Product Description
Directed toward students without in-depth mathematical training, this text cultivates comprehensive skills in linear static and dynamic finite element methodology. Included are a comprehensive presentation and analysis of algorithms of time-dependent phenomena plus beam, plate, and shell theories derived directly from three-dimensional elasticity theory.
This review is from: The Finite Element Method: Linear Static and Dynamic Finite Element Analysis (Paperback)
The Finite Element Methodology though conceptually simple (eat the elephant by chopping it up into mouthfuls), becomes somewhat involved when applied, because the of tricks used to get solutions, after all you still may have to solve 100,000 PDEs to get your approximate solution to an otherwise intractable problem. So in its own way FEM can become a bit of a pachyderm itself.
This book is very good, but be aware that this book is aimed at graduate physical-science/engineering students. This means that you know how to solve basic second order differential equations and understand how to perform path integrals for example.
This book is aimed at people who would like to be able to write their own FEM solver. If you are looking to gain some backgrounding in how to construct finite element models using a program to solve problems, this book is probably much more than you need. You might want to try Schaum's Outline of Finite Element Analysis if this is your objective!
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Posted by: s0p9015 - 06-12-2011, 01:39 AM - Forum: Archive
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Dear All,
I am currently looking for two books in Ocean Engineering and Naval Architecture. These two books are a part of knovel collection that some university can have a full access. The details of the books are as follows:
(1) Title:Stability and Safety of Ships - Risk of Capsizing (2nd Edition)
Publisher:Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME)
Electronic ISBN:978-1-61583-303-0
No. Pages:459
Author/Editor:By: Belenky, Vadim; Sevastianov, Nikita B.
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(2) Title:Principles of Naval Architecture Series - The Geometry of Ships
Publisher:Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME)
Electronic ISBN:978-1-61583-300-9
No. Pages:80
Author/Editor:By: Letcher, John S., Jr.
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Author: C. R. Calladine | Size: 19.1 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Cambridge University Press | Year: 1989 | pages: 788 | ISBN: 0521369452
Shell structures form key components in a very wide range of engineering enterprise. The theory of shell structures is an old and large subject, with a huge literature. However, this book is not a compilation of results from the past. Instead, it is an attempt to bring the essence of the subject within the grasp of engineers. It tackles the fundamental question of how bending and stretching effects combine and interact in shell structures from a physical point of view; and it shows that this approach leads to an understanding of the structural mechanics of shells in general, and to useful results in particular problems. The first half of the book is concerned mainly with the basic ideas and equations of equilibrium, geometry and elasticity, and their combination in various useful ways. In particular, it includes a simple treatment of the geometry of general curved surfaces. The second half of the book first investigates the behaviour of various practical shell structures under static loading. Then there are chapters on the buckling of shells, on vibration, and on the application of plastic theory to analysis and design.
This book attempts to bring the essence of shell structures within the grasp of engineers. It tackles the fundamental question of how bending and stretching effects combine and interact in shell structures from a physical point of view; and shows that this approach leads to an understanding of the structural mechanics of shells in general.
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Moderator Notes:
1- Next time, please translate do English the HATCH.doc
2- Instructions to install new hatch patterns in AUTOCAD:
2.1- Copy all *.pat files to the same dir that have original CAD pat files (Normally; --> Programs file --> Autocad --> Support
Author: SCI | Size: 1.65 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: The Steel Construction Institute | Year: 1991 | pages: 70 | ISBN: 1 870004 52 3
This publication describe the simplified method for the design of unbraced steel frames to BS 5950 Part 1.
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The aim of this publication is to illustrate through worked examples how BS EN 1992-1-1 (Eurocode 2) may be used in practice to design in-situ concrete building structures.
It is intended that these worked examples will explain how calculations to Eurocode 2 may be performed.
High quality pdf.
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Author: Palmer, Andrew C.; King, Roger A. | Size: 16.7 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: PennWell | Year: 2008 | pages: 687 | ISBN: 9781593701338
Subsea Pipeline Engineering was the first of its kind, written by two of the world's most respected authorities in subsea pipeline engineering. In the second edition, these industry veterans have updated their definitive reference book, covering the entire spectrum of subjects in the discipline, from route selection and planning to design, construction, installation, materials and corrosion, inspection, welding, repair, risk assessment, and applicable design codes and standards. Particular attention is also devoted to the important specialized subjects of hydraulics, strength, stability, fracture, upheaval, lateral buckling and decommissioning. The book is distilled from the authors' vast experience in industry and their world-renowned course on Subsea Pipeline Engineering.
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Principles of Naval Architecture Series - Strength of Ships and Ocean Structures
Author: Mansour, Alaa; Liu, Donald | Size: 6.2 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME) | Year: 2008 | pages: 235 | ISBN: 9780939773664
This new revised volume on Strength of Ships and Ocean Structures addresses several topics of ship strength in greater depth than in the previous edition of PNA, bringing much of the material up to date and introducing some new subjects. There is extensive coverage of the latest developments in dynamic sea load predictions, including nonlinear load effects, slamming and impact plus new sections on the mechanics of collisions and grounding. The incorporation of the various loadings in structural design and analysis is covered including long term extreme and cumulative fatigue effects. There is a more extensive treatment of strength analysis using finite element methods than was included in the previous edition. Ultimate strength evaluation of the hull girder and components is covered and there is a section on structural safety assessment applying reliability concepts including fatigue effects. Particular attention is given to problems encountered in ships of special type and size that have been developed in recent years, many of which, by reason of size, configuration or lack of a history of design experience, require a design approach based on first principles. Modern developments in classification society strength standards and modern rule developments are covered including Common Structural Rules for tankers and bulk carriers. The concluding sections discuss materials other than steel, including composites and aluminum, and vessels of unusual geometry and performance such as multihulls, hydrofoils, and SWATH craft.
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The International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics is held every two years and brings together physicists, mathematicians and engineers to review and share recent advances in mathematical and computational techniques for modeling fluid flow. The proceedings of the 2010 conference (ICCFD6) held in St Petersburg, Russia, contain a selection of refereed contributions and are meant to serve as a source of reference for all those interested in the state of the art in computational fluid dynamics.
Common terms and phrases:
Computational Fluid Dynamics Galerkin method grid mesh method Navier-Stokes equations scheme velocity
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ICCFD6, St Petersburg, Russia, on July 12-16, 2010
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Dictionary of Materials and Testing , Second Edition
Author: Joan L. Tomsic, editor | Size: 26.6 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: SAE International | Year: 2000 | pages: 450 | ISBN: 0768005310
The Dictionary of Materials and Testing is the first such volume that was specifically developed for engmeers. The emphasis is on "engneered" materials that can withstand stress or unusual environments for an extended period of time.
Testing terms and definitions cover the evaluation of engineering materials properties and characteristics. Also included are terms and definitions for PC hardware and software technology related to testing instrumentation.
In total, this entirely new volume has nearly 11,000 engineering terms from the following
- 1,543 terms and definitions from SAE Standards.
- 6,4 11 terms and definitions developed by Engineering Resources, Inc., a leadmg
company in engineering terminology and usage.
- 2,912 terms and definitions related to PC hardware and software.
This volume is designed for the practicing engineer, and those that support them. Students and professors will also appreciate this fully comprehensive dictionary on engneered materials.
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