I have registered to this forum for quite some time and always wanted to find opportunity to contribute.
However, with lack of technical experience and knowledge, I find myself hardly any platform for me to contribute.
Recently I saw that we have a CivilEA workshop, working on a real project with engineers all around the world, I find this is a good chance for me to get started to contribute positively to the community.
I PM-ed the Workshop leader and has confirmed my place in the workshop BS team.
I then wrote a introductory greeting post in the workshop topic and wish the workshop a great success.
It was a real sincere post but my post got deleted and I got a +2 points warning level. So, why
We understand the Mod are trying make this forum really clean and tidy, but my question is, when my sincere greeting move has been considered as spam, I see the reason why there isn't much reply.
What is your final objective? Are you expecting to see this forum, with many Topics, but all 0 replies, because everyone is just going to press the Thank you button? I agree that just saying "thank you" is considered spam, but why is my post being considered as spam as well?
Do you want to see the forum, having topics actively posted by the specific group of user (say 10%), and the 90% will just click Thank you (or maybe thats just the 10% top poster clicking thank you among themselves only - the rest are just submerging in this forum, get their information, and contribute nothing).
All due respect, and with no doubt of your qualification, I myself ran a couple of forums before and has successfully engage most of the users. Do you want this forum and the community to remain this way - only active due to the specific few users, or you want this group to expand, and slowly we get more and more % of active contributors?
When I make this post, I risk getting my post deleted and maybe I will get warning to another level - But I am still going to post this. I believe there are many users like me, wanted to contribute, but we are so restricted.
Author: Kavazanjian Jr, E Matasovic, N Hadj-Hamou, T Sabatini, P J | Size: 37.9 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: FHWA | Year: 1997 | pages: 186
This document has been written to provide information on how to apply principles of geotechnical earthquake engineering to planning, design, and retrofit of highway facilities. Geotechnical earthquake engineering topics discussed in this document include: deterministic and probabilistic seismic hazard assessment; evaluation of design ground motions; seismic and site response analyses; evaluation of liquefaction potential and seismic settlements; seismic slope stability and deformation analyses; and seismic design of foundations and retaining structures. The document provides detailed information on basic principles and analyses, with reference to where detailed information on these analyses can be obtained. Design examples illustrating the principles and analyses described in this document are provided in Volume II - Design Examples, FHWA-SA-97-077
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Author: Kavazanjian Jr, E Matasovic, N Hadj-Hamou, T Sabatini, P J | Size: 8.1 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: FHWA | Year: 1997 | pages: 163
This document presents a series of five design examples illustrating the principles and methods of geotechnical earthquake engineering and seismic design for highway facilities. These principles and methods are described in Volume I - Design Principles, FHWA-SA-97-076. The examples presented in this volume cover a wide range of problems encountered in geotechnical earthquake engineering practice. The design examples presented in this document include: seismic design of a shallow bridge foundation; seismic design of a driven pile bridge foundation; seismic design of a gravity retaining wall based on results of a detailed seismic hazard analysis; seismic slope stability analysis of a cut slope in soft rock; and liquefaction potential analysis.
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Author: Robert G. Lukas | Size: 19.4 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: FHWA | Year: 1995 | pages: 105
This manual provides state-of-the-practice methods and techniques to assist the highway engineer in the planning, design, and construction monitoring of dynamic compaction to improve the load supporting capacity of weak foundation soils. Guidelines are presented for:
* completing a preliminary evaluation to determine if dynamic compaction is appropriate for the site and subsurface conditions
* detailed design for site improvement
* preparation of a specification
* construction monitoring
Two case histories of actual projects are presented to demonstrate the use of the guidelines.
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Now I'm a Year 5 student of Bsc in Civil Engineering, It's time for me to start the thesis.
1). First I have to find the architectural drawing of any Reinforced Concrete building type, the total area > 3000sq.m (Hotel, Hospital, University.....)
2). Analyse and Design the structural member, Roof member, slab, beam, column, stair.
Author: Jost Studer, Atilla Ansal, Frederick Krimgold, Murat Balamir and many others | Size: 2.08 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: 2004 | Year: 2004 | pages: 131
Microzonation has to be performed in municipalities with more than
30,000 inhabitants.
The purpose of the Seismic Microzonation Manual is to illustrate a microzonation
methodology developed for Turkey.
Microzonation is an efficient tool to mitigate the earthquake risk by
hazard-related land use management. Microzonation does not replace
the existing Turkish building and construction codes.
This manual has different purposes for specific Turkish authorities, public
and private enterprises:
- It should advise the responsible government agencies on how to
review and evaluate microzonation studies in Turkey performed by
private or public enterprises;
- It should inform municipal authorities about the required inputs for
and outputs from a microzonation project;
- It should define technical recommendations for private or public
companies commissioned with the execution of a microzonation
This manual consists of three chapters:
- Chapter 1 is directed to the general audience (approving agency,
municipalities, commissioned enterprise, public). It gives general
definitions of terms used in this document and characterizes earthquake
effects to be taken into account when performing a microzonation
project. It also describes in general the microzonation
method developed, its relation to the Turkish Building Code, the
investigations needed to perform such a microzonation and how to
interpret the different microzonation maps in order to develop corresponding
building regulations;
- Chapter 2 is mainly directed to the enterprise commissioned to perform
the microzonation study. It gives practical and technical
guidelines as well as recommendations to perform the microzonation
method described in Chapter 1 efficiently;
- Chapter 3 describes the tasks and responsibilities of the municipalities
commissioning microzonation studies and implementing the
results of these studies into their land use management system.
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This manual provides guidance for performance-based design and evaluation of concrete hydraulic structures (CHS). It introduces procedures that show how to design or evaluate a hydraulic structure to have a predictable performance for specified levels of seismic hazard. Traditional design and evaluation procedures may still be used for feasibility and screening purposes. However, for critical facilities, they should be followed by the procedures of this manual to prevent sudden collapse even though the structure may suffer severe damage, to limit damage to a repairable level, or to maintain functionality immediately after the earthquake.
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1. BS EN 12190:1999 Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures. Test methods. Determination of compressive strength of repair mortar.
2. BS EN 13581:2002 Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures. Test methods. Determination of loss of mass of hydrophobic impregnated concrete after freeze-thaw salt stress
3. BS EN 12808 Grouts for tiles. - all parts from 2008 and 2009.
4. BS EN 13395 Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures. Test methods - all parts.
5. BS EN 12636:1999 Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures. Test methods. Determination of adhesion concrete to concrete.
If someone of you have them or part of them, please share them.
Thanks in advance
Proceedings of the 28th IMAC, A Conference on Structural Dynamics, 2010
1.About this book
This the fourth volume of five from the 28th IMAC on Structural Dynamics and Renewable Energy, 2010, brings together 29 chapters on the Dynamics of Civil Structures. It presents early findings from experimental and computational investigations of Civil Structures, including studies such as Characterization of a Strongly Nonlinear Laboratory Benchmark System, A Non-destructive Technique for the Health Monitoring of Tie-rods in Ancient Buildings, Estimating Effective Prestress Force on Grouted Tendon by Impact Responses, Experimental Investigation of Dynamic Load Estimation Using Small-scale Testing, and Prediction of Prestress Force on Grouted Tendon by Experimental Modal Analysis.
2.Authors & Editors
Dr. Tom Proulx is the Executive Director of the Society for Experimental Mechanics, Inc.
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