Product Description
Designing and building structures that will withstand the unique challenges that exist in Subsea operations is no easy task. As deepwater wells are drilled to greater depths, engineers are confronted with a new set problems such as water depth, weather conditions, ocean currents, equipment reliability, and well accessibility, to name just a few. A definitive reference for engineers designing, analyzing and instilling offshore structures, Subsea Structural Engineering Handbook provides an expert guide to the key processes, technologies and equipment that comprise contemporary offshore structures.
Written in a clear and easy to understand language, the book is based on the authors 30 years of experience in the design, analysis and instillation of offshore structures. This book answers the above mentioned crucial questions as well as covers the entire spectrum of subjects in the discipline, from route selection and planning to design, construction, installation, materials and corrosion, inspection, welding, repair, risk assessment, and applicable design solutions. It yields a roadmap not only for the subsea engineer but also the project managers, estimators and regulatory personnel hoping to gain an appreciation of the overall issues and directed approaches to subsea engineering design solutions.
Up-to-date technical overview of deepwater riser engineering
Easy to understand Coverage of design, analysis and, stallation
Addresses issues concerning both fixed and floating platforms
Covers techincal equipment such as Subsea Control Systems, Pressure Piping, Connectors and Equipment Layout as well as Remotely-operated vehicles
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A variational principle book written by a real expert in this field. Easy to read for the beginners
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Tuned Liquid Column Dampers in Offshore Wind Turbines For Structural Control
by: Shane Colwell , Biswajit Basu
Engineering Structures,Volum 31 (2009),358-368
My Master thesis is about applying Tuned Liquid Dampers in offshore Structures and I'm looking for papers about TLD and application of TLD's in offshore structures.can anyone provide me with information about this subject???
Author: Cheng Liu and Jack Evett | Size: 62 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Prentice Hall | Year: 1991 | pages: 475 | ISBN: 978-0138161828
Product Description
Written in a clear, direct style, this practical book introduces readers to the essentials of soil mechanics and foundations. Major emphasis is given to design and practical applications, which are supported by basic theory. Now in its seventh edition, it includes new material on soil consistency, overconsolidated clay, degree of consolidation, vibroflotation and the settlement of sand. KEY TOPICS Chapter topics cover formation of natural soil deposits, engineering properties of soils, soil exploration, soil compaction and stabilization, water in soil, stress distribution in soil, consolidation of soil and settlement of structures, shear strength of soil, shallow foundations, pile foundations, drilled shaft foundations, lateral earth pressure, retaining structures, and stability analysis of slopes. For civil engineers, civil engineering technologists, and geotechnical engineers.
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Author: Armando Carlos de Pina Filho & Aloísio Carlos de Pina | Size: 9.7 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: In-Tech | Year: 2010 | pages: 262 | ISBN: 9789533070964
Several countries present a series of urban problems, such as: dwelling deficit, infrastructure problems, inefficient services, environmental pollution, etc. Urban Engineering searches solution for these problems, by using a conjoined system of planning, management and technology.
Many researches are related to application of instruments, methodologies and tools for monitoring and acquisition of data, based on the factual experience and computational modelling. Some subjects of study are: urban automation; geographic information systems (GIS); analysis, monitoring and management of urban noise, floods and transports; information technology applied to the cities; tools for urban simulation, social monitoring and control of urban policies; sustainability; etc.
Therefore, the objective of this book is to present some works related to these subjects, showing methods and techniques applied in Urban Engineering.
From the great number of interesting information presented here, we believe that this book can offer some aid in new researches, as well as to incite the interest of people for this area of study, since Urban Engineering is fundamental for the development of the cities.
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Equations for Mix Design of Structural Lightweight Concrete
Author: M. Abdullahi, H.M.A. Al-Mattarneh, B.S. Mohammed | Size: 55.8 KB | Format:PDF | Publisher: European Journal of Scientific Research | Year: 2009 | pages: 10 | ISBN: ISSN 1450-216X
Equations for mix design of structural lightweight concrete are presented.
Conventionally, mix design of concrete is conducted using the tabular data and charts in
standards. This requires extra efforts of understanding the data in the code and
interpolations are often required when intermediate values are needed. The process is also
liable to human error as data may be erroneously taken by the mix designer. The tabular
data and graphs in ACI 211.2-98 are converted to equations. Various models were tried and
the best model that adequately represents the data was chosen based on the regression
coefficient and its predictive capability. The equations were used to solve some mix design
problems from reputable textural sources. The developed equations are capable of giving
material constituents for the first trial batch of structural lightweight concrete. These
equations can be used in place of the data in the code and would reduce the effort, time and
energy expended in the manual process of mix design of structural lightweight concrete.
The equations are also useful for mixture proportioning adjustment.
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Coupling of boundary and finite elements for soil-structure interaction problems
Otto von Estorff, Eduardo Kausel Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics
Volume 18, Issue 7, pages 1065–1075, October 1989
Static soil-structure interaction analysis by FE-BE coupling method
Zheng-Wen Yang and Wen-Da Lu Applied Mathematical Modelling
Volume 16, Issue 7, July 1992, Pages 384-389
The mixed finite element method in elastic and elasto-plastic axisymmetric problems
R. C. Mahapatra and S. P. Dasgupta Computers & Structures
Volume 30, Issue 5, 1988, Pages 1047-1065
Analysis of Soil-Structure Interaction with Finite Element Method
Edited by N. Ohno and T. Uehara Key Engineering Materials (Volumes 340 - 341)
Pages 1279-1284
Nonlinear soil-structure interaction analysis using coupled finite-infinite elements
P. N. Godbole, M. N. Viladkar and J. Noorzaei Computers & Structures
Volume 36, Issue 6, 1990, Pages 1089-1096
Soil-structure interaction analyses by finite elements — State of the art
H. Bolton Seed and J. Lysmer Nuclear Engineering and Design
Volume 46, Issue 2, April 1978, Pages 349-365
Application of Advanced Construction Technologies to New Nuclear Power Plants
Size: 2.2 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: U.S. Department of Energy | Year: 2004 | pages: 132
This report identifies and assesses advanced construction technologies potentially applicable to new domestic nuclear plants planned for deployment in the 2010 timeframe. Advanced construction technologies are those construction methods and techniques that were developed after completion of the last domestic nuclear plant (10 years ago). Based on these assessments, recommendations are provided for technology developments, improvements, demonstrations, or other activities needed to shorten the construction schedule for advanced nuclear power plants in the United States.
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Author: Dreger, Douglas S., Hurtado, Gabriel, Chopra, Anil K., Larsen, Shawn C. | Size: 3.9 MB | Format:PDF
Bridges that cross faults are subject to static deformation that occurs at almost the same time as the arrival of dynamic pulse-like ground motions. Static offsets can be as large as several centimeters to many meters and strong ground motion velocity pulses exceeding 100 cm/s have been observed. Near-fault records, in the distance range of 10 to 100s of meters from faults are essentially nonexistent except for a few cases and therefore numerical simulation of ground motions for such near-fault situations is necessary. The paper presents simulated ground motions to 17.5 Hz, 15-100m from the fault for a Mw6.5 earthquake using an elastic finite-difference code. Simulations for homogeneous earth structure are compared for uniform and heterogeneous fault rupture scenarios. To investigate asymmetry of ground motions on opposite sides of a dipping reverse fault the dislocation method of Okada (1992) is used to compute static offset. From those results a simplified procedure for the simulation of near-fault time histories is developed. All of the simulations assume linear elasticity, and it is noted that the computed strain is as high as 10-4 - 10-3, and it is likely that there would be significant non-linear behavior in this near-fault region.
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