Design Manual for excavation support using deep mixing technology
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A thesis by C J RUTHERFORD
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An Excellent Book in Construction Management which is thoroughly updated to reflect the most recent development in industry practice.
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Title: 238.1R-08: Report on Measurements of Workability and Rheology of Fresh Concrete
Author(s): ACI Committee 238
Publication: Technical Documents
Pages: 70
Keywords: rheological measurements; rheology; workability; workability measurements.
Date: February 1, 2008
This report provides a comprehensive view of workability of fresh concrete and a critical review of the tests available to measure workability and rheological performance of fresh concrete. The report discusses the factors affecting the performance of fresh concrete and provides a better understanding of the issues related to the design of workable concrete, from no flow (zero-slump) to flow like a liquid (self-consolidating concrete).
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This is the National Code of Nicaragua - Nicaragua National Building Regulations
Reglamento Nacional de Construccion de Nicaragua
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I am looking for some info on foundation design for wind turbine and/or solar heliostat. I would appreciate it if anyone who may have designed foundation for wind turbine/solar heliostat could share some info/design example.
I need the following thesis for my research work. please share.
title: Response and failure of fluid-filled tanks under base excitation
author: Natsiavas, Sotirios
Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology, 1987
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"Development Formulation for Structural Design of Concrete Box Culverts"
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Automated Finite-Element-Based Validation of Structures Designed by the Strut-and-Tie Method
J. Struct. Engrg. 136, 203 (2010); doi:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9445(2010)136:2(203) (8 pages)
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Good day Everyone,
If anyone have any idea about the Best Software for simulating BLAST LOADING on structures...
SAP or ETABS can't generate Blast Loading (dynamic) and its response,
No idea about STAAD.... Kindly tell me any software that do so....