05-28-2011, 05:42 AM
Landslides: From Mapping to Loss and Risk Estimation
Author: Giovanni B. Crosta, Paolo Frattini, | Size: 36.4 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: IUSS Press | Year: 2007 | pages: 260 | ISBN: 9788861980051
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Landslides represent an increasing threat to European population, particularly when one takes into account the intensive urbanisation and land use trend that is currently observed in Europe. This risk is a public safety issue that requires appropriate mitigation measures and means to protect citizens, property, infrastructure and the built cultural heritage. Mitigating this risk requires integrated and coordinated actions involving a wide range of organisations and disciplines. For this reason, the LESSLOSS Integrated Project has embraced a large number of European Centres of excellence in earthquake and geotechnical engineering, integrating in the traditional fields of engineers and earth scientists some expertise of social scientists, economists, urban planners, information technologists.
This volume reports some results of the activities carried out within the four LESSLOSS sub-projects that were focused on landslides. These activities were conducted within the LESSLOSS Integrated Project within a collaborative effort that allowed to cover a wide spectrum of topics related to landslides. The exceptionality of the LESSLOSS Project has consisted in the co-presence of research groups with markedly different backgrounds. This allowed a multidisciplinary effort and a contamination of traditional approaches with experiences derived from different fields.
The volume has been thought as a tool for researchers and practitioners who wants to be updated on available models and techniques and to read about difficulties, advantages and disadvantages in using specific studying techniques.
The presented contributions include examples relative to: in situ and remote monitoring of displacements and hydrologic variables, landslide mapping and development of GIS geodatabases, susceptibility and hazard assessment, model validation approaches, numerical modelling, loss evaluation and risk analysis by deterministic and probabilistic models, stabilization methods. All the applications make reference to specific case studies coming from European and non European countries. For reasons of space we maintained all the contributions into a limited number of pages but trying always to guarantee the general understanding. Therefore, the reader can find in the text the essential information about these case studies together with all the most relevant references.
The list of authors is reported at the beginning of each chapter. For sake of simplicity, the affiliation of the authors is expressed using conventional acronyms that refer to the LESSLOSS partners involved into the report.
This volume reports some results of the activities carried out within the four LESSLOSS sub-projects that were focused on landslides. These activities were conducted within the LESSLOSS Integrated Project within a collaborative effort that allowed to cover a wide spectrum of topics related to landslides. The exceptionality of the LESSLOSS Project has consisted in the co-presence of research groups with markedly different backgrounds. This allowed a multidisciplinary effort and a contamination of traditional approaches with experiences derived from different fields.
The volume has been thought as a tool for researchers and practitioners who wants to be updated on available models and techniques and to read about difficulties, advantages and disadvantages in using specific studying techniques.
The presented contributions include examples relative to: in situ and remote monitoring of displacements and hydrologic variables, landslide mapping and development of GIS geodatabases, susceptibility and hazard assessment, model validation approaches, numerical modelling, loss evaluation and risk analysis by deterministic and probabilistic models, stabilization methods. All the applications make reference to specific case studies coming from European and non European countries. For reasons of space we maintained all the contributions into a limited number of pages but trying always to guarantee the general understanding. Therefore, the reader can find in the text the essential information about these case studies together with all the most relevant references.
The list of authors is reported at the beginning of each chapter. For sake of simplicity, the affiliation of the authors is expressed using conventional acronyms that refer to the LESSLOSS partners involved into the report.
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