This book deals with the idea and practice of proof in mathematics. As a college teacher, I know that this is a difficult concept to grasp, and a major poser for both teachers and learners. As a Gibilisco reader, I wasn’t expecting anything less than a complete, entertaining, andThe book can be used for self-training. It assumes nothing, and teaches you everything you need. How it teaches you is another story. Stan Gibilisco has the gift and the passion of a coach. He provides the right example and exercise as soon as you see something new; by going through it with him, and again on your own in the quiz at the end of each chapter, you make it your own. Gibilisco takes you there, and is with you each step of the way. go-getting presentation. I have been amply rewarded in my expectations.
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Author: Donald R. Askeland and Pradeep P. Fulay | Size: 28.7 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Cengage Learning | Year: 2008 | pages: 624 | ISBN: 0495244465
This text provides students with a solid understanding of the relationship between the structure, processing, and properties of materials. Authors Donald Askeland and Pradeep Fulay teach the fundamental concepts of atomic structure and materials behaviors and clearly link them to the "materials" issues that students will have to deal with when they enter the industry or graduate school (e.g. design of structures, selection of materials, or materials failures). While presenting fundamental concepts and linking them to practical applications, the authors emphasize the necessary basics without overwhelming the students with too much of the underlying chemistry or physics. The book covers fundamentals in an integrated approach that emphasizes applications of new technologies that engineered materials enable. New and interdisciplinary developments in materials field such as nanomaterials, smart materials, micro-electro-mechanical (MEMS) systems, and biomaterials are also discussed.
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Product Description
Amid climatic changes linked to global warming, on-going changes in land-use patterns, and growing concern with hydrology as an international issue, it is increasingly important to understand the potential impact of these changes on the water environment. Rainfall-runoff modeling is an important predictor of that impact.
This book provides a summary of the development of rainfall-runoff models, giving examples of their practical applications. It introduces the different techniques for rainfall-runoff modeling, based upon the most recent research, but in a way that serves as a primer for the subject.
Provides an overview of how catchment rainfall-runoff systems work
A history of rainfall-runoff models
Examples of models which can be downloaded over the Internet
Looks at uncertainty in model prediction
Review from Amazon:
"...very stimulating...readable for the non-modellerand has an effective pedagogic excellent contribution..." (Land Degradation & Development, Vol 14 (1-2), 2004)
“This very stimulating volume sets out the, often complex, issues very clearly…” (Land Degradation and Development, Vol 15 No.4 July/ Aug 2004)
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Reuse Dismantling and Performance Evaluation of Reusable Members
Author: Masanori Fujita, Researcher, Dr, Eng., Kanagawa University, Yokohama, Japan and Mamoru Iwata, Prof., Dr, Eng., Department of Architecture and Building Engineering, Kanagawa University, Yokohama, Japan | Size: 1.36 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Structural Engineering International | Year: 2008 | pages: 8 | ISBN: NA
The reuse system mentioned in this paper is an overall system for realizing a reuse business in a cyclic process of design, fabrication, construction, maintenance, dismantling, and storage. Here, we propose reuse dismantling to minimize the damage to structural members for future reuse, and performance evaluation of reusable members focusing on rolled H-sections. Structural members obtained by reuse dismantling or conventional demolition are evaluated by visual inspection, dimensional inspection, mechanical property tests, chemical component tests, and degradation inspection. For structural members to circulate as reusable members in the existing distribution system, two industries are needed: one responsible for production and product supply, which has already been established, and the other facilitating disposal, recycling, and reusing of the products resulting from the former. The authors define the former as the arterial industry, and the latter, as the venous industry, showing the size and importance of both industries.
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Author: Marc B. Parlange, Jan W. Hopmans | Size: 23.6 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA | Year: 1999 | pages: 480 | ISBN: 0195109902 & 9780195109900
Book Review
"The 17 papers show a tremendous range both in subject and depth of coverage. The list of chapter authors is impressive and only serves to illustrate the considerable influence of these two scientists. The variety of authors results in a wide range of styles and quality of writing. The level of mathematical sophistication also varies. There will be something for everyone in this collection. Several of the chapters represent a good starting point for graduate students looking for an introduction to a particular topic. --Journal of Environmental Quality
Product Description
The vadose zone is the region between ground level and the upper limits of soil fully saturated with water. Hydrology in the zone is complex: nonlinear physical, chemical, and biological interactions all affect the transfer of heat, mass, and momentum between the atmosphere and the water table. This book takes an interdisciplinary approach to vadose zone hydrology, bringing together insights from soil science, hydrology, biology, chemistry, physics, and instrumentation design. The chapters present state-of-the-art research, focusing on new frontiers in theory, experiment, and management of soils. The collection addresses the full range of processes, from the pore-scale to field and landscape scales.
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The Retractable Roof and Movable Field at University of Phoenix Stadium, Arizona
Author: Mark C. Waggoner | Size: 1.05 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Structural Engineering International | Year: 2008 | pages: 4 | ISBN: NA
University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, Arizona, USA is one of the first in a second generation of US multipurpose stadium venues that serve both the primary sports tenant and the community that funded the stadium construction. Built as the first permanent home of the Arizona Cardinals National Football League (NFL) franchise, the stadium also hosts the Arizona Sports and Tourism Authority (AZSTA) as an equal cotenant charged with utilizing the venue facilities beyond the eight NFL game days each year. Central to the design program was the ability for the building to be functional, flexible, and rapidly adaptable to the needs of both tenants, while demonstrating a world-class architectural design.
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Product Description
A stimulating, modern approach to analytical mechanics
Analytical Mechanics with an Introduction to Dynamical Systems offers a much-needed, up-to-date treatment of analytical dynamics to meet the needs of today's students and professionals. This outstanding resource offers clear and thorough coverage of mechanics and dynamical systems, with an approach that offers a balance between physical fundamentals and mathematical concepts. Exceptionally well written and abundantly illustrated, the book contains over 550 new problems-more than in any other book on the subject-along with user-friendly computational models using MATLAB. Featured topics include:
* An overview of fundamental dynamics, both two- and three-dimensional
* An examination of variational approaches, including Lagrangian theory
* A complete discussion of the dynamics of rotating bodies
* Coverage of the three-dimensional dynamics of rigid bodies
* A detailed treatment of Hamiltonian systems and stability theory
Ideal for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in civil and mechanical engineering, physics, or applied mathematics, this distinguished text is also an excellent self-study or reference text for the practicing engineer or scientist.
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Dear members, please if anyone have the paper below please upload it:
Earth Retention Conference 3
(Geotechnical Special Publication No. 208)
by Richard Finno, .Ph.D., P.E., (editor), Youssef M. A. Hashash, .Ph.D., P.E., (editor), and Pedro Arduino, .Ph.D., P.E., (editor)
Proceedings of the 2010 Earth Retention Conference, Aug. 1-4, 2010, Bellevue, WA
Sponsored by the Geo-Institute of ASCE
Reston, VA: ASCE, 978-0-7844-1128-5, 2010, 943 pp.,
Or at least this paper:
Advantages and Limitations of Ultimate Limit State Design Methods for Braced Excavations
by D. C. Konstantakos, P.E
Section: Load and Resistance Factor Design, pp. 818-825
Here is the abstract:
This paper examines the advantages and limitations of employing ultimate limit state methods for the design of braced excavations. Braced excavation design requires both skill and careful evaluation of many factors that can affect performance. Traditionally in the US, braced excavations are designed with a serviceability approach where soil parameters are conservatively estimated and the performed analysis yields the service displacements, moments, and forces. Design forces are then calculated by applying a global safety factor on the service design results, while the wall embedment is determined by calculating limit equilibrium safety factors against wall rotation and passive resistance that range from 1.2 to 1.5. In Europe, in contrast to the US, an ultimate limit state design approach has been adopted in geotechnical design including the design of braced excavations. In this design philosophy both wall and supports are designed based on an ultimate limit condition. The ultimate design forces are typically determined by reducing the characteristic soil strength parameters or by multiplying the effects of actions and dividing the effects of resistances by various safety factors. At the end, a safety factor of one or greater is required for all structures and other types of safety factors. Back in the US, there is an increasing trend of promoting ultimate limit state design in geotechnical design, including braced excavations. In the author’s experience the ultimate limit state method works reasonably well for most limit equilibrium methods but can produce very inconsistent results in many cases when numerical analyses are employed. Hence, the advantages and limitations of the ultimate limit state design should be carefully weighted by practitioners and academia in the US before, and if, the ultimate limit state philosophy is incorporated in a legally binding building code.
Author: J. L. Meriam , L. G. Kraige | Size: 112 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Wiley | Year: 2006 | pages: 726 | ISBN: 0471739316, 978-0471739319
Known for its accuracy, clarity, and applications, Meriam & Kraige's Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics has provided a solid foundation of mechanics principles for more than 50 years. Now in its new Sixth Edition, the text continues to help students develop their problem-solving skills with an extensive variety of highly interesting problems related to engineering design. In the new edition, more than 40% of the homework problems are new. There are also new sample problem and more photographs that link theory to application. To help students build necessary visualization and problem-solving skills, the text strongly emphasizes drawing free-body diagrams--the most important skill needed to solve mechanics problems.
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