With the development in the sixties of computer-based analysis methods, the teaching of structural analysis subjects was revolutionized.
The traditional division between structural analysis and structural mechanics became no longer necessary, and instead of teaching a preponderance of solution details it is nowpossible to focus on the underlying theory.
What has been done here is to integrate analysis and mechanics in a systematic presentation which includes the mechanics of a member, the matrix formulation of the equations for a system of members, and solution techniques.
The three fundamental steps in formulating a problem in solid mechanics enforcing equilibrium, relating deformations and displacements, and relating forces and deformations form the basis of the development, and the central theme is to establish the equations for each step and then discuss how the complete set of equations is solved. In this way, a reader obtains a more unified view of a problen1, sees more clearly where the various simplifying assumptions are introduced, and is better prepared to extend the theory.
The objective has been a text suitable for the teaching of modern structural member system analysis, and what is offered is an outgrowth of lecture notes developed in recent years at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
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The present book has its source in the authors’ wish to create a bridge between the mathematical and the technical disciplines, which need a good knowledge of a strong mathematical tool. The necessity of such an interdisciplinary work drove the authors to publish a first book to this aim with Editura Tehnica, Bucharest, Romania.
The present book is a new, English edition of the volume published in 1999. It contains many improvements concerning the theoretical (mathematical) information, as well as new topics, using enlarged and updated references. Only ordinary differential equations and their solutions in an analytical frame were considered, leaving aside their numerical approach.
The problem is firstly stated in its mechanical frame. Then the mathematical model is set up, emphasizing on the one hand the physical magnitude playing the part of the unknown function and on the other hand the laws of mechanics that lead to an ordinary differential equation or system. The solution is then obtained by specifying the mathematical methods described in the corresponding theoretical presentation. Finally a mechanical interpretation of the solution is provided, this giving rise to a complete knowledge of the studied phenomenon.
The number of applications was increased, and many of these problems appear currently in engineering.
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I read several materials related to pushover analysis & they refer to SEAOC's Vision 2000 ( published in 1995 by SEAOC ) for drift limit, performance level & others.
Plz somebody who have SEAOC's Vision 2000 or later code from SEAOC ... plz share.
Thank You!
The proposed book deals with the role of changing groundwater base level on the adjacent hydrological systems. It summarizes, compiles and compares results of current and paleo base levels, using examples from all over the world. A classification is given for marine or continental groundwater base levels with special attention to those below sea level. The factors controlling base level changes and the methods for their determination are elaborated. Holocene and future changes are discussed with their effect on salinization and flushing mechanisms of groundwater. All topics described in the book are accompanied by examples and references from all over the world.
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Dear All,
I am working on the fatigue of mairne riser and currently looking for an e-book. This book is a part of knovel collection that some university can have a full access. The title is as follows: Title: Fundamentals of Marine Riser Mechanics - Basic Principles and Simplified Analysis Author: Sparks, Charles P. ISBN:978-1-59370-070-6 Electronic ISBN: 978-1-61583-800-4 Publisher:PennWell Page:359 URL in Knovel:
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It is clear that hydraulic research is developing beyond traditional civil engineering to satisfy increasing demands in natural hazards assessment and also environmental research. Our ability to describe processes in nature rests on the observation and experimental methods as well as on theoretical basics of various disciplines. Under such conditions experimental methods draw from various areas of human activities and research, i.e. from physics, biology, chemistry, aerospace research, oceanic research etc. The current volume is the result of a meeting that took place during the 30th International School of Hydraulics in Poland and presents both the state-of-the-art and ongoing research projects in which experimental methods play a key role. Authors from numerous leading laboratories and from various countries guarantee a representative sample of different studies at the frontier of the field
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Posted by: utan - 06-03-2011, 10:19 AM - Forum: Archive
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I need the paper for study. Please help me:
Title: Sample Quality of Cohesive Soils. Lessons from Three Sites, Ariake, Bothkennar and Drammen.
Author; TANAKA H (Port And Harbour Res. Inst., Yokosuka)
Journal Title: Journal of the Japanese Geotechnical Society of Soils and Foundations
Journal Code:S0820A
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Code of Technical Regulations for the Design and Construction of Buildings in Seismic Regions, 1981.
Official Gazette of Republic of Macedonia
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