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Henry Petroski's lyrical history of bridge builders in America is organized around five engineers: James Eads (inventor of the diving bell, which bridged Mississippi at St. Louis); Theodore Cooper (railroad bridge engineer and designer of the ill-fated Quebec Bridge); Gustav Lindenthal (Hell Gate Bridge, New York); Othmar Ammann (George Washington and Verrazano-Narrow bridges); and David Steinman (Mackinac bridge). Petroski's opening and closing chapters, "Imagine" and "Realize," remind us how a bridge starts out as a dream of engineering, but ends as a reality of compromise and maintenance. Edward Tenner says that "The profound contribution of Engineers of Dreams is to remind us that communication across generations may be the most important bridge of all."
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Attempts to strip away some of the myths that still cling to high rise housing and give a more dispassionate and analytical view of the subject.
Planning and development
Other planning disciplines
Residential development
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Describes work carried out under contract by the British Cement Association to establish, by laboratory tests, a suitable concrete mix for trial applications in the UK, taking into account recent advances elsewhere in Europe.
Civil engineering and public utilities
Transport facilities
Road pavement
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Monitoring of Water Quality: The Contribution of Advanced Technologies
Author: F. Colin et al. | Size: 13.50 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Elsevier Science | Year: 1998 | pages: 269 | ISBN: ISBN10: 0080432034 & ISBN13: 9780080432038
Book Description:
Water can be considered as one of the basic elements supporting life and the natural environment, a primary component for industry, a consumer item for humans and animals and a vector for domestic and industrial pollution. Various European Directives already provide a framework for the control of aquatic substances, the quality of bathing, surface and drinking water and effluent control.
Such regulatory measures are closely related to analytical measurements. In order to comply with these regulations on a permanent basis, treatment plants and distribution companies, as well as water users and polluters, need to implement automated measuring techniques, such as sensors and other analytical tools in continuous or sequential mode to obtain suitable alarm systems and facilitate the management of water resources and decision making processes.
This approach is in continuous evolution within the European Union. In view of the consequences of wrong measurements, it is vital that reliable quality control systems be achieved and maintained. At present, only a small range of analytical parameters can be measured automatically, it is therefore necessary to develop and validate new methods to extend the list of parameters. The development of new methodologies requires that the
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This book consolidates much of what is known about the geochemistry of arsenic and provides new information on relationships between high concentrations of arsenic in ground water and geochemical environments. The subject matter of this book ranges in scope from molecular-scale geochemical processes that affect the mobility of arsenic in ground water, to arsenic contaminated ground water at the national scale. Chapters were contributed by an international group of research scientists from a broad range of backgrounds.
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Statistical Aspects of Water Quality Monitoring
Proceedings of Workshop Held at Canadian Centre for Inland Waters, Oct 85
Developments in Water Science
Author: A. H. El-Shaarawi (Author), R. E. Kwiatkowski (Editor) | Size: 22.50 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Elsevier Science Ltd | Year: 1986 | pages: 512 | ISBN: ISBN10: 0444426981 & ISBN13: 9780444426987
Statistical Aspects of Water Quality Monitoring: Proceedings of Workshop Held at Canadian Centre for Inland Waters, Oct 85 (Developments in Water Science)
by A. H. El-Shaarawi (Author), R. E. Kwiatkowski (Editor)
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