Author: Susan Gourvenec, David White | Size: ~83 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Taylor & Francis | Year: 2010 | pages: 939 | ISBN: 0415584809
Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics II comprises the Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics (ISFOG), organised by the Centre for Offshore Foundation Systems (COFS) and held at the University of Western Australia (UWA), Perth from 8 ' 10 November 2010. The volume addresses current and emerging challenges facing those working in offshore geotechnics, spanning construction, design and research. Keynote papers with authors from industry and academia describe the state-of-the-art of practice and theory. A further 117 peer-reviewed papers describe emerging research, new design techniques and recent case studies related to the frontiers of offshore geotechnical engineering. The themes of the papers include geohazards, gas hydrates, in situ site characterisation and pore pressure measurement, site investigation, soil characterisation, foundations for renewable energy, shallow foundations, jack-up units, piled foundations, anchoring systems, pipelines and risk and reliability. New and established design methods representing industry best practice are discussed alongside new construction technologies and emerging research ideas. Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics II provides a comprehensive state-of-the-art reference for professionals and researchers in offshore, civil and maritime engineering and for soil mechanics specialists.Susan Gourvenec is currently an Associate Professor at the Centre for Offshore Foundation Systems (COFS) in the University of Western Australia (UWA) having joined as a Research Fellow in 2001. Susan's research has spanned tunneling, foundations and retaining walls, using advanced numerical analysis, centrifuge modelling and element testing. Her recent research has led to new design approaches for offshore shallow foundation systems and anchors, tackling the effects of combined loading and uplift. This work has led to awards from the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE), the Australian and New Zealand Geomechanics Society and the International Journal of Geomechanics. Assoc. Professor Gourvenec is a member of the Shallow Foundations task group within the API Geotechnical Resource Group. She has authored more than 70 technical publications and leads the delivery of specialist courses on offshore geomechanics for industry and at Masters level within UWA. Assoc. Professor Gourvenec chaired the inaugural International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics in 2005, as well as this subsequent event, and in both cases co-edited the proceedings.David White has been a Professorial Fellow at the Centre for Offshore Foundations since 2007. His principal research areas are pipeline geotechnics and foundation engineering. He was awarded his PhD in 2002 from the University of Cambridge. He held a Lectureship in Cambridge until 2007 when he took up his current position at UWA. Professor White has authored more than 140 technical papers including 6 conference keynotes. His publications have won 5 awards, including the Telford Premium, the Bishop Medal and the BGA Prize (twice), and the Australian Academy of Science awarded him the 2010 Anton Hales Medal for distinguished research. Professor White interacts closely with industry, acting as a consultant through the Perth-based firm, Advanced Geomechanics, and he has served on the editorial boards of three journals and on two ISO standard committees (concerned with jack-up foundations and pipelines). He is Secretary of the ISSMGE's Technical Committee 104 (Geotechnical Physical Modelling).
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This book is part of a bold, new initiative towards global sustainability and development that draws on the disciplines of geotechnical engineering and earthquake geotechnics.
It contains contributions from fifteen of the world's leading experts who met in Kyoto in early 2010 to discuss a range of issues related to the ways geotechnics can help us face the challenges ahead, from the technical to the social, from geo-hazards to megacities, from global warming and coastal protection to the conservation of world heritage sites.
We hope these contributions will stimulate the debate over the role geotechnics has to play in achieving a more sustainable future for the world.
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Records the form of construction of 5M dwellings, identifies positions where deterioration has occurred, and highlights areas where surveyors should pay particular attention when carrying out an inspection.
Building types
Housing/residential facilities
Building structure
Building systems/frame
Steel building systems/frame
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I am looking for the materials (presentations, course-notes, etc.) that were given to the participants of the following course 2 years ago:
National Seminar on
Seismic Safety of Concrete Gravity
27 February 2009 at New Delhi
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Introduction to Bed, Bank and Shore Protection provides students and professional engineers with the understanding and guidance to prevent the erosion of movable beds, banks and shorelines. In a world of rising sea levels and extreme weather conditions, these skills are increasingly important to the engineer as well as the wider community. The book starts with the underlying scientific principles behind hydraulics and soil mechanics and applies them to common practical situations for the protection of coastal and river beds, banks and shores. Based on the author's twenty years of experience, this blend of theory and practice provides the reader with useful knowledge that can be applied to a wide range of situations for the protection of the environment.
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Title: Connections between Steel and Concrete
Edited by R. Eligehausen
ISBN: 2-912143-25-X
e-ISBN: 2351580346
Pages: 1448
Publication date: 2001
Anchorage by fasteners and composite structures of steel and concrete have seen dramatic progress in research, technology and application over the past decade. The understanding of the fundamental principles underlying both disciplines has significantly improved. Concurrently, there has been rapid growth in the development of sophisticated new products and the establishment of international directives and codes to ensure their safe and economical use in a wide range of engineered structures.
Although they deal with very similar problems, the two disciplines have developed independently from each other. To optimize the use of composite structures and fastenings to concrete, however, it is necessary to have knowledge of both: the local behavior of the fastening system and the global behavior of the structure. The aim of the symposium was to create a forum to offer the experts in practice and research of both fields the opportunity to benefit from the exchange of latest knowledge in technology, developments and new areas of research.
This book forms the proceedings of the symposium which brought together leading experts from all facets of the research, design, construction and anchor manufacturing community from around the world. Their lectures covered the topics
· testing
· behavior and design
· durability
· exceptional applications, strengthening and structures
· related topics such as anchorage to masonry
credit to: Bombaikos
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Author: Zongjin Li | Size: 8 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: John Wiley & Sons | Year: 2011 | pages: 521 | ISBN: 047043743X
Over the past two decades concrete has enjoyed a renewed level of research and testing, resulting in the development of many new types of concrete. Through the use of various additives, production techniques and chemical processes, there is now a great degree of control over the properties of specific concretes for a wide range of applications. New theories, models and testing techniques have also been developed to push the envelope of concrete as a building material. There is no current textbook which brings all of these advancements together in a single volume. This book aims to bridge the gap between the traditional concrete technologies and the emerging state-of-the-art technologies which are gaining wider use.
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