Author: Craig A. Langston, Grace K. C. Ding | Size: 1.10 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Butterworth-Heineman | Year: 2001 | pages: 288 | ISBN: ISBN10: 0750651539
Sustainability is a key issue and its impact on the construction industry, as one of the major users of the Earth's resources, is starting to take hold. This book deals with sustainability as it affects the construction industry, looking at the techniques and issues which designers, engineers, planners and construction managers will have to deal with in their day-to-day activities. It covers methods of analysis such as environmental impact assessment and cost-benefit analysis as well as topics on design and energy regulation and conservation. The book is an important introduction to the subject for senior undergraduate and postgraduate students. Given the importance and novelty of the subject, professionals in the construction industry will also find the book valuable.
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This is the first book of its kind to focus on the geochemistry of the lanthanide series elements in groundwater/aquifer environments. The contributors are leading researchers in the study of low-temperature geochemistry of rare earth elements. Individual chapters address analytical techniques, water-rock interactions, aqueous complexation, and the reactions and processes that influence these heavy metals along groundwater flow paths.
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Concrete as a construction material goes through both physical and chemical changes under extreme elevated temperatures. As one of the most widely used building materials, it is important that both engineers and architects are able to understand and predict its behavior in under extreme heat conditions. Brief and readable, this book provides the tools and techniques to properly analysis the effects of high temperature of reinforced concrete which will lead to more stable, safer structures.
Based on years of the author's research, Reinforced Concrete at Elevated Temperatures four part treatment starts with an unambiguous and thorough exposition of the mechanical behaviors of materials at elevated temperature followed by a discussion of Temperature field of member sections, Mechanical behaviors of members and structures at elevated temperature, ending with Theoretical analysis and practical calculation methods. The book provides unique insight into:
* Coupling thermal-mechanical constitutive relation of concrete
* Exceptional analyses of beams and columns of rectangular section with three surfaces and two adjacent surfaces exposing to high temperature
* Measurement and analysis of redistribution of internal forces of statically indeterminate structure during heating-loading process
* Finite element analysis and calculation charts for two-dimensional temperature field of structural members
* Finite element analysis and simplified calculation method for reinforced concrete structure at elevated temperature
With this book, engineers and architects can effectively analyze the effect of high temperature on concrete and materials which will lead to better designs of fire resistant and damage evaluation and treatment after fire.
* Tools and techniques for analyzing the effects of high temperature on concrete and reinforcement materials.
* Measurement and analysis of redistribution of internal forces of statically indeterminate structure during the heating-loading process.
* Finite element analysis and calculation charts for two-dimensional temperature field of structural members.
* Finite element analysis and simplified calculation method for reinforced concrete structure at elevated temperature.
Table of Contents
Part One - Mechanical behaviors of materials at elevated temperature
Chapter 1 Strength of concrete at elevated temperature
Chapter 2 Deformation of concrete at elevated temperature
Chapter 3 Temperature - stress paths and coupling constitutive relation of concrete
Chapter 4 Mechanical behavior and constitutive relation of reinforcement at elevated temperature
Part Two - Temperature field of member section
Chapter 5 Temperature - time curve of fire and equation of heat conduction
Chapter 6 Theoretical analysis of temperature field
Chapter 7 Charts for temperature field on cross-section
Part Three - Mechanical behaviors of members and structures at elevated temperature
Chapter 8 Behaviors of flexural members at elevated temperature
Chapter 9 Behaviors of compressive members at elevated temperature
Chapter 10 Behaviors of statically indeterminate structures at elevated temperature
Part Four - Theoretical analysis and practical calculation method
Chapter 11 General mechanical characteristics of non-homogeneous section
Chapter 12 Finite element analysis of loading process for the structures
Chapter 13 Practical calculation methods for ultimate strengths of member and structure at elevated temperature
Chapter 14 Fire resistance analysis and damage grade evaluation of structure
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Foundation Engineering: Design and Construction in Tropical Soils (Balkema: Proceedings and Monographs in Engineering, Water and Earth Sciences)
Author: B.B.K. Huat, Faisal Haji Ali, Husaini Omar, Harwant Singh | Size: 69 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Taylor & Francis | Year: 2006 | pages: 256 | ISBN: 9780415398985
Residual soils are found in many parts of the world. Like other soils, they are used extensively in construction, being built upon and used as construction materials. Residual soils are formed when the processes of rock weathering proceed at a faster rate than the transport processes by water, gravity and wind, whereby much of the resulting soils will remain in place. The soil typically retains many of the characteristics of the parent rock. In a tropical region, residual soil layers can be very thick, sometimes extending for hundred of meters before reaching unweathered rock.
This book has gathered state-of-the-art knowledge from a number of experienced experts working in foundation engineering in tropical residual soils. Subjects covered are: geology and formation of residual soils, site investigations, characterization and selection of parameters for foundation design, design of shallow and deep foundations which include driven piles, drilled shafts and caissons, and special topics which include design of piles in marginally-stable river banks, micro piles, Augeo pile, pile load and NDT, foundation failures and remedial works, and pile supported embankment. The book also includes a country case study on engineering geology in relation to foundation engineering in Malaysia.
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Ballast plays a vital role in transmitting and distributing the train wheel loads to the underlying sub-ballast and subgrade. Bearing capacity of track, train speed, riding quality and passenger comfort all depend on the stability of ballast through mechanical interlocking of particles. Ballast attrition and breakage occur progressively under heavy cyclic loading, causing track deterioration and rail misalignment affecting safety, and also demanding frequent and costly track maintenance. In the absence of realistic constitutive models, the track substructure is traditionally designed using empirical approaches.
In this book, the authors present the detailed information on the strength, deformation and degradation aspects of fresh and recycled ballast under monotonic, cyclic and impact loading using innovative geotechnical testing devices. A new stress-strain constitutive model for ballast incorporating particle breakage is presented. The mathematical formulations and numerical models are validated using experimental evidence and field trials. The effectiveness of various commercially available geosynthetics for enhancing track drainage and stability is elucidated. Revised ballast gradations are presented for modern high speed trains capturing particle breakage. The book also provides extensive description of the use of geosynthetics in track design, and provides an insight to track design capturing particle degradation, fouling and drainage.
This book should prove most beneficial for final year civil engineering students and postgraduates. It is imperative for practicing railway engineers and researchers with the task of modernizing existing track designs for heavier and faster trains.
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The author has written this definitive work on the fundamentals of riser mechanics, with the aim of increasing understanding of many aspects of riser static and dynamic behavior. This book is based on the author’s 28 years of experience with riser analysis and, in particular, on his previous publications, some of which have become classics of riser literature. Basic principles are clearly established using several different complementary approaches and the primary parameters that influence riser behavior are identified. This book is a must-own, for anyone who deals with riser design and analysis or with riser technology, from the classroom student to the offshore drilling platform engineer.
1. Introduction
2. Pipe and Riser Deflections and Global Stability: The Effective Tension Concept
3. Application of Effective Tension: Frequent Difficulties and Particular Cases
4. Pipe and Riser Stresses
5. Pipe and Riser Strains
6. Tensioned-Beam Behavior
7. Statics of Near-Vertical Cables
8. Near-Vertical Riser Static Behavior
9. Stress Joint Design
10. Riser Bundles: Local Bending between Guides
11. Near-Vertical Risers Associated with Floating Platforms with Stiff Tensioners
12. Steel Catenary Risers
13. Axial Vibrations of Fixed Risers
14. Axial Vibrations of Hung-off Risers
15. Transverse Modal Vibrations of Near-Vertical Risers
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I have a problem to burn iso image file (6.18 GB).
My DVD is only 4.7 GB.
When I insert 4.7 GB DVD to burn iso image file , it say that Not enough space.
How to burn it .
Posted by: cnzmw - 06-04-2011, 01:41 AM - Forum: Archive
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Does anyone have RS Means Square Foot Costs?
Many thanks for sharing.
The details of the book can be found at:
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Hey Guys, I am starting on my masters thesis, and will work on automatic development of a strut and tie model using topology optimization from a genetic algorithm and finite element model updating.
I am new to the topic, looking for resources , ideas and opinions. I want to work on it because i love coding and very interested in strut and tie modeling.
If anyone has a similar thesis or document I can learn from , I would really appreciate it.
I will be using matlab with comsol , anyone worked with comsol ? i chose it because of its direct link with matlab, which would be easier than ansys.