Modern geochemistry aims to provide an accurate description of geological processes, and a set of models and quantitative rules that help predict the evolution of geological systems. This work is an introduction to the mathematical methods of geochemical modeling, largely based on examples presented with full solutions. It shows how geochemical problems, dealing with mass balance, equilibrium, fractionation and dynamics and transport in the igneous, sedimentary and oceanic environments, can be reformulated in terms of equations. Its practical approach then leads to simple but efficient methods of solution. This book should help the motivated reader to overcome the formal difficulties of geochemical modeling, and bring state-of-the-art methods within reach of advanced students in geochemistry and geophysics, as well as in physics and chemistry.
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Hello! I'm looking for the follwoing article:
Decanini, L., Liberatore, L., Mollaioli, F., De Sortis, A. "Estimation of near-source ground motion and seismic behaviour of RC framed structures damaged by the 1999 Athens earthquake", Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Volume 9, Issue 5, 01 September 2005, Pages 609 - 635.
Posted by: rohailiyaz - 05-31-2011, 06:42 AM - Forum: Archive
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Do anyone have this publication?
ASCE 20-96
Standard Guidelines for the Design and Installation of Pile Foundations
Provides a guideline for an engineering approach to the design & subsequent installation of pile foundations. The purpose is to furnish a rational basis for this process, taking into account published model building codes & general standards of practice.
Author: J. Anderson, N. Howard | Size: 0.45 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: IHS BRE Press | Year: 2000 | pages: 47 | ISBN: 1860813763
The environmental impact of housing is considerable. Each year in the UK, domestic energy use accounts for around 30% of energy consumption, and the materials used in house construction account for 10% of mineral extraction and 1% of climate change. Whilst energy efficiency initiatives over the last 30 years have reduced the energy needed to heat a typical house considerably, the development of initiatives to reduce the impacts arising from construction materials has been comparatively slow. Of the written information available to date, most has lacked practical guidance and has proved difficult for designers and their clients to interpret. This handbook provides a ‘green’ guide to specification of construction materials for housing which is both easy to use and soundly based on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) studies of the environmental impacts of different materials.
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I need this paper:
"Seismic vulnerability of historical masonry buildings: A case study in Ferrara", Vincenzo Mallardoa, Roberto Malvezzia, Enrico Milanib and Gabriele Milanib, Engineering Structures, Volume 30, Issue 8, August 2008, Pages 2223-2241.
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Paperback: 208 pages
Publisher: Amer Society of Civil Engineers (December 2000)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0784400164
ISBN-13: 978-0784400166
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