Hello, here is writing fifth course Transportation Engineering student. I am searching an enterprise in Europe where to spend my traineeship for 3 month period as bridge design engineer. I applied to Erasmus student exchange programme, therefore possible financial support. Can you offer something or advice, where to find a traineeship?
The Hyogo-Ken-Nanbu Earthquake caused heavy damage in Kobe city and its surrounding area. To clear the relationship between damage and local site effect, a month after the earthquake, microtremor measurement was performed for about a year. According to the measurement results in the damaged zone, the amplification factor (A) ranges between 2 and 3 which is not so high. However the predominant frequency (F) ranges between 1.5 and 2 Hz which corresponds to that of strong motion. Distribution
of vulnerability index Kg value for ground confirmed the damage belt.
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This book develops a whole strategy for decision-making, with the full participation of the decision-maker and utilizing continuous feedback. It introduces the use of the very well-known and proven methodology, linear programming, but specially adapted for this purpose. For this, it incorporates a method to include subjective concepts, as well as the possibility of working with many different and even contradictory objectives. The book is liberally populated with diverse case studies to illustrate the concepts. This practical guide will be of interest to anyone undertaking analysis and decision-making, on both simple and complex projects, and who is looking for a strategy to organize, classify, and evaluate the large amount of information required to make an informed decision. The strategy includes methods to analyze the results and extract conclusions from them.
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Sustaining Groundwater Resources: A Critical Element in the Global Water Crisis (International Year of Planet Earth)
Author: J. Anthony A. Jones | Size: 12.4 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Springer | Year: 2011 | pages: 250 | ISBN: 9048134250
Book Description:
Burgeoning population and climate change are among the most critical challenges facing the 21st century. Both have critical implications for groundwater resources, especially in many developing countries where resources are already under pressure. Due to low rainfall and high evaporation in parts of the Middle East and North Africa, groundwater is not being renewed, and groundwater laid down up to 10,000 years ago is literally being mined for irrigation, often very inefficiently. Over recent decades, groundwater levels have fallen dramatically in key grain-growing regions like the American Great Plains and the North China Plain. As the population grows and emerging economies like China and India demand more food, especially water intensive meat products, agricultural demand for water is set to increase. The rapid shift of population from the countryside to the cities is also adding to this pressure; most old wells in Beijing are now dry. Pollution from industry, agriculture and shanty towns is destroying many groundwater resources; some could take 50 years to clean up even with strict and immediate controls.
This volume looks at the technical, socio-economic and political problems being faced, and at the developments in groundwater science and management that may help create a sustainable future for our planet.
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Biological monitoring of running waters is a scientifically and economically valid approach for surveys and monitoring programmes to assess the water quality. Biological Monitoring of Rivers is a timely, up-to-date book that includes a good number of practical how-to-do chapters.
* Up-to-date assessment of biological water monitoring
* Practical how-to-do chapters help the practitioner
* Provides a broad survey of methods uses inside and outside the EU
* Gives perspectives for future applications
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Engineering- Soils And Foundations- 6th Edn-By Cheng Liu/ Jack B. Evett
5th edition is also ok..i cudnt fin this book to download from any site so far.so need help. will appreciate it..thanks
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Author: MarCom Working Group 112 | Size: 7,023 KB | Format:PDF | Publisher: PIANC REPORT | Year: Draft Version - 2009 | ISBN: N/A
Many people became aware of the risk of tsunamis only after the Indian Ocean Tsunami of December 24, 2004, which killed 220 thousand people. However, tsunamis occur every year around the world.
Figure 1.1 shows the map of earthquake centres within the recent 100 years. Large earthquakes occur mainly around the boundaries of tectonic plates which cover the earth. The major cause of tsunamis is earthquakes occurring at the edges of the plates, where subduction zones develop due to the everlasting movement of tectonic plates. Tsunamis also occur due to large marine landslides and volcanic eruptions.
Areas that have been attacked by tsunamis in the past are very likely to be attacked again by tsunamis in the future. For example, the subduction zone earthquakes off Tokai Coast in Japan occur at intervals of about 150 years. It should be noted, however, that the intervals of the earthquakes vary significantly depending on the geological characteristics of the subduction zones. The intervals can be estimated by historical documents of tsunami disasters or tsunami deposits in coastal areas. Earthquake geology is being developed to estimate the past and future subduction zone earthquakes.
‘Tsunami’ is a Japanese word written with two Chinese characters. ‘Tsu’ means harbour/port and ‘nami’ means wave, and therefore ‘tsunami’ means ‘harbour/port wave’ in Japanese. The naming comes from the fact that tsunamis seem to appear suddenly and become very violent in shallow areas, attacking low-lying areas that are actively used and densely populated, such as port areas. Port areas around the world have often suffered from tsunami disasters with large numbers of casualties.
This report was prepared to help people in such vulnerable areas protect themselves against tsunami attacks. It is especially written for those responsible for the safety of the people and continuity of the business in such areas. Chapter 2 presents examples of damage due to tsunamis especially in ports giving them a general view of the damage that can result from a tsunami attack. Chapter 3 explains the mechanism of tsunamis from their generation to their run-up, and Chapters 4 and 5 introduce the behaviour of tsunami and its effects on port facilities. Chapter 6 presents recommendations for disaster management in ports, and Chapter 7 offers recommendations for warning and evacuation in case of a tsunami attack. Chapter 8 discusses structural countermeasures that can be implemented for protection against tsunamis. It is recommended to understand recent progress on tsunami technology from the references listed below.
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Compiles the results of tests performed in order to obtain information on the magnitude of the slip factor that may be adopted in design calculations for structural connections formed with high-strength friction grip bolts, partly in view to comparing different surface treatments and partly to determining the effects of atmospheric actions, dust, dirt, grease and oil.
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Fatigue has long been recognized as a mechanism that can provoke catastrophic material failure in structural applications and researchers are now turning to the development of prediction tools in order to reduce the cost of determining design criteria for any new material. Fatigue of Fiber-reinforced Composites explains these highly scientific subjects in a simple yet thorough way.
Fatigue behavior of fiber-reinforced composite materials and structural components is described through the presentation of numerous experimental results. Many examples help the reader to visualize the failure modes of laminated composite materials and structural adhesively bonded joints. Theoretical models, based on these experimental data, are demonstrated and their capacity for fatigue life modeling and prediction is thoroughly assessed.
Fatigue of Fiber-reinforced Composites gives the reader the opportunity to learn about methods for modeling the fatigue behavior of fiber-reinforced composites, about statistical analysis of experimental data, and about theories for life prediction under loading patterns that produce multiaxial fatigue stress states. The authors combine these theories to establish a complete design process that is able to predict fatigue life of fiber-reinforced composites under multiaxial, variable amplitude stress states. A classic design methodology is presented for demonstration and theoretical predictions are compared to experimental data from typical material systems used in the wind turbine rotor blade industry.
Fatigue of Fiber-reinforced Composites also presents novel computational methods for modeling fatigue behavior of composite materials, such as artificial neural networks and genetic programming, as a promising alternative to the conventional methods. It is an ideal source of information for researchers and graduate students in mechanical engineering, civil engineering and materials science.
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Interpreting Soil Test Results is a practical reference for those who need to interpret results from laboratory analysis of soil. It has a comprehensive listing of the soil properties relevant to most environmental and natural land resource issues and investigations.
The precursor to this book, What Do All the Numbers Mean?, known as The Numbers Book, was widely used and accepted for interpreting soil test results. This new edition has been completely updated and many sections have been expanded, particularly those on acid sulfate soils and soil salinity. It is a handy and straightforward guide to interpretation of the numbers associated with a wide range of soil tests.
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