The Latest Methods for Managing Wastewater Collection Systems
This Water Environment Federation resource provides up-to-date guidance on the oversight of wastewater collection systems, including gravity sewers, pumping stations, force mains, and other sewer-conveyance-related facilities. This authoritative volume offers strategies for developing a comprehensive asset-management program that encompasses capacity, management, operations, and maintenance (CMOM) principles as well as the business, engineering, human resource, and communications aspects of a wastewater collection systems project.
Wastewater Collection Systems Management, Sixth Edition covers:
System operations and maintenance
Information management
Collection system assessment and capital improvement planning
System design considerations
Construction contracting
Public policy and community relations
Budgeting and financial planning
Safety, standard procedures, training, and certifications
Emergency preparedness and security
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Excel has many built in functions and formulas to manage and analyze your data efficiently but there are occasions when you feel that the built in functions are not sufficient to perform some tasks.
Excel Accelerator is the collection of some useful tools specially designed to enhance the functionality of Microsoft Excel.
How to Install Excel Accelerator
Close all applications, run appropriate Setup file, setup will automatically add the Excel-Accelerator to your excel menu. In case after installation Excel-Accelerator does not appear on your excel menu then follow the following steps to install Excel-Accelerator manually.
Manual Installation for Excel 2003 and older versions
1- On Excel main menu go to [Tools] => [Add-ins...]
2- Use [Browse...] button to locate ‘XL-Accelerator 2003.xla’ file,
(default location of this file is ‘C:\Program Files\Excel-Accelerator\’ unless you
change the location of installation folder at the time of installation)
3- Make sure checkbox in front of ‘Excel-Accelerator 2003’ is checked then press
[OK] button.
Manual Installation for Excel 2007
1- Click the upper-left Office button,
2- Then go to [Excel options] => [Add-ins]
3- Make sure the [Manage] dropdown at the bottom shows ‘Excel Add-Ins’ => [Go...]
use [Browse...] button to locate your XL-Accelerator 2007.xlam file,
(default location of this file is ‘C:\Program Files\Excel-Accelerator\’ unless you
change the location of installation folder at the time of installation)
4- Make sure checkbox in front of Excel-Accelerator 2007 is checked then press
[OK] button.
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Posted by: herosympa - 07-09-2011, 06:56 AM - Forum: Archive
- No Replies
Dear members,
I'm finding the book with title :
Cut-and-cover Metro Structures. Geo-Structural Design: An Integrated Approach
by Krishan Kaul.
If anyone have this book, please share.
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Because of their complexity and scale, metro structures capture all the essential aspects of a cut-and-cover structure, and so are given primary focus in this book. The design of a metro construction is outlined coherently and in detail; and the reader is shown how to apply this design process equally well to other, relatively simple, cut-and-cover structures.
Geotechnical and structural engineering principles are combined with both design and construction practice to make this book a unique guide for engineers.
1 Introduction
2 General Planning
3 Structural Form
4 Construction Overview
5 Ground and Wall Support
6 Groundwater Control
7 Interaction – I
8 Interaction – II
9 Interaction – III
10 Conceptual Design
11 Engineering Properties of Soils
12 Identification of Loads
13 Assessment of Earth Pressures
14 Assessment of Surcharge Loads
15 Assessment of Seismic Loads
16 Slurry Trench Stability – I
17 Slurry Trench Stability – II
18 Groundwater Flow
19 Phenomenon of Heave
20 Prediction of Heave
21 Containment of Heave
22 Flotation
23 Design Parameters
24 Load Factors & Combinations
25 Modelling & Boundary Conditions
26 Structural Analysis – I
27 Structural Analysis – II
A:Typical Loadings & Parameters
B: Design of Derailment Barrier
C: Identification of Soil Types
D: Stability of Simple Slopes
E: Diffusion of Stress Relief
ArchVision RPC Content for AutoCAD Architecture 2012 and AutoCAD MEP 2012
AutoCAD 2012 ObjectARX Documentation & SDK
AutoCAD 2012 VBA Enabler
Autodesk MatchMover 2012
Autodesk Moldflow Adviser Design Plug-in for Inventor & Inventor LT 2012
Autodesk Moldflow Structural Alliance for Abaqus 2012
Autodesk Moldflow Structural Alliance for ANSYS 2012
Autodesk Revit DB Link 2012
Autodesk Revit Model Review 2012
Autodesk Subassembly Composer for AutoCAD Civil 3D 2011 & 2012
Autodesk Vault 2012 integration for Inventor LT Suite 2012 and AutoCAD LT 2012
Batch Print for Autodesk Revit 2012
Design Spreadsheets for Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis 2012
DIALux Plug-in for AutoCAD MEP 2012
Globe Link for Autodesk Revit 2012
Revit Extensions for Autodesk Revit Architecture 2012
Revit Extensions for Autodesk Revit MEP 2012
Revit Extensions for Autodesk Revit Structure 2012
Roombook Extension for Autodesk Revit Architecture 2012
Sample Industry Data for AutoCAD Map 3D 2012 and AutoCAD Map 3D Enterprise 2012
Space Naming Utility for Autodesk Revit MEP 2012
Worksharing Monitor for Autodesk Revit 2012
The link is for a torrent (from rutracker).
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: You may use this software for evaluation purposes only.
If you like it, it is strongly suggested you buy it to support the developers.
By any means you may not use this software to make money or use it for commercial purpose.
This manual provides guidance for the design of reinforced, concrete lined flood control channels which convey rapid and tranquil storm water flows to prevent flooding. This guidance presents provisions for coordinating the disciplines involved in the design of channels, selecting channel type, and identifying the critical aspects of designs which require quality assurance inspection during construction. Channel design involves determining the overall channel configuration including appurtenant structures, designing reinforced concrete structures and pavement or concrete lining, determining type and location of joints, designing subdrainage systems, and designing appropriate safety features.
This guidance addresses trapezoidal and rectangular flood control channels lined with reinforced concrete. Guidance is not included for the design of channel linings formed by gabions, riprap, shotcrete, gunite, or grouted mattresses.
This guidance applies to all HQUSACE elements, major subordinate commands, districts, laboratories, and field operating activities having civil works responsibilities.
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Design of Precast Concrete Piers for Rapid Bridge Construction in Seismic Regions
Author: Jonathan M. Wacker, David G. Hieber, John F. Stanton, Marc O. Eberhard | Size: 3 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: USDoT & FHWA | Year: 2005 | pages: 252
Incorporating precast concrete components into bridge piers has the potential to reduce the construction time of a bridge and the negative impacts of that construction on traffic flow. Practical methodologies are needed to design economical and safe piers out of precast concrete components. This research developed force-based and displacement-based procedures for the design of both cast-in-place emulation and hybrid precast concrete piers. The design procedures were developed so that they require no nonlinear analysis, making them practical for use in a design office. The expected damage to piers designed with the procedures in a design-level earthquake was estimated. The evaluation considered three types of damage to the columns of a pier: cover concrete spalling, longitudinal reinforcing bar buckling, and fracture of the longitudinal reinforcing bars. Both the force-based and displacement-based design procedures were found to produce designs that are not expected to experience an excessive amount of damage in a design-level earthquake.
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The emphasis of this report is on methods for assessing a concrete structure following a fire and hence for determining the extent of the required repairs. The design approaches used to assess the strength of repaired elements, illustrated by the design examples in Appendix B, are in accordance with the relevant Eurocodes(3, 4, 5). In addition to structural damage, there may be smoke damage to partitions, electrical and mechanical systems etc. Although the associated costs of cleaning or replacing such systems can be significant, they are not considered in this report. The focus of this report is on fires in reinforced concrete buildings, including multi-storey structures, warehouses and factories, but the principles are equally applicable to civil engineering structures, such as bridges. However, tunnels are specifically excluded as an assessment of their performance will require specialised geotechnical input, which is beyond the scope of this report. There is a major difference between designing a structure to withstand a fire, allowing for safe evacuation and fire fighting, and assessing the extent of damage caused by a fire so that repair methodologies can be proposed. While designing structures is predicting performance during a future event, assessing structures is determining its residual strength after such an event. Hence, the focus in the latter case and in this report is on methodologies to measure on site the residual strength and deformations and to obtain evidence of the temperatures reached during the fire. Calculation methodologies are presented that may assist during the evaluation process, but the working party felt that any assessment needs to be based mainly on an on-site evaluation of the fire damaged structure, which is supplemented as necessary by laboratory testing, examination or numerical assessment. In all cases, it is important that the assessment work is carried out by a competent person, who is aware of the limits of applicability for any methodology and whether special considerations for certain construction methods are required. The competent person needs to be aware that material properties and calculation methodologies presented in Eurocode 2 may not be applicable to the specific situation, since effects such as cooling of the structure or restraint and residual stresses need consideration after a fire event. This means that although the structure may have served its purpose according to Building Regulations and allowed for safe evacuation and fire fighting, considerable effort may be required to strengthen the structure for future occupation after a fire. A brief chapter on repair techniques is included, which makes reference to more detailed guidance. The working party considered that techniques are common to all repairs, irrespective of the cause of the damage, and not simply to the repair of fire-damaged concrete structures. Finally appendices to the report includes summaries of a number of case studies of the assessment and repair of structures damaged by fire, worked examples and historical information on design and material properties given in British Standards and other documents.
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-CEN/TS 772-22:2006
Methods of test for masonry units. Determination of freeze/thaw resistance of clay masonry units
-BS EN 772-11:2011
Methods of test for masonry units. Determination of water absorption of aggregate concrete, autoclaved aerated concrete, manufactured stone and natural stone masonry units due to capillary action and the initial rate of water absorption of clay masonry units
-BS EN 772-16:2011
Methods of test for masonry units. Determination of dimensions
-BS EN 772-18:2011
Methods of test for masonry units. Determination of freeze-thaw resistance of calcium silicate masonry units
-BS EN 772-21:2011
Methods of test for masonry units. Determination of water absorption of clay and calcium silicate masonry units by cold water absorption
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Quality and profitability of injection molding operations can be considerably influenced by the hot runner system. The many variations and design principles of hot runners are material dependent and therefore not universally applicable. Knowing about and recognizing these limitations will make or break a molder's success. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art in hot runner technology, advantageous design principles, and applications. The user will find the necessary basics as well as many proven designs and application examples.
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geoENV VII - Geostatistics for Environmental Applications (Quantitative Geology and Geostatistics)
Author: P. M. Atkinson, C. D. Lloyd | Size: 18 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Springer | Year: 2011 | pages: 435 | ISBN: 9048123216
Product Description:
This volume brings together selected contributions from geoENV 2008, the 7th International Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental Applications, held in Southampton, UK, in September 2008. This book presents the state-of-the-art in geostatistics for the environmental sciences. It includes a wide range of methodological advances and applications. It offers insight and guidance for researchers, professionals, graduate students and others seeking information on the latest perspectives in the field. The rich body of applications will enable those new to geostatistics to assess the utility of the methods for their own applications.
The book includes 35 chapters on topics as diverse as methodological developments, applications in the soil sciences, climatology, pollution, health, wildlife mapping, fisheries and remote sensing, amongst other areas. With its focus on environmental applications of geostatistics, rather than the more traditional geostatistical remit of mining and petroleum exploration, this book is part of a series that presents an invaluable resource. This book will be a first port of call for those who wish to apply geostatistical methods in the environmental sciences.
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