For the Civil and Environmental Engineers all over the world, solid waste management is a big issue because all sorts of Civil construction produces lots of wastes from demolition of civil works. Also, organic wastes are the challenging task for Environmental Engineers. Also, for producing Bio-gas or for creating safer environment, sustainable solid waste management is a challenging task nowadays to Civil an Environmental Engineers of the world. This book proceedings contains a lots of papers on solid waste management (WasteSafe 2009) conference from different aspects and also landfill management of solid waste. This proceedings book can be a good supplement to Civil and Environmental Engineering students, practicing engineers, researchers and interested persons in this field.
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The scientific programme will consist of oral sessions as well as of poster contributions. The following conference topics will be treated:
•Civil Engineering
•Chemical Engineering
•Industrial Engineering
•Engineering Management
•Engineering Education
•Petroleum Engineering
•Mining Technology
•Information Technology
•Computer Engineering
•Water Pollution
•Engineering Design
•Mobile Communication and Health Issue
•Food Science and Technology
•Production Processes
•Energy and Environment
•Health and Safety
•Sustainable Environment
•Construction Engineering
•Construction Technology
•Tea Science and Technology
•Modeling and Simulation
•Waster Management
•Mobile Robotic System
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structures are analyzed for dynamic response for blast load with examples
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A Clarifier of Radius (22438mm) and with the Slab Thickness (750mm) having epoxy coating of "Carboline" on top side of the slab, damaged by dry shrinkage cracks.
the height of Clarifier (for water storage) is around 8000mm (MAX.) See Attachments.
Water seepage is also observed and the cracks are ALIVE.
How to protect these Cracks???? Any Technical Literature or Book for the Water Storage Structures available or any recommendations for the Rehabilitation of this structure????
Hi , first of all I want to appreciate the hard work done to improve this website - Good job.
Actually, I need help on making a desicion regarding what type of program should I learn in summer.I'm about to finish my second semester and waiting for the summer holiday to show up - So I'm thinking of spending my time with some sort of program to help me in my career and my further studyings.
The programs that I'm thinking of are either : AutoCad 3D , Etabs or SAP ...
Any advise, or comment will be greatly appreciated.
GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING CIRCULAR NO. 11 Design of Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls and Reinforced Soil Slopes – Volume I
Author: Ryan R. Berg, P.E.; Barry R. Christopher, Ph.D., P.E. and Naresh C. Samtani, Ph.D., P.E. | Size: 6.75 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: FHWA | Year: 2009 | pages: 332
This manual is the reference text used for the FHWA NHI courses No. 132042 and 132043 on Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls and Reinforced Soil Slopes and reflects current practice for the design, construction and monitoring of these structures. This manual was prepared to enable the engineer to identify and evaluate potential applications of MSE walls and RSS as an alternative to other construction methods and as a means to solve construction problems. The scope is sufficiently broad to be of value for specifications specialists, construction and contracting personnel responsible for construction inspection, development of material specifications and contracting methods. With the aid of this text, the engineer should be able to properly select, design, specify, monitor and contract for the construction of MSE walls and RSS embankments.
The MSE wall design within this manual is based upon Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) procedures. This manual is a revision (to LRFD) and an update to the FHWA NHI- 00-043 manual (which was based upon allowable stress design (ASD) procedures).
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GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING CIRCULAR NO. 11 Design and Construction of Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls and Reinforced Soil Slopes – Volume II
Author: Ryan R. Berg, P.E.; Barry R. Christopher, Ph.D., P.E. and Naresh C. Samtani, Ph.D., P.E. | Size: 4.63 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: FHWA | Year: 2009 | pages: 378
This manual is the reference text used for the FHWA NHI courses No. 132042 and 132043 on Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls and Reinforced Soil Slopes and reflects current practice for the design, construction and monitoring of these structures. This manual was prepared to enable the engineer to identify and evaluate potential applications of MSE walls and RSS as an alternative to other construction methods and as a means to solve construction problems. The scope is sufficiently broad to be of value for specifications specialists, construction and contracting personnel responsible for construction inspection, development of material specifications and contracting methods. With the aid of this text, the engineer should be able to properly select, design, specify, monitor and contract for the construction of MSE walls and RSS embankments.
The MSE wall design within this manual is based upon Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) procedures. This manual is a revision (to LRFD) and an update to the FHWA NHI- 00-043 manual (which was based upon allowable stress design (ASD) procedures).
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Author: Carlos A. Lazarte, Ph.D., P.E., Victor Elias, P.E., R. David Espinoza, Ph.D., P.E., Paul J. Sabatini, Ph.D., P.E. | Size: 6.4 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: FHWA | Year: 2003 | pages: 314
This document presents information on the analysis, design, and construction of soil nail walls in highway applications. The main objective is to provide practitioners in this field with sound and simple methods and guidelines that will allow them to analyze, design, and construct safe and economical structures. This document updates information contained in FHWA-SA-96-069R (Byrne et al., 1998). The focus is on soil nailing techniques that are commonly used in the U.S. practice. The contents of this document include: an introduction, a chapter on applications and feasibility, descriptions and guidelines for field and laboratory testing in soil nailing applications, descriptions of the common U.S. practice, analysis and design of soil nail walls, chapters on contracting approach and technical specifications and design examples. Because of the popularity of the Allowable Stress Design (ASD) method [also known as Service Load Design (SLD)] among practitioners, the methods presented in this document are based on the ASD method.
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