I'd extend my thanks to the authors who offer the 1st edition of this book:
Single Piles and Pile Groups Under Lateral Loading
by Lymon C. Reese & Willem van Impe
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Now the 2nd edition of this book has been published in Dec, 2010 as the link below:
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This book could be an excellent reference for the researchers and engineers who work on the performances of pile and pile groups under lateral loadings such as earthquakes, ship collisions, water waves and currents, etc.
Could anyone please offer the link for this 2nd edition? Many thanks !!
Information of this book:
Single Piles and Pile Groups Under Lateral Loading, 2nd Edition
Lymon C. Reese, University of Austin, Texas, USA; Willem van Impe, Ghent University, Belgium
ISBN: 9780415469883
ISBN 10: 0415469880
Publication Date: December 09, 2010
Number of Pages: 532
Full title:Concrete Manual: 2009 IBC and ACI 318-08
Author(s):International Code Council
Publisher:International Code Council
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1580018718
ISBN-13: 978-1580018715
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Handbook 2 - Design of Timber Structures According to EC 5
Size: 1.9 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Leonardo da Vinci Program | Year: 2008 | pages: 138
This handbook makes specific reference to design of timber structures to European Standards and using products available in Europe.
The handbook is closely linked to Eurocode 5 (EC5), the European code for the design of timber structures. For better understanding of the Eurocode 5 design rules the worked examples are presented.
The purpose of this handbook is to introduce readers to the design of timber structures. It is designed to serve either as a text for a course in timber structures or as a reference for systematic self-study of the subject.
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Covers detailed aspects of internal floor finishes, including staircases, in non-domestic buildings. It covers general design issues common to most types of flooring as well as particular requirements for specific locations such as entrances, kitchens and sports halls. Operation and maintenance issues, including cleaning, that need to be considered at the design stage are also indicated. Advises in the context of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA).
Coverings and surface finishes
Surface finishes
Screeds/trowelled floorings
Flexible floor finishes/carpet
Special subject areas
Provision for disabled people
Access for disabled people
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Tuned liquid dampers are cost effective dynamic vibration absorbers that are increasingly being employed to mitigate the dynamic response of tall buildings. A significant reduction in the dynamic response of a tall building can be achieved if the TLD is properly tuned and has sufficient inherent damping. The required level of TLD inherent damping can be obtained by installing damping screens inside the TLD tank. This paper develops an equivalent linear mechanical model that accounts for the energy dissipated by the damping screens. Equivalent linear damping ratio expressions are developed for both sinusoidal and random excitation. An equivalent linear mechanical model is subsequently developed using an equivalent displacement variable and the linear damping ratio corresponding to the type of excitation being applied to the structure. Experimental tests are conducted on a scaled model structure-TLD system subjected to both sinusoidal and random excitation to validate the proposed model. Comparisons are made between predicted and measured structural response motion and TLD free surface response motion over a range of structural response amplitudes. A preliminary design procedure for initial TLD sizing and initial damping screen design for a TLD equipped with damping screens is outlined.
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i Need This fluid mechanics book by robert Granger . If any one has please upload.
"A superb learning and teaching resource, this structured introduction to fluid mechanics covers everything the engineer needs to know: the nature of fluids, hydrostatics, differential and integral relations, dimensional analysis, viscous flows, and another topics. Solutions to selected problems. 760 illustrations. 1985 edition."
Plasticity in reinforced concrete
Wai-Fah Chen
J. Ross Publishing, 2007 - 474 páginas
An indispensable reference that presents a unified treatment of mathematical models of concrete structural analysis. In Part I, the author considers the experimental data regarding stress and strain characteristics of concrete under biaxial and multiaxial stress states and presents empirical equations for modulus and fracture strength. Part II discusses concrete elasticity, generalized failure, and fracture criteria, while the final part addresses concrete plasticity with applications of limit analysis and finite element analysis to concrete and reinforced structures. An unabridged J. Ross Publishing republication of the edition published by McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, 1982, 474pp.
ISO 80000-4 gives the names, symbols and definitions for quantities and units of classical mechanics. Where appropriate, conversion factors are also given.
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