PhD thesis, HKUST, By Atanda, Adeyemi Israel
Title: Towares ductility enhancement of reinforced concrete structures in regions of moderate seismicity : Hong kong case study
This publication was written to assist practicing Architects with the selection, design and detailing of wall and floor systems incorporating lightweight steel framing (LSF) members for low rise commercial and medium and high rise residential applications. It is the logical complement to the "Lightweight Steel Framing Design Manual" published in 1991 by the CSSBI as a design guide for Structural Engineers.
A general description of lightweight steel framing products is presented along with a review of the advantages of this type of construction. Building science issues are discussed and the application of these principles is illustrated in a specific way for masonry veneer steel stud systems in low-rise commercial construction. A proposal for the allocation of design and construction responsibilities on a typical LSF project is also included. Lastly, a compendium of architecturally relevant technical information is provided:
• Available structural standards, guides and research
• Air leakage data for typical air barrier materials
• Fire ratings for floor and wall assemblies
• Sound transmission class ratings for floor and wall assemblies
• Heat loss data for wall assemblies
• Durability data
• Air leakage data for various air barrier
The Guide does not provide specific information on structural design issues for masonry veneer steel stud wall systems with the exception of the overview on design deflection limits and brick tie selection in Appendix E. Designers are referred to the references in Appendix G and in particular the CSA structural design standards for more information on this topic.
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This book provides guidance on the specification, performance, use and interpretation of the Electric Cone Penetration Test (CPU), and in particular the Cone Penetration Test with pore pressure measurement (CPTU) commonly referred to as the "piezocone test".
his is an excellent introductory text on CPT. It includes information on not only electric cone but also piezocone penetration testing. It provides basic knowledge in all conventional areas of CPT testing and application and extensive references for those interested in obtaining additional information in a particular area.
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Sediment transport is a book that covers a wide variety of subject matters. It combines the personal and professional experience of the authors on solid particles transport and related problems, whose expertise is focused in aqueous systems and in laboratory flumes. This includes a series of chapters on hydrodynamics and their relationship with sediment transport and morphological development. The different contributions deal with issues such as the sediment transport modeling; sediment dynamics in stream confluence or river diversion, in meandering channels, at interconnected tidal channels system; changes in sediment transport under fine materials, cohesive materials and ice cover; environmental remediation of contaminated fine sediments. This is an invaluable interdisciplinary textbook and an important contribution to the sediment transport field. I strongly recommend this textbook to those in charge of conducting research on engineering issues or wishing to deal with equally important scientific problems.
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Author: Paul E. Rosenfeld & Lydia Feng | Size: 4.30 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: William Andrew | Year: 2011 | pages: 472 | ISBN: ISBN10: 1437778429 & ISBN13: 9781437778427
Book Description:
Hazardous waste in the environment is one of the most difficult challenges facing our society. The purpose of this book is to provide a background of the many aspects of hazardous waste, from its sources to its consequences, focusing on the risks posed to human health and the environment. It explains the legislation and regulations surrounding hazardous waste -- however, the scope of the book is much broader, discussing agents that are released into the environment that might not be classified as Hazardous Waste under the regulatory system, but nonetheless pose substantial hazards to human health and the environment. It provides a background of some of the major generators of hazardous wastes, explains the pathways by which humans and wildlife are exposed, and includes discussion of the adverse health effects linked to these pollutants. It provides numerous case studies of hazardous waste mismanagement that have led to disastrous consequences. And highlights the deficiencies in science and regulation that have allowed the public to be subjected to a myriad of potentially hazardous agents. Finally, it provides a discussion of measures that will necessarily need to be taken to control society's hazardous waste problem. This book was designed to appeal to a wide range of audiences, including students, professionals, and general readers interested in the topic.
* Provides information about sources of and health risks posed by hazardous waste
* Explains the legislation and regulations surrounding hazardous waste
* Includes numerous case studies of mismanagement, highlights deficiencies in science and regulation and discusses measures to tackle society's hazardous waste problems
Chapter 1: Hazardous Waste: How We Got Into This Mess
Chapter 2: The Most Significant Polluters In The United States
Chapter 3: Toxicity, Exposure, Dose, And Body Burden And The Law
Chapter 4: Coal Fire Power Plants
Chapter 5: Paper Industry
Chapter 6: Petroleum Industry
Chapter 7: Wood Treatment Industry
Chapter 8: Mining Industry
Chapter 9: Chemical Industry
Chapter 10: Transportation
Chapter 11: Steel Foundries
Chapter 12: Landfills-Unlined And Leaking
Chapter 13: Agriculture Worker Pesticide Exposure
Chapter 14: Pesticides In Drinking Water
Chapter 15: Nuclear Waste
Chapter 16: PCBs Monsanto
Chapter 17: Emerging Contaminants
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Mechanics of Structures Variational and Computational Methods
Author: Walter Wunderlich, Walter D. Pilkey | Size: 4.9 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: CRC | Year: 2002 | pages: 874 | ISBN: 0849307007
Mechanics of Structures Variational and Computational Methods, 2nd Edition
Resoundingly popular in its first edition, the second edition of Mechanics of Structures: Variational and Computational Methods promises to be even more so, with broader coverage, expanded discussions, and a streamlined presentation. The authors begin by describing the behavior of deformable solids through the differential equations for the strength of materials and the theory of elasticity. They next introduce variational principles, including mixed or generalized principles, and derive integral forms of the governing equations. Discussions then move to computational methods, including the finite element method, and these are developed to solve the differential and integral equations. New in the second edition: · A one-dimensional introduction to the finite element method, complete with illustrations of numerical mesh refinement · Expansion of the use of Galerkin's method. · Discussion of recent developments in the theory of bending and torsion of thin-walled beams. · An appendix summarizing the fundamental equations in differential and variational form · Completely new treatment of stability, including detailed examples · Discussion of the principal values of geometric properties and stresses · Additional exercises As a textbook or as a reference, Mechanics of Structures builds a unified, variational foundation for structure mechanics, which in turn forms the basis for the computational solid mechanics so essential to modern engineering.
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Guided Explorations of the Mechanics of Solids and Structures
Author: James F. Doyle | Size: 5.1 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Cambridge University Press | Year: 2009 | pages: 460 | ISBN: 0521896789
Guided Explorations of the Mechanics of Solids and Structures (Cambridge Aerospace Series)
This book tackles the question, How can an engineer with a powerful finite element program but modest background knowledge of mechanics solve unfamiliar problems? Engineering educators will find this book to be a new and exciting approach to helping students engage with complex ideas. Practicing engineers who use finite element methods to solve problems in solids and structures will extend the range of problems they can solve as well as accelerate their learning on new problems. This book's special strengths include: • A thoroughly modern approach to learning and understanding mechanics problems • Comprehensive coverage of a large collection of problems ranging from static to dynamic and from linear to nonlinear, applied to a variety of structures and components • Accompanying software that is sophisticated and versatile and is available for free from the book's Web site • Ability to complement any standard finite element textbook
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Green Building Handbook: v.1: A Guide to Building Products and Their Impact on the Environment: Vol 1
Author: Tom Woolley, Sam Kimmins, Rob Harrison, Paul Harrison | Size: 4.6 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Taylor & Francis | Year: 1998 | pages: 382 | ISBN: 0419226907
Environmentally responsible building involves resolving many conflicting issues and requirements. Each stage in the design process from the fundamental decisions about what, where and even whether to build has implications for the environment.
Evolving out of the success of Green Building Digest, a publication described by Building Design as well-researched, authoritative and exhaustive, this practical new handbook considers the environmental issues which relate to the production, use and disposal of key building products and materials. It is designed to help specifiers and purchasers gain awareness of the potential environmental impact of their decisions.
Chapter by chapter Green Building Handbook looks at a different sector of the trade from flooring to roofing, comparing the environmental effects of commonly available products with less well known green alternatives. A Best Buy section then ranks these products from lowest to highest impact.
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Green Building Handbook: v.2: A Guide to Building Products and Their Impact on the Environment: Vol 2
Author: Tom Woolley, Sam Kimmins | Size: 2.4 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Taylor & Francis | Year: 2000 | pages: 267 | ISBN: 9780419253808
This key handbook provides a detailed reference for environmentally concerned purchasers of building products, and complements the Green Building Handbook Vol 1. Following the format of the original, this book discusses current issues in green building before moving on to consider eight building component types: fencing products, flat roofing membranes, glazing products, electrical wiring, adhesives, straw bale building, interior decoration and indoor air quality and ventilation. Invaluable for the specifier, this companion handbook will be useful to all those interested in finding greener ways of designing and making buildings.
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Strength and durability of any infrastructure is a reflection of the quality of materials used. Quality control of materials can only be ensured through certain standard test procedures designed by ASTM, BIS, RDSO and others.
The “Handbook of Material Testing” is an attempt towards this aim, of creating a collection of standard test procedures for materials, commonly used in civil engineering infrastructure on the Indian Railways. This will serve as a guide to the field engineers. The readers are advised in their interest to refer to the latest standards to avoid any omission, due to changes/amendments in the standards. The handbook also includes a list of suppliers of material testing equipments, alongwith their addresses to facilitate the setting up of a field laboratory.
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