Transmission and Distribution Electrical Engineering
Author: Dr C. R. Bayliss,B. J. Hardy ACGI | Size: 17.3 MB | Format:PDF
This book covers the major topics likely to be encountered by the transmission and distribution power systems engineer engaged upon international project works. Each chapter is self-contained and gives a useful practical introduction to each topic covered. The book is intended for graduate or technician level
engineers and bridges the gap between learned university theoretical textbooks and detailed single topic references. It therefore provides a practical grounding
in a wide range of transmission and distribution subjects. The aim of the book is to assist the project engineer in correctly specifying equipment and systems for
his particular application. In this way manufacturers and contractors should receive clear and unambiguous transmission and distribution equipment or project
enquiries for work and enable competitive and comparative tenders to be received. Of particular interest are the chapters on project, system and software
management since these subjects are of increasing importance to power systems engineers. In particular the book should help the reader to understand the reasoning
behind the different specifications and methods used by different electrical
supply utilities and organizations throughout the world to achieve their
specific transmission and distribution power system requirements. The second
edition includes updates and corrections, together with the addition of two extra
major chapters covering distribution planning and power system harmonics.
C. R. Bayliss
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Two- and three-dimensional bearing-capacity solutions for footings on two-layered clays
Geomechanics and Geoengineering
Volume 1, Issue 2, 2006
DOI: 10.1080/17486020600632637
Authors: R. S. Merifielda* & V. Q. Nguyena
pages 151-162
In this paper, finite element analysis is used to predict the undrained bearing capacity of strip, square and circular footings resting on layered clays. The soil profile consists of two clay layers with different thicknesses and properties. The results are compared with previous solutions for strip footings on layered clays. The bearing-capacity behavior is discussed and the bearing-capacity factors are given for various cases involving a range of layer thicknesses and properties of the two clay soil layers.
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Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics
Author: International Association for Wind Engineering | Size: ~19 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: ELSEVIER | Year: May 2011 | pages: 511-670 | ISBN: 0167-6105
The objective of the journal is to provide a means for the publication and interchange of information, on an international basis, on all those aspects of wind engineering that are included in the activities of the International Association for Wind Engineering. These are: social and economic impact of wind effects; wind characteristics and structure, local wind environments, wind loads and structural response, diffusion, pollutant dispersion and matter transport, wind effects on building heat loss and ventilation, wind effects on transport systems, wind power generation, and codification of wind effects.
Papers on these subjects describing full-scale measurements, wind-tunnel simulation studies, computational or theoretical methods are published, as well as papers dealing with the development of techniques and apparatus for wind engineering experiments.
Volume 99, Issue 5, Pages 511-670 (May 2011)
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Proceedings of the 28th IMAC, A Conference on Structural Dynamics, 2010
1.About this book
This the fifth volume of five from the 28th IMAC on Structural Dynamics and Renewable Energy, 2010, brings together 19 chapters on the Dynamics of Bridges. It presents early findings from experimental as well as computational investigations on the Dynamics of Bridges, including studies on Modeling Environmental Effects on the Dynamic Characteristics of the Tamar Suspension, Structural Health Monitoring of Bridges, Structural Assessment of Damaged Bridges Using Ambient Vibration Testing, and Development of a Tamar Bridge Finite Element Model.
2.Authors & Editors
Dr. Tom Proulx is the Executive Director of the Society for Experimental Mechanics, Inc.
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Author: James Sutherland, Dawn Humm, Mike Chrimes, J. Sutherland, D. Humm | Size: 185 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Thomas Telford Ltd | Year: 2001 | pages: 384 | ISBN: 9780727728753
Product Description
In the last 100 years concrete has had a greater impact on our surroundings and indirectly on our way of life than any other material. This historical overview of the structural use of concrete will provide a valuable source of information for those dealing with this legacy. Britain has a vast number of concrete structures of varying ages. While these often need to be appraised, repaired or altered, the opacity of concrete as a material presents unique problems with the assessment of the existing structure. It may be difficult to determine whether the concrete in question is mass concrete, reinforced or prestressed or perhaps not structural at all, but only masking a steel frame. As the best starting point for appraisal is some knowledge of what is likely to be found at different dates and with different types of structure, this book will provide vital information for engineers who find themselves facing these challenges. Historic concrete deals predominantly with concrete in Britain, but makes reference to discoveries and works in other countries where these have influenced practice in Britain. It examines the history of reinforced and prestressed concrete and also includes chapters covering military applications of concrete and its use in tunnels, roads and pavements, water-retaining structures and dams. With an extensive list of references as well as an appendix with proprietary reinforcement systems, this book will be useful for all structural engineers and will also interest architects, surveyors, historians of construction and general readers.
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Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Volume 3 By Pedro S. Sêco e Pinto
Author: Pedro S. Sêco e Pinto | Size: 67 MB MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Tay.lor & Fran.cis | Year: 1999 | pages: 352 | ISBN: 9058091198
Provides a forum to discuss research, conception, design, construction techniques, quality control, monitoring and operation applied to the many engineering works connected with earthquake geotechnical engineering.
Following topics are covered: Dynamic characterization of soils; Strong motions and site amplification; Soil-structure interaction and retaining structures ; Underground and buried structures; Liquefaction; Slopes and embankments; Codes, standards and safety evaluation; Recent earthquakes; Keynote lactures, theme lectures and discussion sessions. The proceedings are of extreme interest for consultants, researchers, practitioners, professors and students with different professional practices and backgrounds, but having in common the same interest in earthquake geotechnics, and reflect the present state-of-the-practice of earthquake geotechnical engineering.
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Bridge Aeroelasticity: Sensitivity Analysis and Optimum Design
Author: J.A. Jurado, S. Hernandez, F. Nieto, A. Mosquera | Size: 34.5 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: WIT press | Year: 2011 | pages: 368 | ISBN: 978-1-84564-334-8
This book is dedicated to the study of an aeroelastic phenomenon of cable-supported long-span bridges known as flutter, and proposes very innovative design methodologies, such as sensitivity analysis and optimization techniques, already utilized successfully in automobile and aerospace industries.
The topic of long-span suspension and cable-stayed bridges is currently of great importance. These types of bridge pose great technical difficulties due to their slenderness and often great dimension. Therefore, these bridges tend to have problems caused by natural forces such as wind loads, some of which we have witnessed in our history, and we are currently seeing a very high incidence of bridge construction to overcome geographical obstacles such as bays, straits, or great estuaries. Therefore, it seems very appropriate to write a book showing the current capability of analysis and design, when up until now, the information could only be found partially in technical articles.
This book will be useful for bridge design engineers as well as researchers working in the field. This book only requires previous knowledge of structural finite element models and dynamics, and it is advisable to have some previous knowledge in bridge engineering. Nevertheless, this book is very self-contained in such a way that all the information necessary to understand the theoretical developments is presented without the need of additional bibliography.
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