"Structural and Failure Mechanics of Sandwich Composites" by Leif A. Carlsson and George A. Kardomateas focuses on some important deformation and failure modes of sandwich panels such as global buckling, wrinkling and local instabilities, and face/core debonding. The book also provides the mechanics background necessary for understanding deformation and failure mechanisms in sandwich panels and the response of sandwich structural parts to a variety of loadings. Specifically, first-order and high-order sandwich panel theories, and three-dimensional elasticity solutions for the structural behavior outlined in some detail. Elasticity analysis can serve as a benchmark for judging the accuracy of simplified sandwich plate, shell and beam theories. Furthermore, the book reviews test methods developed for the characterization of the constituent face and core materials, and sandwich beams and plates. The characterization of face/core debonding is a major topic of this text, and analysis methods based on fracture mechanics are described and applied to several contemporary test specimens. Test methods and results documented in the literature are included and discussed. The book will benefit structural and materials engineers and researchers with the desire to learn more about structural behavior, failure mechanisms, fracture mechanics and damage tolerance of sandwich structures.
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This book has been used by the authors and others as a textbook for a senior course in Advanced Mechanics of Materials. During that usage the original text has been supplemented from time to time with certain materials. Now it seems appropriate to incorporate these materials in the book and issue a new edition.
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CSI Licence Generator 16-07-2012 sapv15-etab9.7.2-csi bridgev15-PERFORM 3D V5
Size: 468.98 KB
Dear ALL
Herein the last version of CSI Licence Generator up to 16-07-2012
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The international Symposium on Spatial Data Handling is the premier research forum for Geographic Information Science. It is the primary event organised by the International Geographical Union’s study group on Geographical Information Science.
The symposium places particular emphasis on identifying significant headway in GIS. The papers published are carefully refereed by an international programme committee composed of experts in various areas of GIS who are especially renowned for their scientific innovation. The proceedings of this series have become an important reference for researchers and students in the field of geography, cartography and geoinformation.
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This is the first post-Egan book to look at benchmarking and KPIs (key performance indicators) in the construction industry.
Benchmarking is one of the key management techniques the construction industry now needs to adopt if it is to meet challenging new efficiency and productivity targets as well as clients' demands for best value. Contracts are increasingly being awarded only to contractors who can demonstrate the lean construction practices that come with benchmarking.
This authoritative and accessible book:
* clarifies the thinking behind benchmarking and why firms must now adopt it
*shows how to set up effective benchmarking
*explains the theoretical background and offers clear, practical guidance
*demonstrates best practice though reference to case studies.
There are nine case studies describing the use of KPIs and the application of the EFQM excellence model - including contributions from Morrison and John Mowlem
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Dear all,
Can somebody please help me find this article:
Nonlinear Response of Earthfill Dams to Spatially Varying Ground Motion Including Site Response Effect
Journal Advances in Structural Engineering
Publisher Multi Science Publishing
ISSN 1369-4332
Subject Civil and Structural Engineering, Built Environment and Structural Mechanics
Issue Volume 14, Number 2 / April 2011
Category Research Article
Pages 223-234
DOI 10.1260/1369-4332.14.2.223
Online Date Thursday, May 12, 2011
Kemal Haciefendioğlu, Kurtuluş Soyluk
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Posted by: joker™ - 07-22-2011, 08:03 AM - Forum: Archive
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Hello ,
I think there is problem with upload image to
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