Author: James M. Gere, Barry J. Goodno | Size: 44 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Cengage Learning | Year: 2011 | pages: 640 | ISBN: 1111136025
MECHANICS OF MATERIALS BRIEF EDITION by Gere and Goodno presents thorough and in-depth coverage of the essential topics required for an introductory course in Mechanics of Materials. This user-friendly text gives complete discussions with an emphasis on "need to know" material with a minimization of "nice to know" content. Topics considered beyond the scope of a first course in the subject matter have been eliminated to better tailor the text to the introductory course. Continuing the tradition of hallmark clarity and accuracy found in all 7 full editions of Mechanics of Materials, this text develops student understanding along with analytical and problem-solving skills. The main topics include analysis and design of structural members subjected to tension, compression, torsion, bending, and more.
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1. Reinforced Concrete Structures
2. Basic Material Properties
3. Basic Design Concepts
4. Behaviour in Flexure
5. Design of Beams and One-way Slabs for Flexure
6. Design for Shear
7. Design for Torsion
8. Design for Bond
9. Analysis for Design Moments in Continuous Systems
10. Serviceability Limit States : Deflection and Cracking
11. Design of Two-way Slab Systems
12. Design of Staircases
13. Design of Compression Members
14. Design of Footings and Retaining Walls
15. Good Detailing and Construction Practices
16. Special Provisions for Earthquake-Resistant DesigN
17. Selected Special Topics
Appendix A : Analysis and Design Aids
Appendix B : General Data for Dead Loads and Live Loads
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Comparing altered wetlands to natural wetlands in the same region improves the ability to interpret the gradual and cumulative effects of human development on freshwater wetlands. Hydrologic differences require explicit attention because they affect nearly all wetland functions and are an overriding influence on other comparisons involving wetland water quality and ecology. This study adopts several new approaches to quantify wetland hydrologic characteristics and then describes and compares the hydrology, water quality, and ecology of 10 isolated freshwater marsh and cypress wetlands in the mantled karst landscape of central Florida. Four of the wetlands are natural, and the other six have water levels indirectly lowered by ground-water withdrawals on municipally owned well fields. For several decades, the water levels in four of these altered wetlands have been raised by adding ground water in a mitigation process called augmentation. The two wetlands left unaugmented were impaired because their water levels were lowered. Multifaceted comparisons between the altered and natural wetlands are used to examine differences between marshes and cypress wetlands and to describe the effects of augmentation practices on the wetland ecosystems.
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The Handbook of Water Economics is presented in three sections: theory, methods and applications, providing the latest information in the growing area of water economics and the environment, covering the theory and issues relating to resource management techniques, policy formulation, implementation and evaluation in the water sector.
* Includes strong theory section which links to real world examples in the applications section
* Provides an associated website which will include: formats for EXCEL spreadsheet application covered in the text; bibliography and links to related sites
* Methods section includes coverage of methods of economic evaluation, use of economic instruments and cost-benefit analysis
* Applications section includes case studies on: water availability; sewerage and waste water treatment; navigation; hydro-electric and multipurpose reservoirs; flooding; hydrometric data and coastal zone management
Essential reading for those studying environmental economics modules in Departments of Environmental Management, Geography and Engineering, researchers in hydrology as well as professionals and policy makers in water companies, water authorities, NGO's and government agencies.
From the Back Cover:
Water is vital to social and economic development whilst both arable land and water are scarce. Managing water is highly capital intensive, and capital is also scarce. Simultaneously, there are environmental consequences to any intervention in the water cycle whilst the economy depends on the environment. Therefore, for an integrated catchment, economic analyses must be undertaken on the analysis of the impacts of the proposed scheme upon the catchment as a whole.
This book starts with the Dublin declaration for defining sustainable water management and sets out the economic framework needed to support the implementation of its requirements. The book is divided into two parts: the theory and applications. The theory side sets out the nature of choice and decision-making, considering social and policy issues for water and resource management. The applications side provides the tools for the economic evaluation of water needs, the use of economic instruments and cost-benefit analysis.
Handbook of Water Economics: principles and practice:
* Adopts an integrated approach to managing land-water interactions.
* Includes good practice guidelines for each method along with a comparative summary of the advantages and disadvantages of each method.
* Illustrates techniques with real applications from projects in Egypt, South Africa, China and the United Kingdom.
* Includes case studies on water availability, sewerage and wastewater treatment, tradable permits, , flooding, and hydrometric data.
* Incorporates other aspects of water management, including law, sociology, psychology, development studies and market research.
* Is orientated to practical application.
This book is suitable for MSc students taking environmental economics modules in Departments of Environmental Management, Geography and Engineering, and researchers in Hydrology. This book will be a useful resource for professionals and policy makers in water companies, water authorities, NGO's, government agencies and international agencies.
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Featuring outstanding coverage of linear and non-linear single degree-of-freedom and multi-degree-of-freedom systems, this book teaches the use of vibration principles in a broad spectrum of applications. In this introduction for undergraduate students, authors Balakumar Balachandran and Edward B. Magrab present vibration principles in a general context and illustrate the use of these principles through carefully chosen examples from different disciplines. Their balanced approach integrates principles of linear and nonlinear vibrations with modeling, analysis, prediction, and measurement so that physical understanding of the vibratory phenomena and their relevance for engineering design can be emphasized. The authors also provide design guidelines that are applicable to a wide range of vibratory systems. MATLAB is thoroughly integrated throughout the text.
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Posted by: renaldi - 08-14-2011, 04:55 AM - Forum: Archive
- No Replies
Dear all CivilEA members,
Anyone can help me because i will do a thesis with the theme : analysis study on the retrofitting of masonry infilled walls with FRP (Fibre-Reinforced Polymer) and Glass Fiber material using strut and tie method (STM) APPROACH..Please anyone can give me a guide and many literatures how to solve this... Thx for all CivilEA members, :)
And maybe Anyone have this e-book : Computer-aided strengthening of masonry walls using fibre-reinforced polymer strips ..thx a lot
Dear all,
I am reading an article on fatigue and would need your kind help in sharing an article from science direct with us. If you have an access, please kindly help me for the article. The details are as follow:
Title:Comparison of spectral methods for fatigue analysis of broad-band Gaussian random processes
Journal:Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics
authors:D. Benasciutti,, and R. Tovo
Volume 21,
Issue 4,
October 2006,
Pages 287-299
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This book provides a general introduction to the topic of buildings for resistance to the effects of abnormal loadings. The structural design requirements for nuclear facilities are very unique. In no other structural system are extreme loads such as tornadoes, missile and louds-interaction, earthquake effects typical in excess of any recorded historical data at a site, and postulated system accident at very low probability range explicitly, considered in design. Many design anaysis are included with examples.
It covers the whole spectrum of extreme load which has to be considered in the structural design of nuclear facilities and reactor buildings, the safety criteria, the structural design, the analysis of containment. Test case studies are given in a comprehensive treatment. Computer program solutions supporting analysis are given in the appendices.
Each major section contains a full explanation which allows the book to be used by students and practicing engineers, particularly those facing formidable task of having to design complicated building structures with unusual boundary conditions.
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This is the first comprehensive introduction into earthquake resistant design and construction of buildings, providing the reader with a plan of the most important topics – starting from the soil analysis to the anchorage of tall buildings
Particular attention is paid to vertical movement – the most dangerous and destructive motion
With many design examples and case studies
Includes an extensive treatment of Eurocode 8
This concise work provides a general introduction to the design of buildings which must be resistant to the effect of earthquakes. A major part of this design involves the building structure which has a primary role in preventing serious damage or structural collapse. Much of the material presented in this book examines building structures. Due to the recent discovery of vertical components, it examines not only the resistance to lateral forces but also analyses the disastrous influence of vertical components. Much attention is directed to the Eurocode 8.
The work is written for Practicing Civil, Structural, and Mechanical Engineers, Seismologists and Geoscientists. It serves as a knowledge source for graduate students and their instructors.
Content Level » Professional/practitioner
Keywords » Anchorage - Construction of Buildings - Design of Buildings - Forensics Engineering - Seismic Analysis - Structural Engineering - Vertical Acceleration
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