This book was written to serve as the standard textbook for instruction of elastoplasticity theory. It opens with an explanation of the mathematics and continuum mechanics which are necessary as a foundation of elastoplasticity theory. Subsequently, conventional and unconventional elastoplasticity theories are explained comprehensively for description of general loading behavior covering monotonic, nonproportional, and cyclic loading processes. Fundamental notions such as continuity and smoothness conditions, decomposition of deformation into elastic and plastic parts, the associated flow rule, the loading criterion and the anisotropy are defined, and then presented with their mechanical interpretations. Explicit constitutive equations of metals and soils, which are useful in engineering practice for the mechanical design of machinery and structures, are also introduced. Moreover, constitutive equations of friction with transition from static to kinetic friction and vice versa, and rotational and orthotropic anisotropy are provided. They are indispensable for analyses of boundary-value problems. A distinguishing feature of this book is that it is written to be understandable without difficulty even by beginners in the field of elastoplasticity, explaining physical backgrounds with illustrations and descriptions of detailed derivation processes without a jump. Furthermore, the history and the latest results related to elastoplasticity are explained thoroughly to the extent that the fundamentals of elastoplasticity theory can be understood and be applicable readily to analyses of engineering problems.
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Dera All,
I am looking for an article from science direct. Please kindly share it with us if you do have an access and your valuable time to have it downloaded. The article details are
Title: Developments of stream-function wave theory
AUthor:John R. Chaplina
Journal:Coastal Engineering
Vol.Volume 3, 1979-1980
Pages: 179-205
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Aggregates in Concrete (Modern Concrete Technology)
Author: M. G. Alexander, S. Mindess | Size: 4.85 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Spon Press | Year: 2005 | pages: 448 | ISBN: 0415258391
Bringing together in one volume the latest research and information, this book provides a detailed guide to the selection and use of aggregates in concrete. After an introduction defining the purpose and role of aggregates in concrete, the authors present an overview of aggregate sources and production techniques, followed by a detailed study of their physical, mechanical and chemical properties. This knowledge is then applied to the use of aggregates in both plastic and hardened concretes, and in the overall mix design. Special aggregates and their applications are discussed in detail, as are the current main specifications, standards and tests.
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Prescriptive Method For Residential Cold-Formed Steel Framing Year 2000 Edition
Author: Nader R. Elhajj, P.E. and Kevin Bielat | Size: 1.5 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: NASFA | Year: 2000 | pages: 199
The year 2000 edition of the Prescriptive Method for Residential Cold-Formed Steel Framing (Prescriptive Method) was developed as a guideline for the construction of one- and two-family residential dwellings using coldformed steel framing. It provides a complete prescriptive approach to build typical homes with cold-formed steel framing. This document is based on standardized basic cold-formed steel members, provides labeling guidelines, and gives minimum corrosion protection recommendations. It also includes floor joist span tables, ceiling joist span tables, rafter span tables, wall stud tables, header span tables, wall bracing requirements, and connection requirements. The requirements are supplemented with construction details where required. The year 2000 edition includes improvements upon the second edition in the following areas:
- Enhanced wall bracing requirements for high wind and seismic conditions
- Floor joist tables for 19.2" spacing and tables for joists not requiring web stiffeners
- Header tables for bottom story of a two-story building with center load bearing beam
- L-Header tables and details
- Floor and wall anchoring details
- Added tables and details for non-load bearing walls
- Curtain wall tables
- Ceiling joist tables not requiring web stiffeners
- Expanded thermal, mechanical, electrical, and HVAC guidelines
- New section on “How to Use the Prescriptive Method”
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Attached is a seismic source parameters in pdf taken from EZ-FRISK regional seismic sources:
EUROPE AREA SEISMIC SOURCE DATABASE: Italy Area Source, Italian Area 901
EUROPE AREA SEISMIC SOURCE DATABASE: Italy Area Source, Italian Area 906
as an example to give you an idea what are the parameters to input in creating user area/fault seismic sources.
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Publisher: AISI (2003)
Language: English
for more information
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