The New Manual of Seismological Observatory Practice (NMSOP or "the Manual") is an initiative of the former Commission on Practice (CoP) of the International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth Interior (IASPEI). At its meeting in conjunction with the IASPEI General Assembly in Wellington, New Zealand, January 1994, the CoP established a Working Group on the Manual of Seismological Observatory Practice. Peter Bormann agreed to chair the group. A first concept for the NMSOP was put forward at the General Assembly of IASPEIs European Seismological Commission (ESC) in Athens, Greece, September 1994 (Bormann, 1994). At subsequent meetings and through correspondence, Working Group members were found, willing to contribute major chapters, topical sections or complementary annexes to the Manual. Over the course of time the original conception of the organization of the Manual evolved, in response to the material that authors actually provided. The authorship itself changed as well, as some people dropped out and replacements emerged. This has delayed the completion of the NMSOP. In support of the NMSOP the Manual Working Group organized six open workshop sessions in conjunction with IASPEI and ESC assemblies, with oral and poster presentations as well as Internet presentations of the Manual website under development. The history of the Manual and its forerunners, the activities of the Working Group, as well as the scope, philosophy and expected outreach of the NMSOP, are outlined in more detail in Chapter 1. In total, 40 authors and contributors from nine countries have collaborated in producing about 1250 pages of new drafts (see list of authors and contributors). These were reviewed extensively both within the Working Group and by 35 external reviewers from 10 countries. Thus we hope to have produced a Manual that will be considered useful not only for the daily work of personnel at seismological observatories and centers for data analysis, but which may also find interest in a broader context of education in Earth sciences and training at universities and secondary schools.
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Editorial Reviews
From Scientific American
As a meteorologist, I have used least squares, maximum likelihood, maximum entropy, and empirical orthogonal functions during the course of my work, but this book brought together these somewhat disparate techniques into a coherent, unified package ... I recommend it to meteorologists involved with data analysis and parameterization.
"The author has produced a meaningful guide to the subject; one which a student (or professional unfamiliar with the field) can follow without great difficulty and one in which many motivational guideposts are provided....I think that the value of the book is outstanding....It deserves a prominent place on the shelf of every scientist or engineer who has data to interpret."
"As a meteorologist, I have used least squares, maximum likelihood, maximum entropy, and empirical orthogonal functions during the course of my work, but this book brought together these somewhat disparate techniques into a coherent, unified package....I recommend it to meteorologists involved with data analysis and parameterization."
"This book provides an excellent introductory account of inverse theory with geophysical applications....My experience in using this book, along with supplementary material in a course for the first year graduate students, has been very positive. I unhesitatingly recommend it to any student or researcher in the geophysical sciences."
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Today, we see that worldwide reserves are staying about the same, even increasing in some areas, partly because of the increased use of advanced technology in the exploration and development methods. Much of the credit for maintaining worldwide petroleum reserves must be credited to the 3-D seismic method. 3-D seismic surveys have resulted in the discovery of new fields, their development and enhancement of oil recovery projects. In addition, surface seismic surveys have been augmented by downhole surveys (VSP) that are used for borehole measurements of rock parameters such as density, acoustic velocity, and other parameters.
Another development of note has been the integration of historically separate personnel into teams of seismologists, geologists and engineers who are involved in all stages of petroleum exploration and exploitation. This has led to a need for all members of the team, their support staffs, and managers to better understand all of the technologies involved. The objectives of this text are to help satisfy this need for the non-professional members of these teams and those who support these teams in various ways.
This text will acquaint the people mentioned above with the fundamentals of the seismic techniques, their applications and limitations, with absolute minimal use of mathematics. The material is organized so that basic principles are followed by a flow of information paralleling that of applications. “Real-life” exercises are included to assist the understanding. The text is written at a level that anyone can understand without difficulty. At the end of each chapter you will find a list of key words that will help the reader to better understand the chapter by looking them up in the glossary at the end of the text. For those who are interested in more details, there are appendixes for some chapters that include more detailed information and a very complete bibliography of references for those who want to pursue the subject further.
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Hydroinformatics data integrative approaches in computation, analysis, and modeling
Author: Praveen Kumar, al | Size: 8,65 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group | Year: 2006 | pages: 553 | ISBN: 978-0-8493-2894-7
The book makes a real contribution in bridging different disciplines, and the authors are to be congratulated for preparing this book on hydroinformatics…well-written, is easy to follow, and comprehensive. It is extremely timely and sends a clear message that teaching hydrology must entail hydroinformatics if hydrology is to take full advantage of emerging technologies, which are heavily based on new information and computing tools…will serve as a good textbook for a course on hydroinformatics either at the senior undergraduate level or the beginning graduate level…a useful reference book on one's bookshelf.
- Vijay P. Singh, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 4
Product Description
Modern hydrology is more interdisciplinary than ever. Staggering amounts and varieties of information pour in from GIS and remote sensing systems every day, and this information must be collected, interpreted, and shared efficiently. Hydroinformatics: Data Integrative Approaches in Computation, Analysis, and Modeling introduces the tools, approaches, and system considerations necessary to take full advantage of the abundant hydrological data available today.
Linking hydrological science with computer engineering, networking, and database science, this book lays a pedagogical foundation in the concepts underlying developments in hydroinformatics. It begins with an introduction to data representation through Unified Modeling Language (UML), followed by digital libraries, metadata, the basics of data models, and Modelshed, a new hydrological data model. Building on this platform, the book discusses integrating and managing diverse data in large datasets, data communication issues such as XML and Grid computing, the basic principles of data processing and analysis including feature extraction and spatial registration, and modern methods of soft computing such as neural networks and genetic algorithms.
Today, hydrological data are increasingly rich, complex, and multidimensional. Providing a thorough compendium of techniques and methodologies, Hydroinformatics: Data Integrative Approaches in Computation, Analysis, and Modeling is the first reference to supply the tools necessary to confront these challenges successfully.
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Posted by: aslam - 07-28-2011, 05:01 AM - Forum: Archive
- No Replies
Seismic Design with Supplemental Energy Dissipation Devices
by Robert D Hanson and TSU T Soong
The purpose of this monograph is to impart basic concepts of the supplemental energy dissipation technology to design engineers, architects, and buildings officials so they can understand its benefits and limitations in structural applications.
Robert D Hanson
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
TSU T Soong
State University of New York at Buffalo & Multidisciplinary Centre for Earthquake Engineering Research, Buffalo, New York
Message from EERI President
Message from NICEE
Chapter 1: Introduction
Energy Dissipation Devices
Effect of Viscous Damping on Dynamic Response
Damper-Added Structure versus Traditional Structure
Design and Analysis
Chapter 2: Characterization and Applicability of Dampers
Metallic Yielding and Friction Devices
VE Solid Devices
Viscous Fluid Devices
Summary of Equivalent Damping and Stiffness
Chapter 3: Analysis of Damper- Added Structures
Nonlinear Structure/Nonlinear Damper (NS/ND) Procedure
Nonlinear Structure/Linearized Damper (NS/LD) Procedure
Linear Structure/Nonlinear Damper (LS/ND) Procedure
Linear Structure/Linearized Damper (LS/LD) Procedure
Chapter 4: Damper Design for Structural Applications
General Considerations
Design Procedure
Design Examples
Application Examples
Appendix A: Nonproportional Damping Eigenvalue Solution
SDOF—Undamped System
SDOF—Viscous Damped System
MDOF—Undamped System
MDOF—Proportionally Damped System
MDOF—Nonproportionally Damped System
Disasters are not natural. Natural events such as earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, etc. become disasters because of the fragile relations that exist between the natural, human and built environments. Sadly, major disasters will always occur in towns and cities in the developing world where resources are limited, people are vulnerable and needs are particularly great. The prevailing state of emergency challenges thoughtful and sustainable planning and construction. Yet it is possible, in theory and in practice, to construct them in a way that provides a sustainable environment and improved conditions for current and future generations.
Rebuilding After Disasters emphasizes the role of the built environment in the re-establishment of lives and sustainable livelihoods after disasters. Expert contributors explain the principal challenges facing professionals and practitioners in the building industry.
This book will be of great value to decision makers, students and researchers in the fields of architecture, social sciences, engineering, planning, geography, and disaster recovery.
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When seismic waves propagate through the earth subsurface, the absorptionand dispersion effects will cause attenuation of wave amplitudes and shapedistortion of seismic waveforms. Inverse Q filtering is a wave propagation-reversal processing that removes these effects from recorded seismic data.After inverse Q filtering, seismic data will have improved quality withcorrect amplitudes and phases, which will result in better matching with thewell-log information, higher resolution for thin-layer interpretation andreliable seismic inversion for reservoir characterization
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Dear All,
Please kindly share the article below with us, if you can acces it. The details are:
Journal: Journal of Applied Mechanics
Title:A Model for Vortex Induced Oscillation of Structures
Author:W. D. Iwan and R. D. Blevins
Volume: 41
Issue: 3
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The event is a continuation of the series of International Conferences on Unsaturated Soils in Germany. The first International Conference was held during September 2003 in Bauhaus-University Weimar, Weimar, Germany. The current event is the second one in the series entitled “Mechanics of Unsaturated Soils.” The primary objective of the Conference has been to discuss and understand unsaturated soil behaviour such that engineered activities are made better with times in terms of judgement and quality. We all realise by now that in addition to the knowledge on the classical concepts, it becomes an enormous challenging task to adapt convincing new concepts and present them in such a way that it could be used in engineering practices. During the last six years or so (2001–2007), scientific research works were extensively taken up by five scientific research teams from five German universities, whose scientific leaders are Wolfgang Ehlers (Universität Stuttgart), Jens Engel (HTW Dresden), Rainer Helmig and Holger Claas (Universität Stuttgart), Tom Schanz (Bauhaus Universität Weimar), Christos Vrettos, Helmut Meissner and Andreas Becker (Universität Kaiserslautern). The research studies involved theoretical and numerical approaches along with experimental studies on unsaturated soils. These two volumes present recent research findings obtained within this collaboration by the above research groups along with excellent contributions from several research groups throughout the World.
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Hi Colleages, I looking for this book, If you have please share it. I will be very gratefully.
Statics of Suspension Cable Roofs
Author: Jaroslav Kadlcak
Hardcover: 316 pages
Publisher: Taylor & Francis; 1 edition (1 Jan 1995)
Language English
ISBN-10: 9054106182
ISBN-13: 978-9054106180