Posted by: ir_71 - 05-15-2011, 05:51 AM - Forum: General Books
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SP 27 Handbook of Method of Measurement of Building Works ( First Revision )
Size: 6.6 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), Govt. of India | Year: 1998 | pages: 127
A need for a consolidated handbook covering the methods of measurement of building works at a place has been felt by various organizations, in general, and the educational institutions, in particular. Such a handbook is also expected to help those organizations which are dealing with all the trades. This Handbook was first compiled in 1984 and was based on information given in various parts of IS 1200 as on 31 March 1984. This revision includes information as on 31 March 1987 which incorporates revised parts 13, 15, 17 and 23, and amendments issued to Part 21. However, for the purpose of exact latest information which is required to be referred in case of contracts, etc, reference may be made only to the relevant parts of IS 1200 instead of this Handbook.
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Brickwork for Apprentices has been the established reference on brickwork for generations of bricklayers. Continuously in print since 1944, John Hodge?s classic text has now been fully revised in its fifth edition by Malcolm Thorpe – who acted as a CITB Advisor and was involved in the draughting of the Intermediate Construction Award syllabus (bricklaying route) – to cover the brickwork craft-related units of the latest Construction Awards and related Trowel Occupations NVQs from CITB / City & Guilds at Levels 2 and 3. The fifth edition incorporates extended coverage on the relatively new area of thin joint systems, to match the latest industry-based requirements and technical developments in the field. Content has been brought fully in line with recent changes to the Building Regulations, ensuring that this text will remain an essential reference for qualified bricklayers and other professionals working in the construction industry, as well as NVQ students new to the industry and wishing to embark on a career in bricklaying. A new feature in this edition is the inclusion of multiple choice questions at the back of the book, matched to the current NVQ requirements, to provide students of the CITB / City & Guilds Trowel Occupations NVQs with essential practice and revision for exam preparation.
Further education students: Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced Construction Awards (bricklaying route) and Trowel Occupations NVQs Level 2/3 from CITB / City & Guilds. Professional reference: practising bricklayers; site supervisors; site managers; site engineers; architects, designers, technicians.
Preface. Craft training. Materials. Tools. Bonding of brickwork. Bonding of blockwork. Bonding details. Foundations. Craft operations. Bridging openings. Cavity walling and brick cladding. Damp prevention. Chimneys, flues and fireplace construction. External works. Special shaped bricks. Joint finishings. Calculations. Multiple choice questions. Answers. Index.
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I am looking for the standard, entitled "BS EN ISO 10319:2008 Geosynthetics - Wide-width tensile test (ISO 10319:2008)".
If someone of you have it, please share it.
Examines innovation in concrete frame construction over the past ten years and looks into the future to predict likely drivers for future innovation. The report draws on the proceedings of a workshop held at BRE and detailed interviews with industry practitioner
Building structure
Building systems/frame
Concrete building systems/frame
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Provides guidance on the ground investigation requirements, preliminary and detailed design, and construction of piled foundations in weak rock.
Civil engineering and public utilities
Earthworks/foundations/piling/retaining walls
Bearing piles
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Editorial Reviews
Product Description
Geotechnical design has evolved in line with technological advances which are being constantly refined. In fact, the new design trends have resulted in the generation of a new breed of specialist geotechnical contractors capable of executing design requirements in the most challenging soil conditions. In this respect, the use of Tunnel Boring Machines (TBMs) is no longer limited to large projects such as the Channel Tunnel; instead, tunnelling machines are available in any specified diameter, allowing for the execution of tunnels with diameters varying between 100 mm and 14 m, in any ground conditions. Equally, automated piling equipment is capable of drilling, concreting and reinforcing a 10 m deep, 360 mm diameter pile in less than 15 minutes. On the other hand, the use of pressuremeter and centrifuge testing for design purposes is becoming more of a norm in geotechnical design, making it essential to develop and adopt new design methodologies to keep up with these techniques. Engineering Design in Geotechnics includes the latest analytical tools directly linked to modern geotechnical practice. As such, the book which contains in excess of 300 state of the art illustrations and more than 50 worked examples, is an essential text for students and practising engineers alike.
About the Author
Fethi Azizi has a degree in civil Engineering, an MSc in Applied Mechanics, and a PhD in Geotechnics. He is Chartered Engineer, European Engineer, Chartered Mathematician, Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics & its Applications, and Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers in London. He has more than 20 years experience in geotechnics research and teaching acquired at the Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussees in Paris, the University of Manitoba in Canada, the Queen's University in Belafst, and the University of Plymouth in England. His research interests also include finite element modelling in Glaciology and in Geocryology.
5.0 out of 5 stars Engineering Design in Geotechnics, December 11, 2010
This review is from: Engineering Design in Geotechnics (Hardcover)
If you are related to a soils engineer you should have 1 copy. If you are a soils engineer then you need 2 copies. A unique blend of theory, solved problems and stimulating explanations. Well done.
Posted by: rusty - 05-14-2011, 10:40 AM - Forum: Archive
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Dear colleagues,
I would like to buy this publication:
Title: SHAKEDOWN DESIGN OF ENGINEERING STRUCTURES Author: Dr. R A Ghani, D.Sc. Year of publication: 2008 ISBN: 984-70004-0020-8 Printed by: MN Services International
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I have written emails to the provided addresses (author and company), but they didn't respond to it. I searched for the ISBN number as well, but found nothing..I hope that maybe members from Bangladesh can give me an advice, link, email address to buy/find this document. Thanks in advance.
Posted by: ir_71 - 05-14-2011, 07:31 AM - Forum: General Books
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Exploring Engineering: An Introduction to Engineering and Design (2nd Edition)
Author: Robert Balmer, William Keat, George Wise, Philip Kosky | Size: 10.2 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Academic Press | Year: 2009 | pages: 464 | ISBN: 0123747236
Winner in its first edition of the Best New Undergraduate Textbook by the Professional and Scholarly Publishing Division of the American Association of Publishers (AAP), Kosky, et al is the first text offering an introduction to the major engineering fields, and the engineering design process, with an interdisciplinary case study approach. It introduces the fundamental physical, chemical and material bases for all engineering work and presents the engineering design process using examples and hands-on projects.
* Freshman undergraduate students entering 4-year engineering programs, including those with declared or intended majors in all engineering areas such as mechanical, electrical, chemical, industrial, and civil engineering * Freshman undergraduate students who are taking an Introduction to Engineering Course either as a requirement for a technical degree or as an elective for science and technology requirements for other degree programs in liberal arts, business, life sciences, and so forth
Foreword Part 1: Minds-on Chapter 1: What Engineers Do Chapter 2: Key Elements of Engineering Analysis Chapter 3: How to solve problems and spreadsheet analyses Chapter 4: Energy: Kinds, Conversion, and Conservation Chapter 5: Chemical Energy of Fuels Chapter 6: Powering the Future Chapter 7: Electrical Circuits Chapter 8: Logic and Computers Chapter 9: Control Systems Design and Mechatronics Chapter 10: Kinematics of Motion Chapter 11: Materials Engineering Chapter 12: Bioengineering Chapter 13: Chemical Engineering Chapter 14: Manufacturing Part 2: Hands-on Chapter 15: Introduction to Engineering Design Chapter 16: Two Ground Rules for Design Chapter 17: Clarification of the Task Chapter 18: Generation of Alternative Concepts Chapter 19: Evaluation of Alternatives and Selection of a Concept Chapter 20: Detailed Design Chapter 21: Oral Design Defense Chapter 22: Manufacturing and Testing Chapter 23: Performance Evaluation Chapter 24: Design Report Chapter 25: An Example of a Design Competition: "A Bridge Too Far." Chapter 26: Closing Remarks on the Important Role of Design Projects
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Presents practical, how to information on water sampling and analysis Covers water sampling and chemical analysis in one precise reference Provides exposure to state-of-the-art water quality laboratory equipment and expertise Includes a CD-ROM with video footage of sampling collection procedures
As water quality becomes a leading concern for people and ecosystems worldwide, it must be properly assessed in order to protect water resources for current and future generations. Water Quality Concepts, Sampling, and Analyses supplies practical information for planning, conducting, or evaluating water quality monitoring programs. It presents the latest information and methodologies for water quality policy, regulation, monitoring, field measurement, laboratory analysis, and data analysis.
The book addresses water quality issues, water quality regulatory development, monitoring and sampling techniques, best management practices, and laboratory methods related to the water quality of surface and ground waters. It also discusses basic concepts of water chemistry and hydrology related to water sampling and analysis; instrumentation; water quality data analysis; and evaluation and reporting results.
Discussing an array of water quality topics, from water quality regulations and criteria, to project planning and sampling activities, this book outlines a framework for improving water quality programs. Using this framework, you can easily put the proper training and tools in place for better management of water resources.
Introduction, Yuncong Li and Kati W. Migliaccio
Water Quality Regulations and Policy Development, Kati W. Migliaccio and Mary Jane Angelo
Water Quality Standards: Designated Uses and Numeric Criteria Development, Brian E. Haggard and J. Thad Scott
Project Planning and Quality System Implementation for Water Quality Sampling Programs, Delia Ivanoff
Surface Water Quality Sampling in Streams and Canals, Kati W. Migliaccio, Daren Harmel, and Peter C. Smiley, Jr.
Groundwater Sampling, Qingren Wang, Rafael Muñoz-Carpena, Adam Foster, and Kati W. Migliaccio
Sampling Pore Water from Soil and Sediment, Yuncong Li, Kati W. Migliaccio, Meifang Zhou, and Nicholas Kiggundu
Field Measurements, David Struve and Meifang Zhou
Laboratory Qualifications for Water Quality Monitoring, Yuncong Li, Meifang Zhou, and Jianqiang Zhao
Laboratory Analyses, Yuncong Li, Renuka R. Mathur, and Lena Q. Ma
Sampling and Analysis of Emerging Pollutants, David A. Alvarez and Tammy L. Jones-Lepp
Uncertainty in Measured Water Quality Data, Daren Harmel, Patricia Smith, and Kati W. Migliaccio
Water Quality Statistical Analysis, Kati W. Migliaccio, Joffre Castro, and Brian E. Haggard
Examples of Water Quality Monitoring, Qingren Wang and Yuncong Li
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