The Technical Papers Library contains many hundreds of papers published by architects, engineers and academics on a range of multi-disciplinary subjects. The papers cover every facet of tall building design, construction and occupation and are searchable by author, topic and category.
Featured Technical Papers
Prediction Method for Response of an Elasto-Plastic Structure to Fluctuating Wind Force Based on Energy BalanceCTBUH 7th World Congress, New York. October 16 - 19, 2005.
Yoshie, K.
Revision of the AIJ Recommendations on Wind Loads for BuildingsCIB / CTBUH Conference, Kuala Lumpur. October 20 - 23, 2003. pp.539 - 545
Tamura, Y., Ohkuma, T. & Kawai, H.
Numerical Analysis of Wind Loads on Tall Buildings in Urban AreaCIB / CTBUH Conference, Kuala Lumpur. October 20 - 23, 2003. pp.531 - 538
Tamura, T., Kono, T., Cao, S., Tsubokura, M., Okuda, Y. & Okada, H.
The Damped Outrigger Concept for Tall BuildingsCTBUH / Wiley Tal Journal, 2007, pp.501 - 517
Smith, Rob J. and Willford, Michael R.
Bahrain World Trade Center (BWTC): The First Large-Scale Integration of Wind Turbines in a BuildingCTBUH / Wiley Tal Journal, 2007, pp.429 - 439
Smith, Richard F. and Killa, Shaun
Developing Habitable Wind EnvironmentsCTBUH 8th World Congress, Dubai. March 3 - 5, 2008. pp.841 - 846
Rofail, Tony
Recent Applications of Damping Systems for Wind ResponseCTBUH 6th World Congress, Melbourne, 26 February - 2 March, 2001.
Irwin, Peter; Breukelman, Brian
Case Study: Nakhel Tower - The Vertical CityCTBUH Journal 2009 Is II pp. 16-24
Mitcheson-Low, Mark, & O'Brien, Dennis
Aerodynamic Solutions to Minimize the Wind-Induced Dynamic Response of Tall BuildingsCTBUH 6th World Congress, Melbourne, 26 February - 2 March, 2001. pp.681 - 690
Melbourne, W. H. & Cheung, J. C. K.
Practical Solution to Reduce the Wind-Induced Response of Tall BuildingsCTBUH 6th World Congress, Melbourne, 26 February - 2 March, 2001.
McNamara, R.J.
Aeroelastic Wind-Tunnel Testing Technique RevisitedCTBUH 7th World Congress, New York. October 16 - 19, 2005.
Kiviluoma, R.
Aeroelastic Responses of Tall Building to Wind Loads using TLDCTBUH Conference, Seoul. October 10 - 13, 2004.
Kim, Young-Moon, You, Ki -Pyo & Ham, Hee-Jung
A Study on the Characteristics of the Evaluation Methods for Wind-induced Responses and ForcesCTBUH Conference, Seoul. October 10 - 13, 2004. pp.983 - 990
Kim, J. Y., Kim, D. Y, Kim, H. Y. & Kim, S. D.
A Study on the Evaluation Methods of Equivalent Design Wind Loads for Tall BuildingsCTBUH Conference, Seoul. October 10 - 13, 2004.
Kim, Dae Young, Kim, Ji Young, Lee, Myung Ho & Kim, Sang
Comparison of Peak Pressure Coefficients for Wind Load Among International Codes and StandardsCIB / CTBUH Conference, Kuala Lumpur. October 20 - 23, 2003. pp.523 - 530
Kikitsu, H., Okada, H. & Okuda, Y.
Characteristics of Aerodynamic Response of High-Rise Buildings with Open PassageCIB / CTBUH Conference, Kuala Lumpur. October 20 - 23, 2003. pp.515 - 522
Kikitsu, H. & Okada, H.
Dynamic Behavior of Tall Buildings Under Wind: Insights from Full-Scale MonitoringCTBUH / Wiley Tal Journal, 2007, pp. 471 - 486
Kijewski-Correa, Tracy and Pirnia, J. David
Harnessing Energy in Tall Buildings: Bahrain World Trade Center and BeyondCTBUH 8th World Congress, Dubai. March 3 - 5, 2008. pp.144 - 150
Killa, Shaun and Smith, Richard F.
Four Tall Buildings in Madrid – Study of the Wind-Induced Response in Serviceability Limit StateCuadernos Intemac. No. 72. pp.1-40
Hoogendoorn, P.P.; Cabal, R.A
Friend or Foe, Wind at HeightCTBUH 8th World Congress, Dubai. March 3 - 5, 2008. pp.336 - 342
Irwin, Peter ; Kilpatrick, John and Frisque, Andrea
The Wind Engineering of the Burj Dubai TowerCTBUH 7th World Congress, New York. October 16 - 19, 2005.
Irwin, P.
Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Analysis of Dynamic Wind Pressures Acting on a Tall Chimney ModelCTBUH Conference, Seoul. October 10 - 13, 2004. pp.973 - 977
Ham, H.J., Kim, Y.M., Lee, M.H.
Characteristics of the Across-Wind Fluctuating Force and Spectral Density of Rectangular High-Rise Buildings with Various Side RatiosCTBUH Conference, Seoul. October 10 - 13, 2004. pp.978 - 982
Ha, Y.C., Kim, D.W., Kil, Y.S.
Harvesting Wind Power from Tall BuildingsCTBUH 8th World Congress, Dubai. March 3 - 5, 2008. pp.320 - 327
Denoon, Roy ; Cochran, Brad ; Banks, David and Wood, Graeme
Early Days of North American Wind Engineering: An Interview with Professor Cermak about Professor DavenportAGD Symposium, University of Western Ontario, Canada, June 2002
Cochran, Leighton S.
State of the Art Review of Wind Tunnels and Physical Modelling to Obtain Structural Loads and Cladding PressuresArchitectural Science Review, March 2006, Volume 50: 7 - 16
Cochran, Leighton
Wind Load Characteristics on 3-D Elliptic Section CylindersCTBUH Conference, Seoul. October 10 - 13, 2004. pp.496 - 503
Choi, H., Kanda, J., Hamada, T.
Effects of Neighboring Building on Wind LoadsCTBUH Conference, Seoul. October 10 - 13, 2004. pp.516 - 523
Cho, K., Hong, S., Hwang, K.S.
Wind Engineering for the Las Vegas Stratosphere TowerThe Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering(APCWE- VI), Seoul, Korea, September 12 - 14, 2005
Boggs, Daryl, Wright, Brent & Denoon Roy
Sources of Torional Wind Loading on Tall Buildings: Lessons From the Wind TunnelAdvanced Technology in Structural Engineering (Proceedings of the 2000 Structures Congress & Exposition, May 2000, Philadelphia), ed. M. Elgaaly, SEI/ASCE, 2000
Boggs, Daryl W., Hosoya, Noriaki & Cochran, Leighton
Wind Load on Arena Roofs Using Aerodynamic ModelsStructural Engineering in Natural Hazards Mitigation, Vol. 1 (Proceedings of papers presented at the Structures Congress '93, Irvine, CA), ed. A.H-S. Ang and R. Villaverde, ASCE, 1993
Boggs, Daryl W. & Peterka, Jon A.
Acceleration Indexes for Human Comfort in Tall Buildings - Peak or RMS?CTBUH Monograph Chpt. 13: Motion Perception Tolerance and Mitigation 1997
Boggs, Daryl
Wind Speeds for Design of Temporary StructuresPresented at 10th ASCE Structures Congress, April 13 - 15, 1002, San Antonio, TX. Published in Structures Congress '92 Compact Papers, ASCE, 1992
Boggs, D.W. & Peterka, J.A.
Validation of the Aerodynamic Model MethodJournal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 41 - 44(1992) 1011 - 1022
Boggs, D.W.
Performance-Based Evalulation for the 450m Nanjing Greenland Financial Center Main TowerCTBUH Journal 2009 Is II pp. 36-46
Besjak, Charles M., McElhatten, Brian J., & Biswas, Preetam
The Effect of Tall Building Base Opening Geometry on Wind Loads and Local Flow StructuresCTBUH 7th World Congress, New York. October 16 - 19, 2005.
Bekele, S.
Control of Wind-Induced Acceleration Response of 46-Story R.C. Building Structure Using Viscoelastic Dampers Replacing Outrigger SystemCTBUH Conference, Seoul. October 10 - 13, 2004.
Ahn, Sang Kyung, Min, Kyung-Won, Lee, Sang-Hyun, Park, Ji-Hun, Lee, Dong-Gun & Oh, Jung- Gun
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Author: W. Dragoni (Author, B. S. Sukhija | Size: 9.5 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Geological Society of London | Year: 2008 | pages: 181 | ISBN: 9781862392359
There is a general consensus that climate change is an ongoing phenomenon. This will inevitably bring about numerous environmental problems, including alterations to the hydrological cycle, which is already heavily influenced by anthropogenic activity. The available climate scenarios indicate areas where rainfall may increase or diminish, but the final outcome with respect to man and environment will, generally, be detrimental. Groundwater will be vital to alleviate some of the worst drought situations. The paper analyses the main methods for studying the relationships between climate change and groundwater, and presents the main areas in which hydrogeological research should focus in order to mitigate the likely impacts.
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Posted by: Sumatra - 08-07-2011, 09:33 AM - Forum: Archive
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Hi all,
I found at Scribd this lecture notes entitled :
Nonlinear Earthquake Response Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Buildings by Prof. Shunsuke Otani given at ROSE school 2002.
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Book Description.-
Series: Master Math Series | Publication Date: May 29, 2009
Get ready to master the principles and operations of calculus! Master Math: Calculus is a comprehensive reference guide that explains and clarifies the principles of calculus in a simple, easy-to-follow style and format. Beginning with the most basic fundamental topics and progressing through to the more advanced, the book helps clarify calculus using step-by-step procedures and solutions, along with examples and applications. A complete table of contents and a comprehensive index enable you to quickly find specific topics, and the approachable style and format facilitate an understanding of what can be intimidating and tricky skills. Perfect for both students who need some extra help or rusty professionals who want to brush up, Master Math: Calculus will help you master everything from series and approximations to partial derivatives.
Calculus takes off right where the best-selling Master Math series left off, and provides everyone, even those who fear balancing their checkbooks, with new hope and answers to these and many other calculus questions. In a simple, straightforward, step-by-step approach, Master Math: Calculus clearly explains the basic concepts of calculus, then delves deeper into advanced topics.
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The Technical Papers Library contains many hundreds of papers published by architects, engineers and academics on a range of multi-disciplinary subjects. The papers cover every facet of tall building design, construction and occupation and are searchable by author, topic and category.
Featured Technical Papers
Supporting Environmental Claims for Tall Buildings
Joana Goncalves & Klaus Bode, posted July 2011
One of the main causes of energy efficiency failures is LEED rewarding projects for their predictions, but not for proving the savings. The operation of buildings accounts for 85% of its environmental impact.
The High Life: Residential Towers in Central Business Districts
P. Noone, G. Klompmaker, C. Sumanik , posted June 2011
These buildings serve growing segments of the population who desire amenity-rich lifestyles and safe urban homes. They serve cities that desire significant real estate tax revenues, as well as local businesses, which desire purchasing power of new urban residents.
Vibration Control of Connected Towers
Akira Nishimura, posted June 2011
During an earthquake or strong winds, a natural response is to hold on to something. Through Sky Gardens, the three towers of the Island Tower Sky club are holding on to each other.
Challenging Preconceptions of the High-rise Typology
R. Koolhaas, E. Long, C. Doo & D. Shook, posted May 2011
The tall building today seems only concerned with a relentless striving for height and dominance of a city skyline. Often these towers are nothing more than the constant and monotonous repetition of a piece of land in the vertical direction, whose main aim is the profitable multiplication of the value of the ground.
Optimization Tools for the Design of Structures
M. Sarkisian, E. Long, C. Doo & D. Shook, posted May 2011
Structural optimization has attracted increasing interest in the building industry, especially in the design of high-rise buildings. By selectively distributing structural members in a building, the efficiency of the resulting design can be optimized; often resulting in aesthetically interesting forms.
Integration of Design and Construction
Abdelrazaq, Baker, Chung, Pawlikowski, Wang & Yom, posted April 2011
Tower Palace III was conceived as a 93-story residential tower soaring 320 meters into Seoul’s skyline. However, concerns of the local residents and authorities over the building height resulted in a 73-story tower with the same gross floor area.
Sustainability and the Tall Building
M. Ali, P. J. Armstrong, posted April 2011
As a major energy consumer, the tall building does not ordinarily conjure images of sustainable design. But a new generation of tall buildings is incorporating new developments in technology and design to produce smarter, energy-efficient buildings.
Tallest Steel Sheer Wall Building
S. Lee, N. Mathias, M. Sarkisian, D. Wang, posted March 2011
Because of its iconic slender form, a key design challenge was to develop an efficient lateral system capable of resisting wind and seismic lateral load; the article analyzes innovative structural system considerations relying entirely on the use of steel plates.
Tall Timber Buildings
Matthew Wells, posted March 2011
Standing nine floors and 29 meters (95ft) tall, the Stadtaus in London is indeed not very tall when regarded by height, but it does stand out as one of the tallest timber framed buildings in the world.
The Origin of the Skyscraper
Gerard Peet, posted February 2011
The modern skyscraper is generally considered to be an American invention. Chicago and New York claim they once hosted the world's first skyscraper and many American companies are involved in design of the world's tallest buildings.
A new urbanity: the relationship between towers and urbanism
Stefan Krummeck, posted February 2011
The prevailing skyline of the world's developed and developing cities demonstrates an ever-increasing prevalence of tall buildings forming a new urban model. This paper examines the relationship between towers and urbanism.
The Culture of Compactness
Peter Cookson Smith, posted January 2011
Compact cities are, by their nature, relatively sustainable, and Hong Kong is eminently so on many counts. In addition, the emerging intervention of economic forces in the Pearl River Delta continues to superimpose a new collective identity on the region.
Application of Tuned Liquid Dampers for the Efficient Structural Design of Slender Tall Buildings
David Lee, Martin Ng, posted January 2011
Tall, slender buildings on restricted sites present structural engineers with dynamic problems that are difficult to resolve... This performance-based design approach permits investigating separate structural systems.
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The Technical Papers Library contains many hundreds of papers published by architects, engineers and academics on a range of multi-disciplinary subjects. The papers cover every facet of tall building design, construction and occupation and are searchable by author, topic and category.
Featured Technical Papers
Greening Modernism: Westraven Tower
Jeroen Hendriks, posted December 2010
The Westraven Office Complex in Utrecht, the Netherlands, is a combination of a renovated existing building and a new extension for the use of several divisions of the Dutch Department of Public Works.
Proposed Methodology to Determine Seismic Performance Factors for Steel Diagrid Framed Systems
William Baker, Charles Besjak, Mark Sarkisian, Peter Lee, Chung-Soo Doo, posted December 2010
This paper presents a proposed methodology for the reliable determination of seismic performance factors for steel diagrid framed seismic force-resisting systems.
Performance Based Seismic Design of a 75 Story Buckling Restrained Slender Steel Plate Shear Wall Tower
Sam Lee, Dasui Wang, Yun Liao & Neville Mathias, posted November 2010
The Jinta Tower is a 75-story building located in Tianjin, China, with slender steel plate shear walls (SPSW) used as the primary lateral load resisting system. Construction detail, method and schedule constraints result in the steel plates being subject to gravity loads.
Case Study: O-14 Folded Exoskeleton
Jesse Reiser, Nanako Umemoto & Jaime Ocampo, posted November 2010
O-14 is a 22-story commercial tower characterized by 1,326 openings, randomly located and varying in size, throughout the whole exterior shell. The tower contains over 27,900 square meters (300,000 square feet) of office space.
Tall Buildings in the Global Recession: 2008, 2020 and beyond
Philip Oldfield, Antony Wood, posted October 2010
The year 2008 will long be remembered as the start of an economic crisis that has gripped the entire globe - a year that may also have brought to an abrupt end the worldwide construction boom that has seen ever-denser cities containing ever-taller buildings.
International Applications of Elevators for Fire Service Access and Occupant Egress in Fires
Richard W. Bukowski, posted October 2010
For more than two decades, the elevator industry has told us that elevators may not be safe to use during a fire. The Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators as well as building codes have required signs to advise occupants to use the stairs and not elevators in case of fire.
The High-rise as a Retirement Community
Bridget Lesniak, Robert Neper & Donald Hamlin, posted September 2010
As cities are becoming denser, the functions of high-rises are expanding. In addition, the central business district is no longer the exclusive region of the high-rise form.
New Solar Initiatives in Supertall Buildings: The Spire at Ras Al Khaimah
Philip Castillo & Meiring Beyers, posted September 2010
The Spire at Ras Al Khaimah, located in the United Arab Emirates, through its unique approachto building form and landscape offers opportunities to examine new sustainable strategies.
Partial Occupancies for Phased and Multi-Use Tall Buildings
Robert Lau, posted August 2010
What if parts of a building could be occupied before the entire building is completed? What if a large high-rise project could be constructed in phases, so that only the spaces that the current market can support will be constructed?
The Tall Building, Reconsidered…
Simon Allford & Paul Monaghan, posted August 2010
This paper examines the surprising revival of tall buildings in the UK since the late 1990s, through the work of Allford Hall Monaghan Morris. Founded in 1989 by four young architects, AHMM’s approach to tall building design is unsullied by the perceived failure of earlier generations of tall buildings in the UK.
Case Study: Shanghai Tower
Jun Xia, Dennis Poon & Douglas C. Mass, posted July 2010
As the third tower in the trio of supertall buildings at the heart of Shanghai’s new Lujiazui Finance and Trade Zone, Shanghai Tower embodies a new prototype for tall buildings.
Jinao Tower
Mark Sarkisian, C. Keith Boswell, Neville Mathias & Eric Long, posted June 2010
The 56 story, 232 m tall Jinao Tower in Nanjing, China, is a next-generation tower which maximizes performance, efficiency, and occupant experience. Its faceted form is derived from the juxtaposition of an innovative double-skin façade and an external lateral braced steel frame that wraps the tower from crown to base and defines the dimensions.
Historical evolution of the service core
Dario Trabucco, posted June 2010
The service core is the distinctive feature of a tall building: it provides the skyscraper with structural solidity, room for elevators, and other amenities, and constitutes the main network for utility services, power and data.
The Remaking of Mumbai: A CTBUH-IIT collaborative architectural design studio
Antony Wood, posted May 2010
The five towers rise up from the urban plane, connected by a sinuous, landscaped bridge that starts at the ground and works its way up, around and between the towers, culminating in a giant urban park in the sky; a horizontal plane connecting the towers and binding.
Case Study: The Standard Hotel
Todd Schliemann, Tara Leibenhaut-Tyre, Megan Miller, Mark Plechaty, Erik Madsen, & Craig Tracy, posted May 2010
The building is a destination, both visually and experientially, realizing the client’s conceptual goal to create a "living room for the neighborhood," a public place where hotel guests and pedestrians can co-mingle in a variety of spaces.
Elevator Traffic Simulation Procedure
Henri Hakonen & Marja-Liisa Siikonen, posted April 2010
Passenger service level in an elevator system depends on the group control and cannot be calculated directly. With conventional control, waiting times and interval have a correlation in up-peak. In this article, different simulation procedures and consistency of the simulation results are studied.
Structural Design of Reinforced Concrete Tall Buildings,
Ali Sherif S. Rizk, posted April 2010
During the last 12 years the Structural Engineering Department at Dar Al-Handasah has designed 45 mixed-use tall buildings in different Arab countries. The designed towers are primarily made of reinforced concrete.
Alternative Evacuation Design Solutions for High-rise Buildings
Simon Lay, posted March, 2010
There have been many proposals for novel and innovative evacuation solutions for high-rise buildings.This paper investigates in detail the role to be played by elevators and stairs in novel evacuation solutions which can deliver safe, efficient evacuation using current technology and well-tested products.
Five Energy Generations of Tall Buildings
Philip Oldfield, Dario Trabucco, Antony Wood, posted March, 2010
Whilst there have been numerous categorisations of high-rise buildings according to their function, architectural style, height or structural strategy, historically little work has been undertaken to classify them based on factors affecting their energy performance.
Building Façade or Fire Safety Façade?
Daniel J. O’Connor, posted February, 2010
This paper discusses the code provisions and current test standards applicable to perimeter fire barrier systems, which may jeopardize architects’ creative designs in the near future.
Structural BIM: Discussion, Case Studies and Latest Developments
Clive Robinson, posted January 2010
This paper discusses the current state of building information modelling (BIM) from the structural point of view, incorporating the migration from 2D to 3D solutions.
The CAD-tool 2.0 morphological scheme of non-orthogonal high-rise
Dr. Karel Vollers, posted January 2010
Non-orthogonal high-rise buildings are emerging with an increasing degree of geometrical variation. As yet no scheme categorises data on the basis of the overall geometries of such buildings.
Case Study: Trump International Hotel & Tower
William F. Baker, Paul James, Richard F. Tomlinson, and Andrew Weiss, posted January 2010
Trump Tower rises from the heart of the city, at a point where the Chicago River curves gently to the southwest. Its 401 N. Wabash address is the former site of the low-rise Chicago Sun-Times building.
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The Technical Papers Library contains many hundreds of papers published by architects, engineers and academics on a range of multi-disciplinary subjects. The papers cover every facet of tall building design, construction and occupation and are searchable by author, topic and category.
Featured Technical Papers
Shaping the High-rise Framework: Tall Buildings Policies and ZoningJan Klerks, posted December 2009
This research learned that recommended practices would be those systems that promote and professionally assess ambitions, while at the same time preventing pitfalls by high-rise minded zoning and codes. As much as skyscrapers represent their commissioners, high-rise zoning can shape the values of a society.
Case Study: Nakheel Tower - The Vertical City,
Mark Mitcheson-Low, Ahmad Rahimian & Dennis O'Brien, posted December 2009
Nakheel Harbour & Tower, Dubai's new capital, will be a beacon of inspiration for the region and the world, incorporating elements from Islamic culture. Encompassing more than 270 hectares, this mixed-use development will be located in the heart of New.
Tall Buildings in Southeast Asia - A Humanist Approach to Tropical High-riseMun Summ Wong & Richard Hassell, posted November 2009
High-rise, high-density living has been embraced as a positive accommodation solution for many millions of people living in Asia's growing urban metropolis. This paper outlines a number of high rise case studies.
Condenser Typology: open envelope vertical farming, the extremes of tower urbanism
Matthew Wilson, posted November 2009
Can humidity-harvesting experiments inform tower urbanism in arid coastal environments? The finding of this study includes how the 'Condenser' tower typology deviates from other methods of vertical farming.
Technology Transfer and Knowledge Exchange in Tall Building Design
Mir M. Ali & Paul J. Armstrong, posted October 2009
This paper shows how knowledge and technology transfers from industries, such as automotive and aerospace, have impacted teh design and construction of tall buildings today. Architectural design and construction have been influenced.
Performance-Based Evalulation for the 450m Nanjing Greenland Financial Center Main Tower
Charles M. Besjak, Brian J. McElhatten & Preetam Biswas, posted October 2009
In order to obtain seismic review approval for the Nanjing State-Owned Assets & Greenland Financial Center's Main Tower, one of the tallest structures in the world to date, enjanced design measures and performance-based evaluations were utilized.
Case Study: Mode Gakuen Cocoon Tower, Tokyo
Paul Noritaka Tange & Masato Minami, posted September 2009
Mode Gakuen Cocoon Tower is an innovative educational facility located in Tokyo's distinctive Nishi-Shinjuku high-rise district. Completed in October 2008, the 204-meter (669 ft) 50-story tower is the second-tallest educational building in the world.
The Effects of Complex Geometry on Tall Towers
David Scott, David Farnsworth, Matt Jackson and Matt Clark, posted September 2009
Advancements in the application of computational capabilities to the design and analysis of building structures has enabled the realization of tall buildings with complex geometries. This paper explores some of the design issues and tools.
The Skycourt – A Comparison Of Four Case Studies
Jason Pomeroy, posted August 2009
The effects of industrial capitalism and secularism have not only seen the fall of public man (Sennett 1976) but the slow disintegration of the public realm.
The “International” Skyscraper: Observations
Georges Binder, posted August 2009
While using tall buildings data, the following paper aims to show trends and shifts relating to building use and new locations accomodating high-rise buildings.
San Francisco: Promoting Tall Buildings Through Sustainable Incentives
Jeffrey Heller, Clark Manus & Craig Nikitas, posted July 2009
The past decades have shown some major changes in our urban settlements. The globalization of our societies and economies has brought change to cities. This inevitable push skyward, a manifestation of the pressures of urban growth, has come to San Francisco.
Restoring Mies van der Rohe’s 860-880 Lake Shore Drive
Rico Cedro, posted July 2009
Mies van der Rohe's 860-880 Lake Shore Drive (1948-51) is one of the supreme monuments of modern architecture. With this pair of apartment buildings, Mies first realized his vision of the steel and glass high-rise.
Four Tall Buildings in Madrid – Study of the Wind-Induced Response in Serviceability Limit State
Ramón Álvarez Cabal & Peter Paul Hoogendoorn, posted June 2009
Limiting wind-induced building motion is one of the governing criteria in tall building design. Building motion should be limited, on the one hand, to prevent damage in partitions, facade elements and interior finishes.
Friend or Foe - Wind at Height
Peter Irwin, John Kilpatrick & Andrea Frisque, posted June 2009
Wind is often regarded as the foe of tall buildings since it tends to be the governing lateral load but Wind has some potential beneficial effects particular to tall buildings.
CTBUH Recommendations for the Seismic Design of High-Rise Buildings
Michael Willford, Andrew Whittaker & Ron Klemencic, posted May 2009
The design of tall buildings in seismically active regions varies dramatically from region to region.The objective of this Guide is to set out best-practice principles for the seismic design of high rise buildings for any level of seismic hazard.
Towards a Better Urban Life: Integration of Cities and Tall Buildings
Mir M. Ali & Ajla Aksamija, posted May 2009
The purpose of this paper is to emphasize that the establishment of well-planned cities containing tall buildings at appropriate locations and their infrastructures will help reduce the demands placed on natural resources and create an enjoyable living environment.
Case Study: CCTV Building – Headquarters & Cultural Center Chris Carroll, Paul Cross, Xiaonian Duan, Craig Gibbons, et. Al , posted April 2009
This article describes the structural design and construction of the CCTV Building in Beijing, including development of the structural concept, performance-based seismic design and Expert Panel Review process.
Five Energy Generations of Tall Buildings: A Historical Analysis of Energy Consumption in High Rise Buildings
Philip Oldfield, Dario Trabucco & Antony Wood, posted April 2009
This paper categorises tall buildings into five chronological ‘generations’, based on their energy consumption characteristics.
Sustainable Design in South Korea and Vietnam: Referencing Culture Through Modern Architecture
Matthias A. Olt & James P. Rothwell, posted March 2009
In an age when high-rise design is driven by grandeur aspirations of tallest and biggest, 2 high-rise towers in South Korea and Vietnam provide examples of sustainable design that address each country’s respective cultural vernacular through the lens of modern architecture.
Fire Protection Strategies for an Energy Efficient High-Rise Building
Fang Li, James Antell & Martin Reiss, posted March 2009
The Pearl River Tower in Guangzhou, China features numerous design strategies to reduce energy demand, which include among others vertical axis wind turbine and radiant ceiling cooling system.
Assessment & Prediction of Daylight Performance in High-Rise Office Buildings
Dong-Hwan Ko, Mahjoub Elnimeiri & Raymond J. Clark (Illinois Institute of Technology), posted February 2009
Effective use of daylighting is an essential component to achieve a sustainable building design. This paper provides a method for evaluating indoor daylight performance.
Ecoskyscrapers and Ecomimesis: New tall building typologies
Dr. Ken Yeang (Llewelyn Davies Yeang), posted February 2009
Designing the ecoskyscraper involves configuring its built form and operational systems so that they integrate with nature in a benign and seamless way over its lifecycle. This paper discusses the theory and premises for the ecoskyscraper.
The Vertical Farm - The origin of a 21st century Architectural Typology
Eric Ellingsen & Dickson Despommier (Illinois Institute of Technology & Columbia University), posted January 2009
Far from fantasy, the Vertical Farm scoops up the available technologies at the opening of the 21st century, organizing and redistributing otherwise unrelated parts.
Material-Saving Design Strategies for Tall Building Structures
Kyoung Sun Moon (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), posted January 2009
This paper examines the impact of different geometric configurations of the structural members on the material-saving economic design and makes recommendations for optimal geometries.
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The Technical Papers Library contains many hundreds of papers published by architects, engineers and academics on a range of multi-disciplinary subjects. The papers cover every facet of tall building design, construction and occupation and are searchable by author, topic and category.
Featured Technical Papers
Mile High Tower: Concept of Vertical City
Masayoshi Nakai, Takashi Nishimura, et al (Takenaka Corporation), posted December 2008
Takenaka Corporation, Japan, has held an internal competition on urban concepts based on 1,600-meter high “vertical cities” suitable for the future cities and environments. In this paper, the outline of the competition and the ideas of the selected proposal are examined.
'Towards Zero Energy’ A Case Study of the Pearl River Tower
Roger Frechette & Russell Gilchrist (SOM), posted December 2008
This paper will attempt to both define what is meant by ‘carbon neutral’ in the context of building design as well as using the case study to demonstrate how such an approach might be achieved it examines the challenges of achieving a net zero energy building.
Global Environmental Contextualism
Adrian Smith, Gordon Gill & Robert Forest (AS GG Architecture), posted November 2008
This paper examines how the design philosophy, ‘global environmental contextualism’, is predicated on the understanding that everything within the built and natural environment is connected.
Sky-Sourced Sustainability - How Super Tall Buildings can Benefit from Height
Luke Leung and Peter Weismantle (SOM), posted October 2008
Utilizing the earth and near-grade environment as a source of energy has historically been a common practice. Beyond solar and wind, designers do not usually look towards the sky as the source of additional benefits.
Advances in Elevator Technology: Sustainable and Energy Implications
Johannes de Jong (KONE), posted October 2008
This paper explains how elevator technology has seen dramatic changes in the past couple of years, including Intelligent Hall Call Destination Dispatching, Double Deck elevators and Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor technology.
Burj Dubai: Designing the World's Tallest
Adrian Smith (Adrian Smith Gordon Gill Architecture), posted September 2008
This paper discusses the process of the Burj Dubai's design, offering insights into the refinement and development of the design in response to programmatic requirements, structural wind-tunnel testing and other issues related to the design of the world’s tallest structure.
Harnessing Energy in Tall Buildings: Bahrain World Trade Center and Beyond
Shaun Killa and Richard F. Smith (Atkins), posted September 2008
This paper describes the design evolution of the large scale wind turbines proposed for the Bahrain Trade Center. It describes the details of the wind turbines and their control showing how several innovative ideas have come together and have been technically validated.
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