Guidance on planning and conducting investigations including a description of test methods and interpretation of results. Ilustrates the relationship between strength of standard test specimens and that in a structure.
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A Benchmark Problem for Structural Health Monitoring of High-Rise Slender Structures .
In case The Guangzhou New TV Tower
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Base sliding response of concrete gravity dams to earthquakes
Dear all,
I need this report:
Chopra, A.K., and Zhang, L. 1991. Base sliding response of concrete gravity dams to earthquakes. Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of California, Berkeley, Calif., Report No. UCB/EERC-91/05.
Provides design and specification guidelines for clients, designers and contractors wishing to use hydraulically bound mixtures for parking areas and hardstandings. Also covers mixture design, construction and control testing and includes a useful glossary of terms.
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Provides design and specification guidelines for clients, designers and contractors wishing to use hydraulically bound mixtures for residential and commercial road pavements. Also covers mixture design, construction and control testing and
includes a useful glossary of terms.
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Provides design and specification guidelines for clients, designers and contractors wishing to use hydraulically bound mixtures for heavy-duty paving in areas subject to wheel/axle loading in excess of that permitted on public roads. Also covers mixture design, construction and control testing and includes a useful glossary of terms.
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This manual provides a review of experience and design theory regarding steel pipe used for conveying water. Major revisions to the third edition included in this edition are: the manual was metricized and edited throughout; a discussion of Chemistry, Casting and Heat Treatment (Sec. 1.3) and a discussion of stress evaluation in spiral-welded pipe (Sec. 1.12) were added to Chapter 1; Table 4-1 was revised to reflect new steel grades and Charpy test requirements for pipe with wall thicknesses greater than 1 - 2 in. (12.7 mm); calculations for external fluid pressure (Sec. 4.4) were revised to include consideration of pipe stiffness added by the cement-mortar coating and lining; in Table 6-1, values of E' used for calculation of pipe deflection were revised to reflect increasing soil stiffness with increasing depth of cover; in Chapter 7, the discussion of ring girder design was revised, and a design example was added; Chapter 9, Fittings and Appurtenances, was revised to reflect the provisions of AWWA C208-96; a new section on installation of flanged joints was added to Chapter 12; and, thrust-restraint design calculations in Chapter 13 were revised.
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I'm searching the methods in the literature on design of piles used for landslide stabilization. I have been looking for the paper below written by Viggiani, for a long time. But I couldn't find it on the internet. I want your help to get it. I will be grateful, if anyone help me.
VIGGIANI C. Ultimate lateral load on piles used to stabilise landslides. Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Stockholm, 1981, 3, 555–560.
Chiara Calderinia, Serena Cattaria and Sergio Lagomarsino, "The use of the diagonal compression test to identify the shear mechanical parameters of masonry", Construction and Building Materials, Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2010, Pages 677-685.
This document gives guidance on the creation of computer models for steel structures with orthodox details and connections in order to produce safe, cost effective, real structures. It is primarily aimed at structural engineers using readily available analysis software. It highlights the importance of a qualitative understanding of structural response both during the creation of the analysis model and whilst appraising the analysis output.
After a general introduction to the elastic, plastic and elastic-plastic analysis of two and three dimensional frames, separate chapters address the modelling of:
- a simple beam and column frames
- a trusses and lattice girders
- a portal frames
- a curved, tapered and non homogeneous members connections
- a supports
- a loads
It also provides guidance on simple checks to ensure the analysis is correct and an overview of member design for the less experienced designer.
This guide is limited to the modelling of general building and plant structures of normal proportions under static loading. Offshore structures, masts, bridges, shells and plates are not covered, nor is grillage analysis. The guide concentrates on first order analysis programs. Second order analysis is discussed, but both the analysis and the type of structure requiring second order analysis are outside the scope of this document.
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Groundwater Flow Understanding: From Local to Regional Scale (IAH - Selected Papers on Hydrogeology)
Author: J.J.Carrillo-Rivera, M.Adrian Ortega Guerrero, Oretega Guerrero Ortega G. | Size: 5.4 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Taylor & Francis | Year: 2008 | pages: 200 | ISBN: ISBN10: 0415436788
Book Description:
Any sustainable groundwater development programme requires knowledge of the prevailing flow system, extending from local to regional scale. This book of selected papers discusses integral groundwater management with scale flow issues and presents methods of defining, preventing, controlling and mitigating negative environmental impacts related to groundwater. It highlights specific issues such as trans-boundary groundwater flow, groundwater recharge, groundwater mining, and groundwater flow in thick aquifers, and stresses the importance of the sustainable development of groundwater and its social and economic implications. The book will interest groundwater researchers and professionals, students, government administrators and educators, providing new insights into the procedures and processes that are influenced by the scale of the groundwater flow system.
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