Bentley CivilStorm V8i SELECT Series 2 (30 days trial and renew)
Size: 105 MB
Bentley CivilStorm V8i simulates your entire stormwater system within one intuitive scaled layout model for the MicroStation, Stand-Alone, or AutoCAD environments. The Bentley CivilStorm V8i dynamic stormwater modeling engine calculates runoff hydrographs and analyzes the hydraulic response through interdependent systems of inlets, pipes, channels, culverts, and ponds.
Bentley CivilStorm V8i helps you:
Avoid Costly Oversights
Stormwater components can dramatically impact each other. With Bentley CivilStorm V8i, you can quickly check for any domino effects between interdependent elements in the system to identify backwater storage effects and bottlenecks in the system that can result in costly unexpected flooding.
Visualize Dynamic Flooding
Bentley CivilStorm V8i provides a rich variety of presentation tools that make it easy for you and your clients to visualize flooding problems and how they can be eliminated. Animate profiles, plan views, and other presentations to observe water levels rising and falling over the course of a storm event.
Design Efficient Solutions
Bentley CivilStorm V8i provides "What if?" scenario management for pre- and post-development analysis, system rehabilitation, and other circumstances. Directly compare results for pre/post conditions or analyze the differences between design possibilities.
Bentley CivilStorm V8i features:
Dynamic integration of rainfall, runoff, surface flow, storm sewers, open channels, culverts, and ponds—in one model
True scaled layout environment, in a stand-alone environment or directly inside AutoCAD
Looped systems with diversions
Pressure and gravity profiles
Fast and stable computations
Infiltration and runoff
Unit hydrograph methods
Complex pond outlet structures
Capture and carryover between inlets
Hydraulic grade profile animations
Animated color mapping
Customizable presentations and graphs
"What if?" scenario management
Flexible management tools, from units to modeling options to a graphical environment
Tested in Windows 7 x64 using the crack posted in Lavteam by Istigatore. The registry patch transform the software to Trial Unlimited Size but after 30 days the trial expire. I added a file (BentNew.exe). Running it will restore the 30 days trial. And by the way it will restore the trial period for almost every Bentley trials posted here.
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: You may use this software for evaluation purposes only.
If you like it, it is strongly suggested you buy it to support the developers.
By any means you may not use this software to make money or use it for commercial purpose.
Can someone help me.
I don't exactly know the usage of texts and numbers (with rows & columns) shown in picture with revision cloud.
I want to know how they are called & why they are used.
This report deals with the reduction of the seismic vulnerability of buildings and infrastructures. This can correspond to very different interventions, as there are many types of structures, many materials and many ways to reduce vulnerability. This explains that a variety of topics is treated.
The first chapter deals with the screening of buildings on an urban scale to identify which need retrofitting. In the second chapter, conventional methods for retrofitting are described.
In all the following chapters, new techniques for retrofitting are presented. The application of Fibre Reinforced Polymers (FRP) on existing structures is a technique which has developed a lot recently. The content of Chapter three is related to the design of FRP solutions: a user friendly design tool, experimental data on durability and fatigue and a design method considering the contribution of steel rebars and FRP to resistance. An effective numerical model for composite is presented. Chapter three also describes experimental studies on masonry infill which FRP can effectively reinforce against transverse move and for their in-plane strength. Rehabilitation using that technique can be applied at an urban scale. The use of dissipative devices to reduce the vulnerability of structures is the subject of Chapter four. The technique is applied to precast concrete portal frames and to steel frames with concentric bracings. The use of base isolation for seismic upgrading of historical buildings is developed in Chapter five, in which a displacement - based method is applied to a light house. The mitigation of hammering between buildings, with a methodology to face various situations, is the subject of Chapter six. A displacement based methodology of analysis for underground structures in soft soils is presented at Chapter seven. This Report focuses on practical applications rather than on theory.
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This report contains the Innovative Anti-Seismic Systems User Manual, which was prepared by all partners of Sub-Project 6 at the conclusion of the LESSLOSS Project. The aim of this User Manual is to provide potential Designers and End users of the antiseismic devices developed within Sub-Project 6 of the LESSLOSS project with practical tools to design structures incorporating such devices. The document contains a description of the main features and performance of the devices and instructions for their design, installation and maintenance. Comparisons among different types are also provided, so as to help the User to choose the most suitable device. The antiseismic devices developed in the framework of Sub-Project 6 are:
1. Low Stiffness Isolators (LSIs), particularly addressed to the seismic isolation of light structures like family houses;
2. Electroinductive Dampers (DECS), energy dissipators suitable for the seismic protection of large structures like bridges;
3. Steel Hysteretic elements coupled with flat sliders, addressed to the isolation of viaducts and bridges;
4. Sliding Isolation Pendulum, curved surface sliders for the protection of buildings and other structures.
Devices 1 and 2 are developed by ALGA, Italy. Devices 3 and 4 are developed by MAURER Söhne, Germany. All the devices have been subjected to severe qualification tests. Moreover, all of them have been tested on the ENEA shaking table in real seismic conditions using natural and synthetic acceleration time-histories implemented by ENEA. STAP and VINCI, design and construction companies, contributed to the optimization of the devices and the preparation of this document.
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Landslides: From Mapping to Loss and Risk Estimation
Author: Giovanni B. Crosta, Paolo Frattini, | Size: 36.4 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: IUSS Press | Year: 2007 | pages: 260 | ISBN: 9788861980051
Landslides represent an increasing threat to European population, particularly when one takes into account the intensive urbanisation and land use trend that is currently observed in Europe. This risk is a public safety issue that requires appropriate mitigation measures and means to protect citizens, property, infrastructure and the built cultural heritage. Mitigating this risk requires integrated and coordinated actions involving a wide range of organisations and disciplines. For this reason, the LESSLOSS Integrated Project has embraced a large number of European Centres of excellence in earthquake and geotechnical engineering, integrating in the traditional fields of engineers and earth scientists some expertise of social scientists, economists, urban planners, information technologists.
This volume reports some results of the activities carried out within the four LESSLOSS sub-projects that were focused on landslides. These activities were conducted within the LESSLOSS Integrated Project within a collaborative effort that allowed to cover a wide spectrum of topics related to landslides. The exceptionality of the LESSLOSS Project has consisted in the co-presence of research groups with markedly different backgrounds. This allowed a multidisciplinary effort and a contamination of traditional approaches with experiences derived from different fields.
The volume has been thought as a tool for researchers and practitioners who wants to be updated on available models and techniques and to read about difficulties, advantages and disadvantages in using specific studying techniques.
The presented contributions include examples relative to: in situ and remote monitoring of displacements and hydrologic variables, landslide mapping and development of GIS geodatabases, susceptibility and hazard assessment, model validation approaches, numerical modelling, loss evaluation and risk analysis by deterministic and probabilistic models, stabilization methods. All the applications make reference to specific case studies coming from European and non European countries. For reasons of space we maintained all the contributions into a limited number of pages but trying always to guarantee the general understanding. Therefore, the reader can find in the text the essential information about these case studies together with all the most relevant references.
The list of authors is reported at the beginning of each chapter. For sake of simplicity, the affiliation of the authors is expressed using conventional acronyms that refer to the LESSLOSS partners involved into the report.
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Author: T. C. Ting | Size: 20.8 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA | Year: 1996 | pages: 592 | ISBN: 9780195074475
Publisher Comments:
Anisotropic Elasticity offers for the first time a comprehensive survey of the analysis of anisotropic materials that can have up to twenty-one elastic constants. Focusing on the mathematically elegant and technically powerful Stroh formalism as a means to understanding the subject, the author tackles a broad range of key topics, including antiplane deformations, Green's functions, stress singularities in composite materials, elliptic inclusions, cracks, thermo-elasticity, and piezoelectric materials, among many others. Well written, theoretically rigorous, and practically oriented, the book will be welcomed by students and researchers alike.
Book News Annotation:
A presentation of two-dimensional deformations of anisotropic elastic solids employing the Stroh formalism and avoiding complicated theory and analysis. Ting (applied mechanics, U. of Illinois) demonstrates: matrix algebra, linear anistropic elastic materials, antiplane deformations, the Lekhnitskii formalism, transformation of matrices, infinite space, stress decay, steady state motion and surface waves, the generalization of the Stroh formalism, and three-dimensional deformations.
Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (
Elasticity is a property of materials which returns them to their original shape after forces applied to change the shape have been removed. This advanced text explores the problems of composite or anisotropic materials and their elasticity.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [537]-562) and indexes.
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Table of Contents
1. Matrix Algebra
2. Linear Anisotropic Elastic Materials
3. Antiplane Deformations
4. The Lekhnitskii Formalism
5. The Stroh Formalism
6. The Structures and Identities of the Elasticity Matrices
7. Transformation of the Elasticity Matrices and Dual Coordinate Systems
8. Green's Functions for Infinite Space, Half-Space, and Composite Space
9. Particular Solutions, Stress Singularities, and Stress Decay
10. Anisotropic Materials With an Elliptic Boundary
11. Anisotropic Media With a Crack or a Rigid Line Inclusion
12. Steady State Motion and Surface Waves
13. Degenerate and Near Degenerate Materials
14. Generalization of the Stroh Formalism
15. Three-Dimensional Deformations
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Recommendations of this guide include proportioning, mixing, placing, finishing, curing, and testing. Shrinkagecompensating concrete is produced using expansive cements or expansive component systems.
There have been significant changes and advances in the use of shrinkage-compensating concrete since it was first introduced into the market but, in some areas, the original practices remain the best current practice. Although many references used in this guide are over 10 years old, they remain a valid reference to today’s practice.
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Proceedings of the 28th IMAC, A Conference on Structural Dynamics, 2010
1.About this book
This the second volume of five from the 28th IMAC on Structural Dynamics and Renewable Energy, 2010, bringing together 17 chapters on Applications of Non-Linear Dynamics. It presents early findings from experimental and computational investigations on Non-Linear Dynamics including studies on Dynamics of a System of Coupled Oscillators with Geometrically Nonlinear Damping, Assigning the Nonlinear Distortions of a Two-input Single-output System, A Multi-harmonic Approach to Updating Locally Nonlinear Structures, A Block Rocking on a Seesawing Foundation, and Enhanced Order Reduction of Forced Nonlinear Systems Using New Ritz Vectors.
2.Authors & Editors
Dr. Tom Proulx is the Executive Director of the Society for Experimental Mechanics, Inc.
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