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Composite Floor System - Civil Construction Magazine
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This short book analyses the dynamic stability with respect to small perturbations, as well as the local damage of geometrically nonlinear elastic, spatially curved, open section beams with axial precompression. Transient waves, which are the surfaces of strong discontinuity and wherein the stress and strain fields experience discontinuities, are used as small perturbations; in so doing the discontinuities are considered to be of small magnitude. Such waves are initiated during low-velocity impacts upon thin-walled beams. The theory of discontinuities and the method of ray expansions which allow one to find the desired fields behind the fronts of the transient waves in terms of discontinuities in time-derivatives of the values to be found, are used as the methods of solution for short-time dynamic processes. The example of using the ray expansions for analyzing the impact response of spatially curved thin-walled beams of open profile is demonstrated by solving the problem about the normal impact of an elastic hemispherical-nosed rod upon an elastic arch representing itself a channel-beam curved along an arc of the circumference. The influence of the initial stresses on the dynamic fields has been investigated.
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Author: R. E. Sheriff, L. P. Geldart | Size: 74.5 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Cambridge University Press; 2 edition | Year: August 25, 1995 | pages: 628 | ISBN: 0521468264
This is the completely updated revision of the highly regarded book Exploration Seismology. Available now in one volume, this textbook provides a complete and systematic discussion of exploration seismology. The first part of the book looks at the history of exploration seismology and the theory - developed from the first principles of physics. All aspects of seismic acquisition are then described. The second part of the book goes on to discuss data-processing and interpretation. Applications of seismic exploration to groundwater, environmental and reservoir geophysics are also included. The book is designed to give a comprehensive up-to-date picture of the applications of seismology. Exploration Seismology's comprehensiveness makes it suitable as a text for undergraduate courses for geologists, geophysicists and engineers, as well as a guide and reference work for practising professionals.
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Author: J. L. Mari (Author), S. Boyer S. Boyer (Author) , M. S. Carpenter (Translator) | Size: 9.4 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Editions Technip | Year: January 1997 | pages: 191 | ISBN: 2710807122
Provides the respective contribution of downhole logging techniques and borehole seismic surveying resulting in improved understanding of reservoirs.
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This is the first book of its kind on seismic amplitude inversion in the context of reflection tomography. The aim of the monograph is to advocate the use of ray-amplitude data, separately or jointly with traveltime data, in reflection seismic tomography.
The emphasis of seismic exploration is on imaging techniques, so that seismic section can be interpreted directly as a geological section. In contrast it is perhaps ironic that, in decades of industrial seismology, one major aspect of waveform data that potentially is easier to measure and analyse has generally been ignored. That is, the information content of seismic amplitudes. Perhaps the potential complexity has deterred most researchers from a more thorough investigation of the practical use of seismic amplitude data. The author of this volume presents an authoritative and detailed study of amplitude data, as used in conjunction with traveltime data, to provide better constraints on the variation of seismic wave speed in the subsurface.
One of the fundamental problems in conventional reflection seismic tomography using only traveltime data is the possible ambiguity between the velocity variation and the reflector depth. The inclusion of amplitude data in the inversion may help to resolve this problem because the amplitudes and traveltimes are sensitive to different features of the subsurface model, and thereby provide more accurate information about the subsurface structure and the velocity distribution. An essential goal of this monograph is to make the amplitude inversion method work with real reflection seismic data.
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Autodesk Subassembly Composer For Civil3D 2011 2012 32bit & 64bit
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The Autodesk Subassembly Composer for AutoCAD Civil 3D 2011 & 2012 software provides a powerful, yet easy-to-use interface to visually modify or create complex subassemblies without the need for programming The flowchart provides a more intuitive view of the subassembly logic and is easily modified using drag and drop functionality The graphical preview displays the subassembly geometry and can be used to help simulate how the subassembly can behave with different target values Selection in the flowchart and preview are synchronized making it easier to find and edit the properties of a subassembly component Subassembly Composer works directly with PKT files that can be imported into AutoCAD Civil 3D.
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Groundwater: Modelling, Management and Contamination
Author: Luka F. Konig (Editor) and Jonas L. Weiss (Editor) | Size: 12.3 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Nova Science Pub Inc | Year: 2008 | pages: 404 | ISBN: 1604568321 & 9781607413950
Product Description:
Groundwater (GW) is one of the most valuable natural resources and for that reason, the GW protection and management is vital for human evolution, socio-economic development and ecological diversity. During the last decades, the continuously increasing need of water has led to a rapidly growing awareness in the field of GW management. At the same time over exploitation and pollution of water resources are threatening the ecosystems. The combination of these two problems which have acquired world-wide dimensions has forced many scientists working in relative fields to search new, multidisciplinary approaches to address them. Effective management and protection of groundwater resources require detail knowledge and quantitative/qualitative characterisation of aquifers. Thus, modelling and planning of the GW through the use of modern technologies and approaches have become of high priority towards this direction. This book provides leading-edge research on this field.
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This is very nice book for water resources engineers and modelers in the field of Civil Engineering Major working in the field. If you like this book, buy this book and recommend it to your librarian or inistitution to buy it and support the authors.
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