i am looking for the new technical specifications about masonry blocks:
1. EN 771-1:2011 Specification for masonry units - Part 1: Clay masonry units.
2. EN 771-2:2011 Specification for masonry units - Part 2: Calcium silicate masonry units.
3. EN 771-3:2011 Specification for masonry units - Part 3: Aggregate concrete masonry units (Dense and lightweight aggregates).
4. EN 771-4:2011 Specification for masonry units - Part 4: Autoclaved aerated concrete masonry units.
5. EN 771-5:2011 Specification for masonry units - Part 5: Manufactured stone masonry units.
6. EN 771-6:2011 Specification for masonry units - Part 6: Natural stone masonry units.
I'll be very thankful of someone of you who have them or could find them - share them.
Author: William F. Hosford | Size: 4,3 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Cambridge University Press | Year: 2010 | pages: 272 | ISBN: 0521192293
This is a textbook for courses in civil and mechanical engineering that are commonly called Strength of Materials or Mechanics of Materials. The intent of this book is to provide a background in the mechanics of solids for students of mechanical engineering, while limiting the information on why materials behave as they do. It is assumed that the students have already had courses covering materials science and basic statics. Much of the material is drawn from another book by the author, Mechanical Behavior of Materials. To make the text suitable for mechanical engineers, the chapters on slip, dislocations, twinning, residual stresses, and hardening mechanisms have been eliminated and the treatment of ductility viscoelasticity, creep, ceramics, and polymers has been simplified.
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Greenfield sites around towns and cities, and redevelopment infill sites in existing urban areas often become battlegrounds between the conflicting interests of developers and communities. In America, design charrettes (intensive design and planning workshops) have become widely used as a means of bringing together these divergent groups, using detailed design exercises to establish agreement around a development masterplan. Despite the increasing frequency of their use, charrettes are widely misunderstood and can be misapplied.
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Elizabeth Wilson and Jake Piper explore a wide range of issues in this comprehensive book on the relationship between our changing climate and spatial planning, and suggest ways of addressing the challenges by taking a longer-sighted approach to our preparation for the future.
This text includes:
an overview of what we know already about future climate change and its impacts, as we attempt both to adapt to these changes and to reduce the emissions which cause them
the role of spatial planning in relation to climate change, offering some theoretical and political explanations for the challenges that planning faces in the coming decades
a review of policy and legislation at international, EU and UK levels in regard to climate change, and the support this gives to the planning system
case studies detailing what responses the UK and the Netherlands have made so far in light of the evidence
ways to help new and existing urban developments to reduce energy use and to adapt to climate change, through strengthening the relationships between urban and rural areas to avoid water shortage, floods or loss of biodiversity.
The authors take an evidence-based look at this hugely important topic, providing a well-illustrated text for spatial planning professionals, politicians and the interested public, as well as a useful reference for postgraduate planning, geography, urban studies, urban design and environmental studies students.
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'Victorian Houses' presents the architectural detailing of the time in the context of the era - providing a comprehensive understanding of its architecture and design. Pattern books played a vital role in the dissemination of taste between architect, builder and client in the nineteenth and early twentieth century. By focusing on the contribution of the pattern book to the architecture of the Victorian and Edwardian eras, the various trends of the time are documented.
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Following the success of IMAGES' first 100 of the World's Best Houses book, we searched the globe for another collection of amazing houses. The result of this search is Another 100 of the World's Best Houses . Each house in this new volume has been selected for its unique and extraordinary qualities. The overwhelming theme is the way in which architects use their remarkable skills to relate these masterpieces to their various contexts and landscapes. Locations are as diverse as the houses themselves and include the coast of Peru, inner-city London, rugged Australian coastal sites, urban Sao Paulo, spectacular New Zealand alpine retreats and coastal hideaways, American prairies, frosty Oslo, the gorgeous West Indies, tropical Southeast Asia, suburban Lithuania, Costa Rica, and many other fascinating sites.
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Introduction to Residential Layout is ideal for students and practitioners of urban design, planning, engineering, architecture and landscape seeking a comprehensive guide to the theory and practice of designing and laying out residential areas. Mike Biddulph provides a clear and coherent framework from which he offers comprehensive practical advice for designers of housing developments. Referring to a wealth of international examples, this is a richly illustrated, accessible resource covering the whole range of issues that should be considered by anyone engaging in the planning and design of a new residential scheme.
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Posted by: manifertal - 08-17-2011, 07:01 AM - Forum: Archive
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I need these paper PLZ
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Engineering Journal
First Quarter 2010 Volume 47, No. 1
Critical Evaluation of Equivalent Moment Factor Procedures for Laterally Unsupported Beams
Edgar Wong and Robert G. Driver
Impact of Diaphragm Behavior on the Seismic Design of Low-Rise Steel Buildings
Colin A. Rogers and Robert Tremblay
Notes on the Impact of Hole Reduction on the Flexural Strength of Rolled Beams
Louis F. Geschwindner
A Case for a Single Stiffness Reduction Factor in the 2010 AISC Specification
Louis F. Geschwindner
Bolt Shear Design Considerations
Raymond H.R. Tide
Current Steel Structures Research
Reidar Bjorhovde
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