tracy Kijewski-Correa and A. Emin Aktan | Size: 9.3 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: ASCE & SEI | Year: 2011 | pages: 226
Structural Identification (St-Id) can be defined as the process of creating/updating a model of a structure (e.g., finite element model) based on experimental observations/data. The St-Id paradigm aims to bridge the gap between the model and the real system by developing reliable estimates of the performance and vulnerability of structural systems through improved simulations. St-Id of constructed systems has attracted the attention of numerous researchers worldwide over the last several decades. It is the goal of this report to benchmark and provide an overview of these developments, which constitute the current state-of-the-art. A primary contribution of any such effort is in structuring the field and providing categories, which will serve to delineate and locate different developments. To organize the diverse paradigm of St-Id, the ASCE St-Id of Constructed Systems Committee adopted the six steps, which are related to:
modeling (analytical, numerical); experimentation (observations, sensing, data acquisition); data processing (error screening, feature extraction, etc.); comparison of model and experiment (model selection, parameter identification.); and decision-support (parametric studies, scenario analyses, risk assessment, etc.). The report presents these steps in the first six chapters, and the last two chapters are dedicated to several case studies to exemplify the implementation of St-Id to various structures from around the world.
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