Author: Tianjian Ji, Adrian Bell | Size: 4.2 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Spon Press | Year: 2008 | pages: 286 | ISBN: 0415397731
The pioneering website , by Tianjian Ji and Adrian Bell, goes back to basics and explains in detail the basic principles of structural concepts and how they relate to the real world. Following on from and expanding upon the website, comes this book. Essential for the civil engineering student, it examines the concepts in closer detail with formulae and technical terminology, while remaining grounded in the website's practical approach. With hundreds of photographs and diagrams, you are encouraged to visualize each concept in turn and to understand how it applies to every day life.
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Water resources management is increasingly interdisciplinary and must take into account complex socioeconomic factors and environmental variables. This book describes the “systems approach” and its application to contemporary water resources management, focusing on three main sets of tools: simulation, optimization and multi-objective analysis. This approach is presented within the context of sustainable planning and development under conditions of uncertainty.
'This book bridges disciplines, previously confined to specialist journal publications, by providing a comprehensive overview of the systems analysis application to water resources. It is ideal for Masters-level courses in Water Resources Engineering where modern management techniques of optimization and modelling are highly important in the strategic management of a vital resource.' Derek Clarke, University of Southampton, UK 'The great novelty of this book is that it presents in detail how fuzzy-set theory can be used in water resource system management. The author was one of the pioneers who opened up this new field and is considered to be one of the greatest experts in it.' Rodolfo Soncini Sessa, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Water resources management is increasingly interdisciplinary and must take into account complex socioeconomic factors and environmental variables. This book describes the 'systems approach' and its application to contemporary water resources management, focusing on three main sets of tools: simulation, optimization and multi-objective analysis. This approach is presented within the context of sustainable planning and development under conditions of uncertainty. Managing Water Resources: Methods and Tools for a Systems Approach introduces system dynamic simulation as a tool for integrated modelling and contains coverage of the use of fuzzy sets for incorporating objective and subjective uncertainties. The book combines theory with many practical examples, as well as including programs and exercises on an accompanying CD-ROM. It comprises both an advanced text for students of water resources and civil or environmental engineering and a practical guide for professionals. Published jointly with UNESCO and International Hydrological Programme
About the Author
Slobodan P. Simonovic is a Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Western Ontario, Canada.
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Product Description
Better water management will be crucial if we are to meet many of the key challenges of this century - feeding the world�s growing population and reducing poverty, meeting water and sanitation needs, protecting vital ecosystems, all while adapting to climate change. The approach known as Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) is widely recognized as the best way forward, but is poorly understood, even within the water sector. Since a core IWRM principle is that good water management must involve the water users, the understanding and involvement of other sectors is critical for success. There is thus an urgent need for practical guidance, for both water and development professionals, based on real world examples, rather than theoretical constructs. That is what this book provides. Using case studies, the book illustrates how better water management, guided by the IWRM approach, has helped to meet a wide range of sustainable development goals. It does this by considering practical examples, looking at how IWRM has contributed, at different scales, from very local, village-level experiences to reforms at national level and beyond to cases involving trans-boundary river basins. Using these on-the-ground experiences, from both developed and developing countries in five continents, the book provides candid and practical lessons for policy-makers, donors, and water and development practitioners worldwide, looking at how IWRM principles were applied, what worked, and, equally important, what didn�t work, and why. Published with the Global Water Partnership
Book Review from Amazon:
'This book is a must-read for students, scholars, and practitioners of sustainable development. ... It is much more than an excellent text on water management. The book illustrates the power, and challenges, of systems thinking in combining economic, social, and environmental objectives. ... The result is a superb description and analysis of the complex challenges, and pathways to success, of societies as they grapple with the overarching 21st-century task of sustainable development.' Jeffrey Sachs, Director of The Earth Institute at Columbia University and Special Advisor to United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon 'This enormously valuable book addresses the needs of the practitioner, whether they work at village level or on reforms at national level and beyond. It is an invaluable asset to those who want to improve water security and meet the Millennium Development Goals. I highly recommend it.' Ismail Serageldin, Director of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Egypt and former Vice-President for Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development at the World Bank 'The rich contents of this book offer a realistic examination of the practical side of IWRM through presenting reliable facts and interesting case studies accompanied by illustrative figures and in-depth analysis... It can be recommended to all water professionals that seek to find solutions in improving water management to achieve sustainable social, economic and environmental development.' Natural Resources Forum, a United Nations Sustainable Development Journal 'The writing style is lucid and captivating the focus on real world examples rather than theoretical constructs captivate the inquisitive mind, making it difficult to put the book down.' '[Integrated Water Resources Management in Practice is a] well conceived and meticulously researched book.' Journal of the American Water Resources Association
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Author: William Whipple Jr. | Size: 5.31 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers | Year: 1998 | pages: 123 | ISBN: 0784403287 & 9780784403280
Book Description:
This book relates the problems of water resources developments. Geared toward professionals with basic engineering knowledge, it covers the following topics: the environment, population and development, water supply, floods and flood control, navigation, hydroelectric power, irrigation, multiple (comprehensive) purpose planning system, water quality and pollution control, runoff control/storm water management and standards, coordination under present institutions, and coordination through Federal/State planning. Stressing the need for coordination between current environmental regulations and water resources planning, this volume also covers much of the history of water resources planning
This review is from Amazon: Water Resources: A New Era for Coordination (Paperback)
At best an introductory book for those who want to know what water planning is, but certainly not a book for professionals... A New Era for Coordination ?
Only the last two chapters (10 pages) allude to the topic.
But like the other chapters, it stays really superficial, and the few anecdotes don't bring much.
So for "those navigating the rapids of multiple water resource planning agencies..." I could recommend dozens of better books.
Even as an introductory book, it is really too shallow and superficial, topics are rapidly discussed with little, if any, analysis.
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Important Note by ska51: This book is google ripped and very few pages are missing. If someone can upload those, that would be highly appreciated and acknowledged.
Here is a link of new spreadsheet. I think need to be upload here.
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This guide is intended to simplify the design and construction of frost protected shallow foundations (FPSFs) and promote their widespread use. The underlying data was obtained from National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) members who provided demonstration sites for evaluation of the performance of FPSFs. Richard Morris, of the NAHB, initiated and facilitated the technology transfer into the United States and its acceptance into U.S. model building codes. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has provided continuing support in the effort to advance the use of FPSFs.
We acknowledge the American Society of Civil Engineers’ (ASCE) for permission to publish values that are contained in Tables 4 and A1 in SEI/ASCE 32-01, Design and Construction of Frost-Protected Shallow Foundations, 2001, authored and published by the ASCE.
This guide represents the efforts of numerous contributors over a period of more than ten years. NAHB Research Center staff members, Jay Jones, P.E., Marie Del Bianco, G. Robert Fuller, P.E. and Edith Crane amended and edited this version.
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Understanding load transfer behaviour and rock socketed bored piles
Author: Gary Chapman | Size: 2.3 MB | Format:PDF
Presentation at Piling and Deep Foundation 2010
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Some aspects of new Australian Piling code AS2159-2009
Author: Harry Poulos | Size: 3.5 MB | Format:PDF
Presentation by Harry Poulos
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