Author: Robert E. Kimmerling | Size: 7.5 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: FHWA | Year: 2002 | pages: 296
This document is FHWA’s primary reference of recommended design and procurement procedures for shallow foundations. The Circular presents state-of-the-practice guidance on the design of shallow foundation support of highway bridges. The information is intended to be practical in nature, and to especially encourage the cost-effective use of shallow foundations bearing on structural fills. To the greatest extent possible, the document coalesces the research, development and application of shallow foundation support for transportation structures over the last several decades. Detailed design examples are provided for shallow foundations in several bridge support applications according to both Service Load Design (Appendix B) and Load and Resistance Factor Design (Appendix C) methodologies. Guidance is also provided for shallow foundation applications for minor structures and buildings associated with transportation projects.
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Abstract This document presents state-of-the-practice information on the evaluation of soil and rock properties for geotechnical design applications. This document addresses the entire range of materials potentially encountered in highway engineering practice, from soft clay to intact rock and variations of materials that fall between these two extremes. Information is presented on parameters measured, evaluation of data quality, and interpretation of properties for conventional soil and rock laboratory testing, as well as in situ devices such as field vane testing, cone penetration testing, dilatometer, pressuremeter, and borehole jack. This document provides the design engineer with information that can be used to develop a rationale for accepting or rejecting data and for resolving inconsistencies between data provided by different laboratories and field tests.
This document also includes information on: (1) the use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Personal Data Assistance devices for the collection and interpretation of subsurface information; (2) quantitative measures for evaluating disturbance of laboratory soil samples; and (3) the use of measurements from geophysical testing techniques to obtain information on the modulus of soil. Also included are chapters on evaluating properties of special soil materials (e.g., loess, cemented sands, peats and organic soils, etc.) and the use of statistical information in evaluating anomalous data and obtaining design values for soil and rock properties. An appendix of three detailed soil and rock property selection examples is provided which illustrate the application of the methods described in the document.
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Posted by: tranca - 05-25-2011, 01:56 AM - Forum: Archive
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Hi every body!
Who have User's Guide to the USEPA Stormwater Management Model RUNOFF and supporting modules volume 1 and 2 ?
Please share it for me!
Design of a Reinforced Concrete Deck-Girder Bridge to AASHTO & ACI Codes
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Design of a Reinforced Concrete Deck-Girder Bridge
to AASHTO & ACI Codes
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A.The FDOT Structures Design Guidelines, (SDG) is Volume 1 of the Structures Manual. See the Structures Manual Introduction for additional information including authority, scope, distribution and process for modifications to the Manual.
B.The SDG incorporates technical design criteria and includes additions, deletions, or modifications to the requirements of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications (LRFD).
C.This volume of the Structures Manual provides engineering standards, criteria, and guidelines for developing and designing bridges and retaining walls for which the Structures Design Office (SDO) and District Structures Design Offices (DSDO) have overall responsibility.
D.Information on miscellaneous roadway appurtenances as well as general administrative, geometric, shop drawing, and plans processing may be found in the Plans Preparation Manual, (PPM) Topic Nos. 625-000-007 and 625-000-008).
A.The SDG chapters are organized more by "component," "element," or "process" than by "material" as is the LRFD. As a result, the chapter numbers and content of the SDG do not necessarily align themselves in the same order or with the same number as LRFD. LRFD references are provided to quickly coordinate and associate SDG criteria with that of LRFD. The LRFD references may occur within article descriptions, the body of the text, or in the commentary and are shown within brackets; i.e., [1.3], [8.2.1]. See Table I.3-1 for a cross reference of the SDG to LRFD and Table I.3-2 for a cross reference of the SDG to AASHTO LRFD-Movable Highway Bridge Design Specifications. These cross references are provided only as an aid to the Designer and are not necessarily a complete listing of SDG and LRFD requirements.
B.The SDG is written in the active voice to Structural Designers, Professional Engineers, Engineers of Record, Structural Engineers, and Geotechnical Engineers engaged in work for the Florida Department of Transportation.
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The behaviour and design of steel structures to BS5950
This new third edition of a highly regarded text, discusses the behavior of steel structures and the criteria used in design according to the British code BS5950:2000. Thus it serves to bridge the gap which too often occurs when attention is concentrated on methods of analysis and the sizing of structural components. Because emphasis is placed on the development of an understanding of behavior, many analytical details are either omitted in favor of more descriptive explanations, or are relegated to appendices. The many work examples both illustrate the behavior of steel structures, and exemplify details of the design process.
This third British edition has been directed specifically to the design of steel structures in accordance with the British standard BS5950: Part 1:2000. The removal of material on Australian and American methods of design has allowed the inclusion of additional material relevant to British practice,, and of more detail in the worked examples. This designers, teachers, and students using BS5950 will find greater clarity and more helpful material.
Authors: N. S. Trahair, M. A. Bradford, D. A. Nethercot
First published 2001 by Spon Press
ISBN:0-419-26190-7 (hbk)
ISBN:0-419-23820-4 (pbk)
Now I'm a Year 2 student of Msc in Civil Engineering, It's time for me to start the thesis (design of small Earth dam).
1). First I have to find the Plane and formulation.
2). Analysis Flood Hydrology.
3). Selection of type of earth dam.
4).Physical factors for selection of earth dam.
5). Legal economic, and Static Consideration.
6). Foundation design.
7). Embankment design.
8). Embankment details.
9). Spillway design.
10). Outlet works.
11). Construction Process.
12). Dam safety.