Computers and Structures, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of CSiXRevit, a link that allows for data exchange between ETABS® v9.7.3 and Autodesk Revit® Structure 2012. CSiXRevit supports true round-tripping, specifically - four different workflows of data interchange:
1) Exporting from Revit Structure to create a new ETABS model
2) Exporting from Revit Structure to update an existing ETABS model
3) Importing from ETABS to create a new Revit Structure model
4) Importing from ETABS to update an existing Revit Structure model.
The CSiXRevit link is a powerful integration tool, allowing you to maximize the capabilities of ETABS and Revit® Structure 2012.
CSiXRevit supports both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Revit® Structure 2012.
CSiXRevit for Revit® Structure 2012 is only compatible with ETABS v9.7.3.
CSiXRevit supports both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Revit® Structure 2012.
CSiXRevit for Revit® Structure 2012 is only compatible with ETABS v9.7.3.
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DownLoad Autodesk Revit Structure 2012 (32 and 64 bit)
Size: 2.98 GB
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Numerical Modeling in Materials Science and Engineering
Author: Michel Rappaz, Michel Bellet, Michel Deville | Size: 18,8 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: springer | Year: 2010 | pages: 540 | ISBN: 3642118208
This book introduces the concepts and methodologies related to the modelling of the complex phenomena occurring in materials processing. After a short reminder of conservation laws and constitutive relationships, the authors introduce the main numerical methods: finite differences, finite volumes and finite elements. These techniques are developed in three main chapters of the book that tackle more specific problems: phase transformation, solid mechanics and fluid flow. The two last chapters treat inverse methods to obtain the boundary conditions or the material properties and stochastic methods for microstructural simulation. This book is intended for undergraduate and graduate students in materials science and engineering, mechanical engineering and physics and for engineering professionals or researchers who want to get acquainted with numerical simulation to model and compute materials processing.
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This volume holds a collection of articles based on the talks presented at ICDEA 2007 in Lisbon, Portugal.
The volume encompasses current topics on stability and bifurcation, chaos, mathematical biology, iteration theory, nonautonomous systems, and stochastic dynamical systems.
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This volume contains a selection of contributions by prominent mathematicians from the many interesting presentations delivered at the Conference of Mathematics and Mathematical Physics that was held in Fez, Morocco duing the period of 28 30 October, 2008.
Readers will find that this volume merges different approaches in nonlinear analysis, and covers, in a broad and balanced fashion, both the theoretical and numerical aspects of the subject. Graduate students, researchers and professionals with interest in the subject will find it useful while keeping abreast with the latest advancements in this field.
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Since the first edition of this book was published, most developments in welding construction have been within the quality assurance element of the process rather than in welding technology itself.
The continuous pressures from worldwide clients seeking better reliability from welded structures has focused much attention on to quality.
The quality characteristic has a significant effect on safety and economy, and the never ending attention to cost effectiveness requires continuous attention to quality control and quality assurance.
New materials, faster welding methods and the needs of economic design mean that such objectives must be carefully studied during the planning and execution of welded work.
Quality Assurance in Welded Construction covers the essential aspects of the area, and is suitable for civil and structural engineering designers, welding engineers, manufacturing managers, inspectors and QA personnal. Included in the book are features and illustrations...
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Health and safety at work is a diverse area of study and a difficult subject for many employers. However, employers need to get to grips with the subject due to their extensive criminal and civil liabilities under health and safety law. This book is an essential guide for medium sized enterprises who do not have access to a health and safety professionals but for whom compliance with health and safety law is still essential. The book takes the reader through all the key issues relating to health and safety and provides up-to-date guidance on employers' statutory duties and how best to achieve compliance with the law. Highly practical, "The Health and Safety Handbook" also provides a CD ROM with policy documents, procedures, forms and all relevant templates for dealing with key health and safety issues. This book covers the main areas of law, health and safety management, the working environment, occupational health and human factors together with specific areas of safety such as that relating to engineering, electrical and construction safety. It is essential reading for employers, senior and line managers and for students on management courses in which health and safety is included.
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Author: William Cunningham and Mary Cunningham | Size: 86.0 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Publisher: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math | Year: 2009 (11 Ed) | pages: 640 | ISBN: 007338321X & 9780073383217
Product Description:
Environmental Science: A Global Concern, Eleventh Edition, is a comprehensive presentation of environmental science for non-science majors which emphasizes critical thinking, environmental responsibility, and global awareness. This book is intended for use in a one- or two-semester course in environmental science, human ecology, or environmental studies at the college or advanced placement high school level.
We have updated data throughout the chapters in this book. Information and examples presented are the most recent available as of the mid-2009. You will find an abundance of specific numbers and current events – details that are difficult to keep up-to-date in a textbook.
The goal of this book is to provide an up-to-date, introductory global view of essential themes in environmental science along with emphasis on details and case studies that will help students process and retain the general principles. Because most students who will use this book are freshman or sophomore non-science majors, the authors make the text readable and accessible without technical jargon or a presumption of prior science background.
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Design, model, and document process plants with AutoCAD® Plant3D software. Built on the familiar AutoCAD® software platform, AutoCAD Plant3D brings modern 3D design to plant designers and engineers. Specification-driven design and standard parts catalogs streamline the placement of piping, equipment, and support structures. Integrated AutoCAD® P&ID software functionality enables you to create and edit P&IDs and reconcile underlying data with the 3D model. Generate and share isometrics, orthographics, and other documents.
Workspace—Purpose-built user interface for 3D plant design.
Specifications and catalogs—Spec-driven technology and standard parts catalogs (ANSI/ASME (B16) and DIN/ISO). Modify catalogs to meet project requirements.
Piping, equipment, and structure—Model spec-driven pipelines and components semiautomatically or manually. Includes a customizable library of standard equipment elements. Externally reference or parametrically create structural elements. Identify interferences.
Construction documents—Generate accurate isometrics, orthographics, and other documents.
Search and report—Query and manipulate data. Generate materials reports. Export to PCF files.
AutoCAD P&ID integration—Integrated functionality enables data consistency.
Autodesk Navisworks compatibility—Seamlessly perform whole-project review.
Spec converter—Import specs from other applications.
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