This best practice guide has been developed by the Fire Resistant Glazing Group (FRGG) of the GGF to help all those who specify, design, supply, install, and depend on fire-resistant glazed systems. We also have in mind regulators and inspection authorities whose task it is to enforce regulations as they apply to protection against fire, as well as insurers whose prime concern is property protection and risk management.
The fire environment is hostile and its effects can be catastrophic for both life and property. The occurrence and growth of fire is also essentially unpredictable and uncertain. It is therefore critical that the products we provide for fire-resistance measure up to the highest possible standards concerning both the level of performance and the consistency and reliability of performance. In that respect we have a shared duty of care with all those involved in the chain from specification through to installation.
The FRGG represents a broad cross-section of the fire-resistant glazing industry. Members include representatives of manufacturers and distributors of glass, glazing seals and frames, product testing authorities, certification bodies, and glaziers. We have pooled our collective expertise and knowledge to provide a unique, definitive guide on behalf of the industry. All members of the FRGG committee have participated in its development and endorse its content.
A primary objective for the FRGG is to lead by example in setting appropriate standards for the fire-resistant glazing industry and to encourage the widespread adoption of these standards. We hope that our best practice guide is a step along this road. In this respect we hope to work with organisations such as National Building Specification Ltd in assisting designers and specifiers to develop appropriate specifications for their buildings. We therefore intend that this guide will provide additional advice and guidance in support of the NBS L40 document concerning the specification of glazing where specialist fire-resistant glazed systems are required.
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This Publicly Available Specification (PAS) provides guidance and a practical framework to identify the recommendations for digital communications infrastructures to and within new build domestic dwellings, supporting effective installation in new build homes.
The PAS addresses: 1) single dwelling units, i.e. houses which are individual dwellings not sharing common parts (other than party walls) with other houses; and 2) multi-dwelling units, i.e. housing where multiple separate housing units for residential
(i.e. non-commercial) inhabitants are contained
within one building.
The PAS is not intended for:
a) other multiple occupancy buildings such as hostels, i.e. where residents having their own rooms share facilities;
NOTE For example common kitchens.
b) community-wide wireless infrastructures; and
NOTE While these are important in the provision of digital infrastructure, they are not within the scope of this PAS.
c) the external provision of digital infrastructure to locations where wired infrastructure is not practical.
NOTE This is for further study.
The PAS is intended for house developers and builders, and all those concerned with supplying, installing, commissioning or operating digital infrastructure and related services in new build homes.
NOTE The intention is not to mandate a specific technology or supplier, but to identify a minimum standard of connectivity which can be fulfilled in a number of ways.
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This report gives guidance for reducing the concentration of radon in new dwellings, hence reducing the risk to occupants of exposure to radon. It provides practical details on methods of protecting new dwellings. This 1999 edition of the report replaces guidance published in 1991 for Cornwall and Devon and revised in 1992 to include parts of Somerset, Derbyshire and Northamptonshire.
The principal changes over previous editions reflect greater knowledge of radon-prone areas and the advances made in developing practical costeffective protective measures. In addition, the development of the protective measures and the monitoring of their effectiveness has indicated that the general approach to radon protection should be reconsidered and should embody the findings of this research.
Radon is a colourless, odourless gas which is radioactive. It is formed where uranium and radium are present and can move through cracks and fissures in the subsoil, and so into the atmosphere or into spaces under and in dwellings (Figure 1). Where it occurs in high concentrations it can pose a risk to health. Whilst it is recognised that the air inside every house contains radon, some built in certain defined areas of the country might have unacceptably high concentrations unless precautions are taken. In the UK, the granite areas of South-West England are of principal concern, but high concentrations of radon are also found in some other parts of the country.
Requirement C2 of Schedule 1 of the Building Regulations 1991[1] for England and Wales states that: ‘Precautions shall be taken to avoid danger to health and safety caused by substances found on or in the ground to be covered by the building’. The Approved Document[2] states that: ‘The precise areas where measures should be taken to provide protection against radon are reviewed by the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR) in the light of advice from the National Radiological Protection Board as this becomes available’. The Approved Document refers to the present report for detailed guidance on where such protection is necessary and for construction details.
Although this report offers guidance in support of the Building Regulations for England and Wales, the technical solutions described are equally applicable for use in Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands and other countries where construction methods are similar to those in the UK. Guidance for Scotland, based on this report, is in preparation. No guidance is currently supplied for suspended timber ground floors in new dwellings. The DETR is sponsoring research into how this form of construction could provide adequate protection against radon and will publish the results in due course.
This guidance was not prepared for non-domestic buildings. However, protection from radon at work is specified in the Ionising Radiations Regulations 1985[3], legislation made under the Health and Safety at Work Act[4] administered by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). The technical guidance contained in the present report may be of use to designers and builders of new structures whose form of construction and compartmentation is similar to housing and where the heating and ventilation regime is similar to that used in housing. This is likely to include small office buildings and primary schools. Further information is contained in the HSE/BRE guide Radon in the workplace.
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Posted by: hartonowu - 06-03-2011, 02:40 AM - Forum: Archive
- No Replies
Hi, is anyone has these papers. Thanks!
Attewell, P. B. (1978). Ground movements caused by tunnelling in soil. In J. D. Geddes, editor, Proceedings of Conference on Large Ground Movements and Structures, pages 812-948, Cardiff, Pentech Press.
Cording, E. J., and Hansmire, W.H. (1975). Displacements around soft ground tunnels. In Proceedings of 5th Pan American Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, volume 4, pages 571-633, Argentina.
New, B. M., and O’Reilly, M. P. (1991). Tunnelling induced ground movements: predicting their magnitude and effects. In 4th International Conference on Ground Movements and Structures, pages 671 – 697, Cardiff, Pentech Press.
Rankin, W. J. (1988). Ground movements resulting from urban tunnelling: prediction and effects. In Conference on Engineering Geology of Underground Movements, pages 79-92, Nottingham, BGS.
Product Description
Plastic methods are well established, particularly for economical design of steel structures, but they are also of interest from a theoretical point of view. This well established textbook includes numerous worked examples and problems and answers. This book should be of interest to undergraduate students on structural analysis and design courses, forming part of degree courses on civil and structural engineering.
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Managing building services contractors can prove to be a minefield. The most successful jobs will always be those where building site managers have first built teams focused on tackling issues that might cause adversarial attitudes later on and jeopardize the project. The author shows how a simple common management approach can improve site managers' competency in overseeing building services contractors, sub traders and specialists, and maximize the effectiveness of time spent on building services
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This is the complete CD with papers of the Structures Congress ASCE 2010 and the 19th Analysis & Computation Specialty Conference. enjoy it!!
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Size: 7.3 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: MAIN ROADS Western Australia | Year: 2010 | pages: 276
This Structures Engineering Design Manual has been prepared by Structures Engineering Section of Main Roads Western Australia to provide a guide to the design of bridges and associated structures within MRWA.
The Manual is intended to fill a gap not covered by either the Bridge Design Code or standard text books. The Bridge Design Code provides detail of design principles, loads and standards to which all bridges designed by, or for, MRWA must comply. It does not, however, cover the application of these principles. On the other hand, standard texts cover structural analysis and design theory and application, but few are specific to bridge design in accordance with Australian codes. This area of specific application is what this Manual is designed to address. It is intended to be complementary to the Bridge Design Code and standard texts, but does not repeat material they contain, making use instead of a comprehensive list of references.
The Manual is also complementary to the Procedures in the Structures Engineering Management System. There is some unavoidable overlap between the two, but in simple terms the Structures Engineering Design Manual presents HOW things are to be done, whereas the Procedures detail WHAT is to be done, by WHO and WHEN.
This Manual is also complementary to the Bridge Branch Design Information Manual. Again, there is some overlap between the two, but basically the Information Manual is more mandatory, and presents MRWA specific variations or conditions that apply to the HOW things are to be done, as outlined in this Manual.
Each Chapter of the Manual has been written by an experienced, senior design engineer, with subsequent review and comment by other staff. It is intended for use by all members of Structures Engineering, but should be particularly useful as a training aid for new members of staff. It was this “young, qualified, but inexperienced engineer” that was the “target audience” during production of the Manual.
It must be stressed that the Manual is not a “cookbook” that can be freely used by all. It assumes a sound knowledge of structural engineering principles, awareness of the appropriate Codes and Standards and some background in bridge engineering. It must only be used by qualified engineers with some knowledge of bridge design, and/or under the supervision of an engineer experienced in bridge design. Although every care has been taken in the preparation of the Manual, because of the lack of control over its application, NO RESPONSIBILITY WHATSOEVER is taken for its use.
It is intended that the Manual shall be a dynamic document, subject to continual review. The need for change may occur due to the development of improved methods of analysis, new construction techniques, revised design standards etc. The Manual is the responsibility of the Senior Engineer Structures. However, all proposals for change shall be submitted in the first instance to the Structures Design and Standards Engineer.
The Manual is a controlled document as described in the Structures Engineering Document Control Procedure. In particular, a record shall be kept of the issue of the Manual to ensure that modifications are circulated to all.
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Now I'm seeking for some documents to model & design fabricated high- rise building, especially considering the response of building when withstanding seismic or wind load.
Besides, I need the document for designing the renovation of building and inbuilt.