Found these on the internet, they seem very interesting, so I thought to share them:
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Author: American Institute of Architects | Size: 42.3 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: - | Year: 2011 | pages: 68 | ISBN: NA
Eco-structure is geared toward architects, builders, interior designers and others interested in green building. By focusing on particular green residential and commercial projects, as well as gaining “perspectives” from industry leaders, the publication strives to improve the built the... Eco-structure editorial covers green building from all angles, providing information about diverse green-building techniques and rating systems to help architects and designers choose the proper approach to their specific projects. In addition, Eco-structure focuses on the entire building and how intricately a building's systems work together to achieve sustainability. Eco-structure consistently provides reliable, in-depth coverage of the market, new trends and market statistics, as well new products information.
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Record breaking hurricane seasons, tornados, tsunamis, earthquakes, and intentional acts of mass-casualty violence, give lie to the delusion that disasters are the anomaly and not the norm. Disaster management is rooted in the fundamental belief that we can protect ourselves. Even if we cannot control all the causes, we can prepare and respond. We can craft constructive, workable policy that will contribute to the prevention of enormous financial impact, destruction of the environment, and needless loss of life. Integrating scholarly articles from international experts and first hand accounts from the practitioner community, Disaster Management Handbook presents an analytical critique of the interrelated, multidisciplinary issues of preparedness, response, and recovery in anticipating and rebuilding from disasters. Beginning with an introduction to the theoretical constructs and conceptual foundations of disaster management, the book reviews the relationship of modern development to disaster vulnerability, the politics of disaster management, leadership , and the role of agency coordination. The second and third sections examine case studies and lessons learned through natural disasters in North America and around the world. They compare and contrast the efficacy of different management strategies from national, provincial, and local governments, as well as non-governmental agencies.
Taking a narrower scope, the fourth section focuses on emergency personnel and the methods and issues faced in on-the-scene response and preparation. It also considers the special needs of hospitals and the effective use of the media. Contributions in the final two sections present strategies for limiting and ameliorating the psychological impact of disaster on victims and personnel, and look forward to how we can be better prepared in the future and rebuild stronger, more resilient communities.
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This analysis of the aftermath of earthquakes in Japan, Turkey and India reveals important insights into how the outcome of each was affected by the different styles of state-society relationships. Using a comparative approach the book also seeks to draw out patterns and lessons that can be applied more generally to societies in the aftermath of such events. The result is a groundbreaking work that will be of major importance to all those whose work involves them in dealing with the aftermath of disasters and major conflict.
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Understanding Construction Drawings is intended for students in construction programs in two-year and four-year colleges and technical institutes, as well as apprentice training. Designed for a course in print reading focused on both residential and commercial construction, the book helps you learn to read the drawings that are used to communicate information about buildings. It includes drawings for buildings that were designed for construction in several parts of North America. The diversity of building classifications and geographic locations ensures that you are ready to work on construction jobs anywhere in the industry. Everyone who works in building construction should be able to read and understand the drawings of the major trades.
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This text considers waves the great unifying concept of physics. With minimal mathematics, it emphasizes the behavior common to phenomena such as earthquake waves, ocean waves, sound waves, and mechanical waves. Topics include velocity, vector and complex representation, energy and momentum, coupled modes, polarization, diffraction, and radiation. 1974 edition.
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"Eco-Urban Design" focuses on the unprecedented challenges currently faced by architects and designers. In a world where climate change, diminishing natural resources and an increasing global population have become indisputable facts of life there is now a rising demand for evolved buildings that no longer endanger the Earth's fragile ecological systems.
This book endeavours to tell the positive side of the story by featuring considered design solutions provided by the world's most innovative architects and engineers. By only including realised projects which have been subjected to post construction monitoring this publication provides evidence-based information that measured reductions in carbon emissions, water and energy usage can actually be achieved in the field and not just on the drawing board.
These completed projects demonstrate best practice and will inspire a new hybrid generation of designers who will combine architecture and engineering skills to resolve a key environmental challenge. Furthermore, these creative construction projects from a variety of genres including, commercial property, public buildings, social housing and private homes give testimony to the fact that investment in green
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I have found a problem recently when our forum changed from "" to "", our links in the search area still refer to "" which are not found by internet browsers with the 404 Not Found error (Is there anyone got the same problem?). I have to delete the "forum." phrase in the address bar in order to move to where the links transfer. It is inconvenient, isn't it!!!
Could you please take a look and correct it so that our page can be used normally. Correct me if i am wrong!
Assuming no knowledge of programming, this book presents both programming concepts and MATLAB's built-in functions, providing a perfect platform for exploiting MATLAB's extensive capabilities for tackling engineering problems. It starts with programming concepts such as variables, assignments, input/output, and selection statements, moves onto loops and then solves problems using both the 'programming concept' and the 'power of MATLAB' side-by-side. In-depth coverage is given to input/output, a topic that is fundamental to many engineering applications.
Ancillaries available with the text:
Instructor solution manual (available Aug. 1st)
electronic images from the text (available Aug 16th)
m-files (available Aug 1st)
* Presents programming concepts and MATLAB built-in functions side-by-side, giving students the ability to program efficiently and exploit the power of MATLAB to solve problems. * In depth coverage of file input/output, a topic essential for many engineering applications * Systematic, step-by-step approach, building on concepts throughout the book, facilitating easier learning * Sections on 'common pitfalls' and 'programming guidelines' direct students towards best practice
* New to this edition:
More engineering applications help the reader learn Matlab in the context of solving technical problems
New and revised end of chapter problems
Stronger coverage of loops and vectorizing in a new chapter, chapter 5
Updated to reflect current features and functions of the current release of Matlab
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