Does anybody have any spreadsheet or software for design of counterfort retaining walls. I really need that for design of two retaining walls with around 10 meters height. I want to make sure of the calculations and give a good design report to the client.
If not any spreadsheet, I would also appreciate some sample calculations of the counterfort retaining walls.
Your world is filled with structures that have stood the test of time. That give character to the cities and landscapes in which they're located. That are visited by millions of people each year. And that capture our wonder for the marvels of engineering innovation and progress.
But while structures such as the Giza pyramids, Brunelleschi's dome, and the Brooklyn Bridge are visual spectacles in and of themselves, they are just as important for the way they were designed as for the way they look. These and other structural masterpieces were, first and foremost, novel creations born from the most progressive engineering concepts and tools of their day. They represent uniquely effective solutions to perplexing structural concerns. And they serve as landmark moments in the millennia-long history of engineering.
Now, experience the engineering genius that makes these works possible with Understanding the World's Greatest Structures: Science and Innovation from Antiquity to Modernity—a marvelous learning experience that takes you around the world and reveals the stories behind the most famous bridges, churches, skyscrapers, towers, and other structures from thousands of years of history. Delivered by award-winning Professor Stephen Ressler of the United States Military Academy at West Point, a civil engineer and a nationally honored leader in engineering education, these 24 lectures take you on a fascinating and richly illustrated tour that deftly blends history and science to create an unforgettable survey of our world's most remarkable structural masterpieces, one informed by the fundamentals of structural engineering and their underlying scientific principles.
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Author: Andrew C. Palmer and Roger A. King | Size: 83 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Pennwell Books | Year: 2004 | pages: 570 | ISBN: 159370013X
Product Description:
This new text represents the first of its kind. Veteran subsea pipeline engineers, Andrew Palmer and Roger King, bring to you valuable information through their combined experience on the current state of the art methods of subsea pipelines. They cover such topics as route selection, carbon-manganese steels, corrosion, welding, hydraulics, repair, and much more.
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The definitive reference for driven piles. Nearly six years in the making, Pile Driving by Pile Buck is a comprehensive reference book on the history of pile driving and driven piles, the various types of piles, the equipment used to install them, the design of driven pile foundations, the installation of driven piles and the capacity verification of driven piles. Not just another theoretical exercise, Pile Driving by Pile Buck gives practical procedures and equipment configurations for the successful installation of virtually any driven pile foundations. Included with the text are a wealth of photographs without equal in this type of publication; the photos alone are worth the price of the book, and help bring the reader "on site" to understand the whole process of pile driving--one of the oldest construction techniques known
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Version R12 is a major upgrade. Besides supporting AutoCAD 2011, it also has a strong focus on MicroStation DGN. Full support for DGN 3D and complete XREF handling for DGN V8, finally brings the quality of the MicroStation filter close to the same level as our AutoCAD filter is known for.
RxView allows users to view & print more than 250 different file formats - without the design software installed on the machine. CAD drawings, 3D CAD models, plot-files, PDFs, Office documents, raster images and scanned drawings.
RxHighlight is the same software installation as RxView, but through the license file, it opens up for advanced functions like redlining, markup, conversion, batch processes and text search & extraction, for collaboration between team members.
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Posted initially in Lavteam but links i found in other site.
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: You may use this software for evaluation purposes only.
If you like it, it is strongly suggested you buy it to support the developers.
By any means you may not use this software to make money or use it for commercial purpose.
If there is someone has experince working in Australia, could you advice
1) My company is planning to get bidding of turn key project ( engineering and construction). What kind of licenses that need to have if we are non-Australian company ( foreign company) such as company's construction license.
2) Do they have different Taxation for foriegn and Australian company
2) In case of foreign company, we can get a construction job in Australia or not.
3) For Engineering service, do we need a PE' license to signin our dwgs.
4) What kind of permits required for Australian's authorities permit ( construction permit or else)
Introduction to the Economics of Structural Steelwork
Author: N/A | Size: 2 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: The Southern African Institute of Steel Construction | Year: 2001
The aim of this book is to promote maximum economy in the design, fabrication and erection of steel structures. Competitive pricing, efficiency, quality workmanship and on-time construction are basic requirements for the success of construction projects.
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