I have one Suggestion to arrange the Departments in CivilEA...
Now We can divide civilea in two main Subject :
Section no 1: [ Resources ]
These resources included the following
- Softwares
-Books & Videos
Section No 2 : Users Demands
and we can say this section includes
- Questions from users related to hardware problems [ softwares]
- Questions from users related to using of softwares
- Questions from users for requesting Resources (Softwares & Books)
- Questions of users related to Practical Problems
* Design * Constructions * Material
Section Number 1 { Resources } is very Tiddy and divided very well
Section Number 2 need some updating
I Suggest to Arrange Section Number 2 to Be as Following
Users Demands
- Resources
* Software Request
* Book Request
- Hardware Problems
* Activation of Softwares
* Bugs in Softwares
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This publication gives guidance on the selection, design and installation of steel H-piles and UC section plunge columns for foundations to all types of structure. Current practice and experience in this field are presented, discussed and recommendations given. The characteristics and advantages of steel bearing piles in construction are described in order to assist in the primary process of selection of the correct pile type for any given site and soil conditions. Load transfer mechanisms are described and limit state design methods applied in line with the new Eurocodes. The sections on design include axial and lateral load resistance prediction methods, combined loading effects on retaining walls and pile group analysis. Up-to-date pile driving analysis is presented as a basis for planning efficient installation and as an aid to design. Practical aspects of test loading, installation tolerances and connection details are covered.
It is noted that excessive conservatism has been found in current practice and this results in unnecessary overdesign. Currently used specifications for load testing piles only up to 1.5 × working load, are insufficient to reach the ultimate pile resistance and the whole object of the new limit state design (LSD) procedures has been denied. This problem has been compounded by making unrealistically low design assumptions on the soil parameters in pile resistance prediction methods. This publication adopts LSD using the new Eurocodes and suggests more reliance be placed on static and dynamic load test methods to establish ultimate capacity to permit more economic steel pile design.
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Author: Donald A. Nield, Adrian Bejan | Size: 8 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Springer | Year: 1999. | pages: 654 | ISBN: 978-0387-29096-6
This book provides a user-friendly introduction to convection in porous media, such as fibrous insulation, geological strata, and catalytic reactors. The presentation is self-contained, requiring only routine classical mathematics and the basic elements of fluid mechanics and heat transfer. It will thus be of use not only to researchers and practicing engineers as a review and reference, but also to graduate students and others just entering the field.
The Third Edition includes nearly 1000 new references and covers: convection in deforming porous media, "designed" porous media, the theory of deformable media, modeling viscous dissipation in hyperporous media, and more.
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Written by an experienced engineer, this book contains practical information on all aspects of pumps including classifications, materials, seals, installation, commissioning and maintenance. In addition you will find essential information on units, manufacturers and suppliers worldwide, providing a unique reference for your desk, R&D lab, maintenance shop or library.
* Includes maintenance techniques, helping you get the optimal performance out of your pump and reducing maintenance costs
* Will help you to understand seals, couplings and ancillary equipment, ensuring systems are set up properly to save time and money
* Provides useful contacts for manufacturers and suppliers who specialise in pumps, pumping and ancillary equipment
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Please tell me the definition of high-temperature in geotchnical, and from which standard or recommend?
I got some paper, it is high-temperature fenomene if the the temperature is more than 28 degree in underground engineering such as , tunnel.
A thorough guide to the fundamentals—and how to use them—of finite element analysis for elastic structures
For elastic structures, the finite element method is an invaluable tool which is used most effectively only when one understands completely each of its facets. A Primer for Finite Elements in Elastic Structures disassembles the entire finite element method for civil engineering students and professionals, detailing its supportive theory and its mathematical and structural underpinnings, in the context of elastic structures and the principle of virtual work.
The book opens with a discussion of matrix algebra and algebraic equation systems to foster the basic skills required to successfully understand and use the finite element method. Key mathematical concepts outlined here are joined to pertinent concepts from mechanics and structural theory, with the method constructed in terms of one-dimensional truss and framework finite elements. The use of these one-dimensional elements in the early chapters promotes better understanding of the fundamentals. Subsequent chapters describe many two-dimensional structural finite elements in depth, including the geometry, mechanics, transformations, and mapping needed for them.
Most chapters end with questions and problems which review the text material. Answers for many of these are at the end of the book. An appendix describes how to use MATLAB®, a popular matrix-manipulation software platform necessary to perform the many matrix operations required for the finite element method, such as matrix addition, multiplication, inversion, partitioning, rearrangement, and assembly
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While various books address the technical textile industry, most are vague or narrow in scope, addressing only a specific process, fabric structure, or area of application. Although the development of technical and industrial applications for textiles goes back many years, more recent milestones have marked the emergence of technical textiles, as we know them today. Very largely, these have centered upon new materials, processes, and applications.
A comprehensive new book, HANDBOOK OF TECHNICAL TEXTILES provides in-depth coverage of all the principal aspects of manufacturing processes and fabric structures, plus in-depth reporting on all major applications of high-tech textiles. This publication examines textiles for a wide range of industrial uses, including heat and flame protection applications, waterproof and breathable fabrics, geotextiles and natural fibre geotextiles; as well as the use of textiles in medicine, defence, transport and filtration; textiles for survival, and textiles and the environment.
HANDBOOK OF TECHNICAL TEXTILES is ideal for textile yarn and fibre manufacturers, producers of woven, knitted, and non-woven fabrics, textile finishers, and companies producing new textile coatings and colorants. If you work with textiles in any capacity, this will prove itself an indispensable guide and an up-to-date reference book.
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Author: John Milsom | Size: 2.7 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: John Wiley and Sons | Year: 2003 | pages: 232 | ISBN: 0470843470
This handy pocket-sized book provides practical information and assistance to anyone engaged in small-scale surveys on the ground. The 3rd edition updates the considerable changes in instrumentation, and far-reaching developments in applications that have occurred since 1996. New sections include details on Ground Penetrating Radar, VLF and CSAMT/MT, GPS navigation, electromagnetic methods of conductivity mapping, capacity coupling, and audiomagnetotellurics (AMT).
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