Bentley WaterGEMS V8i (SELECT series 2)
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WaterGEMS is a comprehensive and easy to use water distribution modeling application. WaterGEMS can run in ArcGIS, AutoCAD, and MicroStation, or as a standalone application. From fire flow and water quality simulations, to criticality and energy cost analysis, to advanced genetic algorithm optimization, WaterGEMS comes equipped with everything you need in a flexible multi-platform environment.
WaterGEMS V8 extends every piece of functionality across all the included CAD, GIS, and stand-alone platforms. For example, GIS users can now exercise total control over engineering units directly within ArcGIS’s attribute tables, using the same FlexTables technology they can find in the other included platforms.
30 days trial (size 1000) with renew.
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Author: University of bradford | Size: 1.44 MB | Format:PPT | Year: 2009 | pages: 35
A step-by-step guide for BEng/MEng/MSc students familiarizing with this piece of software
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Posted by: utan - 07-25-2011, 03:19 AM - Forum: General Books
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Research Opportunities in Corrosion Science and Engineering
Size: 8 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Committee on Research Opportunities in Corrosion Science and Engineering; National Research Council | Year: 2011 | pages: 192 | ISBN: 978-0-309-16286-9
The field of corrosion science and engineering is on the threshold of important advances. Advances in lifetime prediction and technological solutions, as enabled by the convergence of experimental and computational length and timescales and powerful new modeling techniques, are allowing
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Author: ARA Inc | Size: 60.11 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: NCHRP - Transportation Research Board | Year: 2004
Guide to Mechanistic Empirical Design of New and Rehabilitated Pavement Structures (MEPDG)
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The Mirror link is for the website with the document subdivided in chapters. Also software is available
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I will appreciate if someone could unlock and post unlocked document. Thanks in advance!
Author: ARA Inc | Size: 60.11 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: NCHRP - Transportation Research Board | Year: 2004
Guide to Mechanistic Empirical Design of New and Rehabilitated Pavement Structures (MEPDG)
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Proceedings 1st International Congress on tunnels and underground structures in South-East Europe "USING UNDERGROUND SPACE" April 7-9, 2011, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Size: 840 MB | Format:PDF | Year: 2011
Scientific symposium on tunnels and underground structures is a unique opportunity to connect with colleagues, engeneers, developers and business leaders as we will shape the future of this construction area in South East Europe together.
Discover how to realize the full potential of your projects. Find new opportunities presented by rich experiences across South East europe. Explore new methods and gain new knowledge, colleagues and business partners. Learn about innovative technologies that enable designers and constructors to work together more effectively.
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Author: Rangachari Narayanan, V. Kalyanaraman, A.R. Santhakumar, S.Seetharaman, S.R. Satish Kumar, S. Arul Jayachandran, R. Senthil | Size: 7.79 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: INSDAG - INSTITUTE FOR STEEL DEVELOPMENT & GROWTH | pages: 1135
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Bookmarks, Introduction, Table of Contents and few more information added to the book.
All files are combined in a single file.
PDF file optimized.
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"Any reference by Dr. Epstein is a valuable tool for the composting professional … It also includes perhaps the most comprehensive list of reference materials, which should be very helpful if the reader desires more information on a particular topic."
—John T. Bouey, P.E., President, Managed Organic Recycling, Inc., Oakland, California
The ultimate in recycling, composting has been in use in some form since ancient times. A well-managed composting facility should exist as a good neighbor contributing to ecology. However, since local populations often perceive risks if a composting facility is built nearby, composting facilities must be designed and operated with minimal odor, dust, and noise emissions. Industrial Composting examines the key operational aspects and problems associated with composting, with strong emphasis on odor mitigation, pathogens, and aerosols.
Designed for composting professionals and supported by extensive quality references, this book covers:
* Facilities Planning and Design
* Odor Management
* Design, Material, Energy, and Water Balances
* Economics of Product Marketing and Sales
* Public Relations, Participation, and Communication Regulations
* Pathogen Concentrations as Related to Feedstocks
* Bioaerosols Associated with Composting and Their Potential Diseases
While many books cover composting, most of those currently available are either out of date or contain only a few chapters on the subject. With interest growing in the use of composting for biosolids, food wastes, and other specialty areas, the need for an up-to-date, focused resource is also increasing. To assist composting practitioners, community decision makers, and advocates, Industrial Composting brings recent advances and best practices in composting together in an accessible, professional volume.
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Since the publication of the first edition of this book in 1981, it has been widely used as a textbook at university level for graduate courses in environmental management, environmental science and environmental technology (for non-engineers). As this second edition is significantly improved, it should find an even wider application than the first.
In the second edition, the section on ecotoxicology and effects on pollutants has been expanded considerably, as has Chapter 4 on ecological principles and concepts. Further improvement has been made by the addition of a section on ecological engineering - the application of ecologically sound technology in ecosystems - and an appendix on environmental examination of chemicals. The problems of agricultural waste have been included in Part B, and in Chapter 6 on waste water treatment, several pages have been added about non-point sources and the application of ``soft'' technology. Throughout the book, more examples, questions and problems have been included, and several figures and tables have been added to better illustrate the text.
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