This International Standard specifies requirements and provides recommendations and guidance for the design, construction, transportation, installation and removal of offshore structures, related to the activities of the petroleum and natural gas industries in arctic and cold regions. Reference to arctic and cold regions in this International Standard is deemed to include both the Arctic and other cold regions that are subject to similar sea ice, iceberg and icing conditions. The objective of this International Standard is to ensure that offshore structures in arctic and cold regions provide an appropriate level of reliability with respect to personnel safety, environmental protection and asset value to the owner, to the industry and to society in general. This International Standard does not contain requirements for the operation, maintenance, service-life inspection or repair of arctic and cold region offshore structures, except where the design strategy imposes specific requirements (e.g. 17.2.2). While this International Standard does not apply specifically to mobile offshore drilling units (see ISO 19905-1), the procedures relating to ice actions and ice management contained herein are applicable to the assessment of such units. This International Standard does not apply to mechanical, process and electrical equipment or any specialized process equipment associated with arctic and cold region offshore operations except in so far as it is necessary for the structure to sustain safely the actions imposed by the installation, housing and operation of such equipment.
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Posted by: ir_71 - 06-21-2011, 04:15 AM - Forum: ISO
- Replies (10)
ISO 19901-1:2005 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Specific requirements for offshore structures — Part 1: Metocean design and operating considerations
This part of ISO 19901 gives general requirements for the determination and use of meteorological and oceanographic (metocean) conditions for the design, construction and operation of offshore structures of all types used in the petroleum and natural gas industries. The requirements are divided into two broad types:
a) those that relate to the determination of environmental conditions in general, together with the metocean parameters that are required to adequately describe them;
b) those that relate to the characterization and use of metocean parameters for the design, the construction activities or the operation of offshore structures.
The environmental conditions and metocean parameters discussed comprise
⎯ extreme and abnormal values of metocean parameters that recur with given return periods that are considerably longer than the design service life of the structure,
⎯ long-term distributions of metocean parameters, in the form of cumulative, conditional, marginal or joint statistics of metocean parameters, and
⎯ normal environmental conditions that are expected to occur frequently during the design service life of the structure.
Metocean parameters are applicable to
⎯ the determination of actions and action effects for the design of new structures,
⎯ the determination of actions and action effects for the assessment of existing structures,
⎯ the site-specific assessment of mobile offshore units,
⎯ the determination of limiting environmental conditions, weather windows, actions and action effects for pre-service and post-service situations (i.e. fabrication, transportation and installation or decommissioning and removal of a structure), and
⎯ the operation of the platform, where appropriate.
NOTE Specific metocean requirements for tension leg platforms are to be contained in ISO 19904-2[1], for sitespecific assessment of jack-ups in ISO 19905-1[2], for arctic structures in ISO 19906[3] and for topsides structures in ISO 19901-3[4].
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I'm looking for the new edition of some European standards related to testing of masonry units, as follows:
1. EN 772-1:2011 Methods of test for masonry units - Part 1: Determination of compressive strength.
2. EN 772-11:2011 Methods of test for masonry units - Part 11: Determination of water absorption of aggregate concrete, autoclaved aerated concrete, manufactured stone and natural stone masonry units due to capillary action and the initial rate of water absorption of clay masonry units.
3. EN 772-16:2011 Methods of test for masonry units - Part 16: Determination of dimensions.
4. EN 772-18:2011 Methods of test for masonry units - Part 18: Determination of freeze-thaw resistance of calcium silicate masonry units.
5. EN 772-21:2011 Methods of test for masonry units - Part 21: Determination of water absorption of clay and calcium silicate masonry units by cold water absorption.
6. CEN/TS 772-22:2006 Methods of test for masonry units - Part 22: Determination of freeze/thaw resistance of clay masonry units.
If someone of you have some standard from the list above, please share it.
Thanks in advance.
I am actually doing an Msc in Project Management and I am currently working in a civil and structural engineering consulting firm (design office). I am searching for a dissertation title concerning contract/construction management.
Your ideas,views and opinions are most welcome.
In recent years the theory and technology of modelling and computation in engineering has expanded rapidly, and has been widely applied in various kinds of engineering projects. Modelling and Computation in Engineering is a collection of 37 contributions, which cover the state-of-the-art on a broad range of topics, including:
- Tunnelling
- Seismic reduction technologies
- Wind-induced vibration control
- Asphalt-rubber concrete
- Open boundary field problems
- Road structures
- Bridge structures
- Earthquake engineering
- Steel structures
Modelling and Computation in Engineering will be much of interest to academics, leading engineers, industry researchers and scholar students in engineering and engineering-related disciplines.
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The new Essentials series from Sybex helps you quickly learn and use Autodesk software. This beautiful, task-based, full-color Autodesk Official Training Guide thoroughly covers the fundamentals of Revit Architecture, teaching readers what they need to become quickly productive with this popular building information modeling (BIM) architectural design software.
By following the book's clear explanations, practical tutorials, and step-by-step exercises, you'll cover all the essentials of a typical design workflow. Topics include how to best use the interface, creating floor plans, adding walls and curtain walls, generating color fill plans, preparing documentation, as well as annotating, collaborating, and more. This four-color Essentials guide provides you with the fast and thorough grounding you need in Revit Architecture.
Covers Revit Architecture 2012 fundamentals, so you become quickly productive with the software
Prepares you for the Revit Architecture Associate and Professional certification exams
Uses straightforward explanations and real-world, hands-on exercises and tutorials to teach the software's core features and functions
Helps you quickly develop the skills needed throughout a project, whether you're a beginner or a more experienced user brushing up on the basics
Go from concepts to complete construction documents with this essential, full-color guide.
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Size: 5.1 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Metal Building Manufacturers Association | Year: 1996 | pages: 486
This edition of the MBMA Low Rise Building Systems Manual incorporates the results of research undertaken by MBMA, its member companies and other industry groups. In many respects, it reflects refinement and advances in the knowledge of load application methods and design.
Use of this Manual is totally voluntary. Each building manufacturer or designer retains the prerogative to choose it’s own design and commercial practices and the responsibility to design its building systems to comply with applicable specifications and safety considerations.
Although every effort has been made to present accurate and sound engineering and design information, MBMA assumes no responsibility whatsoever for the application of this information to the design or construction of any specific building.
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Author: L. Pham, P. Boxhall D., Mansell | Size: 1.6 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Standards Australia | Year: 1999 | pages: 156 | ISBN: 0733727549
The Handbook contains three parts and each member of the consortium of engineers who wrote it participated as author of the design rules, or author of the worked examples, or as editorial adviser representative of future users. Therefore, the consortium includes research engineers from CSIRO and the universities, and designers from large and small practices, and from the construction and fabrication industries. It is believed that the outcome is a book which is technically sound, and well-suited to use by a designer who wishes to make decisions with minimal design aids and only a handheld calculator. The users of this Handbook are assumed to be qualified to undertake structural design.
Part I of the book provides advice and rules in a structure similar to that of the first eleven sections of AS 4100. The chapter and paragraph numbers, titles, and notation, are kept as close to those of AS 4100 as possible so that designers can move readily from one document to the other in order to use the tier of their choice.
Chapter 1 sets out the scope and the limitations for the use of this Handbook and
Chapter 2 lists the relevant standards with which the materials should comply.
Chapter 3 describes the difference between Working Stress and Limit States Design and describes the classes of Limit States which should be anticipated. It also sets serviceability limits. Chapter 4 defines the methods of analysis for the purposes of obtaining design effects and displacements, the forms of construction, the assumptions for analysis and the limitations to the use of plastic analysis in this Handbook.
Chapters 5 to 8 provide rules and procedures for calculating the strength of members subjected to flexural, compressive, tensile and combined actions. Chapter 9 recognizes the fact that a large part of Australian structural practice uses a very limited and discrete range of fasteners. It therefore also contains simple tables of bolt and weld capacities, and of the relevant geometric data on hole sizes and edge distances.
Chapter 10 identifies circumstances under which brittle fracture is not likely to be a problem. Chapter 11 presents a simplified approach to design against fatigue. Advice is given only on situations where the stress range is constant and material is thin. The form of expression of the S-N curves is simplified by changing the definition of the detail category to reduce the number of ‘variables’ in the equations. The structure of
Chapter 11 is such that the designer will often be able quickly to exempt the detail from fatigue analysis with little or no computation. A more fundamental change in philosophy is that the Handbook enables the designer to calculate the life of the detail when it is fatigue-prone.
Part II is a set of design aids in the form of tables and charts derived from the dimensions of standard sections and from the rules in the Chapters of this Handbook. They speed up the design process and reduce the opportunity for computational error.
Part III consists of worked examples of the application of the rules in Part I. The examples are chosen to demonstrate realistic situations and have been worked out by designers in active commercial practice.
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Author: Jyri Outinen, Henri Perttola, Risto Hara, Karri Kupari and Olli Kaitila | Size: 1.9 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Helsinki University of Technology | Year: 2000 | pages: 94 | ISBN: 9512252007
1 Profiled Steel Sheeting…...………………………………..……………………......……1
J. Outinen
2 Design of Cold Formed Thin Gauge Members………………….………….…....….14
R. Hara
3 Design Charts of Single-Span Thin-Walled Sandwich Elements……….………34
4 Numerical Analysis for Thin-Walled Structures……….…………………….....…..45
H Perttola
5 Cold-Formed Steel Structures in Fire Conditions……………………………....….65
O. Kaitila
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Europump estimate that systems could be 30 to 50% more energy efficient by careful consideration of components, design and installation. This report provides recommendations on the design of energy efficient pumping systems, focussing on; Pump energy fundamentals, Pipe sizing, Pipe layout, System control issues, and Commissioning issues.
Building services
Miscellaneous building services
Pumps and valves
Special subject areas
Environmental issues/energy
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