Numerical Methods for Transport and Hydrologic Processes
Author: Michael Anthony Celia (Author), L. A. Ferrand (Author), C. A. Brebbia (Author), William G. Gray (Author), G. F. Pinder (Editor) | Size: 16.10 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Elsevier Science Ltd | Year: 1988 | pages: 482 | ISBN: 0444989110
Product Description:
The edited proceedings of this conference are published in two volumes, and include papers written by authors from more than twenty countries. Advances in both computational theory and applications are reported, and a wide variety of problems in surface and sub-surface hydrology are addressed.
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With satellites to observe phenomena on the global scale, on the one hand, and intensifying international trade, scientific knowledge, empirical experience and technical assistance, on the other, the world is becoming continuously smaller. This highlights not only similarities but also contrasts between different parts of the world. Comparisons and regional analyses are needed as a basis for improved understanding of vital differences, in order to make international exchange of information and techniques more efficient, and to give more consideration to the diversity of human behavior and aspirations.
At the same time, the ever-increasing scale of environmental degradation brings into focus the close link between the hydrological cycle, which provides water to the earth’s surface, and the terrestrial ecosystems, which are fed by the water entering the plant root zone. Recent studies on ecological optimality (e.g. Eagleson 1982) are deepening our understanding of the water balances of some typical ecosystems. On the other hand, experience has demonstrated that man’s interaction with the vegetation may produce unintended effects not only on the ecosystems as such, but also on the local and even regional regime of water in streams and aquifers.
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Am doing my final year project on No Fines Concrete. If anyone here has any documents, journals or any publications related to No Fines Concrete please send me the link or refer me to the web. I will be very grateful to you all engineers if you can help me with my degree project.
I need the following book. If anyone have, please provide the links. Thanks in advance.
Climate Change and Groundwater - Special Publication no 288 (Geological Society Special Publication)
Author: W. Dragoni (Author, Editor), B. S. Sukhija (Editor) | Size: aa MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Geological Society of London (May 15, 2008) | Year: 2008 | pages: 192 | ISBN: 1862392358 or 9781862392359
Hydrogeology is a topical and growing subject as the earth's water resources become scarcer and more vulnerable. More than half of the surface area of continents is covered with hard rocks of low permiability.
This book deals comprehensively with the fundamental principles for understanding the hydrogeological characteristics of rocks, as well as exploration techniques and assessment. It also provides in depth discussion on structural mapping, remote sensing, geophysical exploration, GIS, groundwater flow modelling and contaminant transport, field hydraulic testing including tracer tests, groundwater quality, geothermal reservoirs, managed aquifer recharge, and resources assessment and management.
Hydrogeological aspects of various lithology groups, including crystalline rocks, volcanic rocks, carbonate rocks and clastic formations have been dealt with separately, using and discussing examples from all over the world. It will be an invaluable text book cum reference source for postgraduate students, researchers, exploration scientists and engineers engaged in the field of groundwater development in fractured rocks.
Applied Hydrogeology of Fractured Rocks - Second Edition is thoroughly revised and extended with a new chapter, updated sections, many new examples, and expanded and updated references.
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Dictionary of rock mechanics in six languages German, English, French, Russian, Czech, Spanish. (Dictionnaire de mécanique des roches en six langues allemand, anglais, français, russe, tchèque, espagnol )
A retaining wall or retaining structure is used for maintaining the ground surfgaces at defrent elevations on either side of it. Whenever embankments are involed in construction ,retaining wall are usually necessary. In the construction of buildins having basements, retaining walls are mandatory. Similsrly in bridge work, the wing walls and abutments etc. are designed as retaining walls , to resist earth pressure along with superimposed loads. The material retained or supported by a retaining wall is called backfill lying above the horizontal plane at the elevation of the top of a wall is called the surcharge, and its inclination to horizontal is called the surcharge angle b
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You can quickly and easily model in 3D! Get going with SketchUp 8 so you can start creating today
Where do you want your imagination to take you? SketchUp will help you get there. This powerful software lets you easily create 3D models, and Chopra shows you how. In no time, you'll build 3D settings, add textures, create animated walkthroughs, export your models into Google Earth, and more. There's no limit to what you'll be able to do!
Get to know your components — create SketchUp components to simplify your life as you design 3D models
Keep your geometry organized — learn how to use the twomain tools to organize your model and work cleanly
Build a model from scratch — import a photo and build whatyou see by tracing with SketchUp's modeling tools
Whip up some style — discover how and where to apply styles, then add shadows for a more realistic look
Show off your models — from walking around a building tosetting up scenes with different camera views, find out howto best present your work
Open the book and find:
• What you should and shouldn't expect SketchUp to do
• All about establishing the modeling mindset
• Steps for using components to build smarter models
• How to model with photographs
• Methods for working with styles and shadows
• Techniques for geo-modeling for Google Earth
• Tips on exporting images and animations
• How to stay organized with layers and pages
Learn to:
• Harness the power of the latest SketchUp and SketchUp Pro features
• Produce professional-quality 3D models and designs
• Develop compelling presentations to showcase your work
• Export models to Google Earth and print and share your designs
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Moments & Reactions for Rectangular Plates (design of Counterfort Retaining wall)
Size: 6.22 MB | Format:PDF
An old but useful reference for design of Counterfort Retaining wall.
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Proceedings, thirteenth International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, New Delhi, 5-10 January 1994
Format:PDF | Publisher: Taylor & Francis | Year: 1994 | pages: 600 | ISBN: 978-9054103769 , 9054103760
The most important conference on soil mechanics & foundation engineering, held every four years. All papers were selected and reviewed by the national societies of the ISSMFE. Nearly all papers in English. Soil properties; Foundations; Design & performance of retaining & buried structures; Embankment dams & dam foundations; Natural hazard mitigation; Ground improvement; Liquefaction;Geophysical methods;Professional practices;Computer applications;Foundations of old structures & monuments.
v. 1. Theme A: Soil properties
v. 2. Theme B: Foundations ; Theme C: Design and performance of retaining and buried structures
v. 3. Theme D: Embankment dam and dam foundations ; Theme E: Natural hazard mitigation ; Theme 1.1: Ground improvement ; Theme 1.2: Liquefaction ; Theme 1.3: Geophysical methods ; Theme 1.4: Professional proactices
v. 4. Theme 2.1: Computer applications in geotechnical engineering ; Theme 2.2: Foundations of old structures and monuments ; Theme 2.3: Geotechnical engineering education ; Theme 2.4: Arid climate soils ; Theme 3.1: Environmental geotechnology ; Theme 3.2: Marine geotechnology ; Theme 3.3: Construction, instrumentation and real time management ; Theme 3.4: Roads and tracks
v. 5. Special lectures, state-of-the-art reports, contributions from lead discussers and panelists
v. 6. Post-conference proceedings ; Terzaghi oration ; Heritage lecture ; Mercer lecture.
Dear members,
Does anyone has at least the paper bellow? Please upload it. It is very useful in geotechnical engineering. It will be greatful if that this paper exists in our forum.
POTTS D.M., BONDA.J. (1994) Calculation of structural forces for propped retaining walls, XIII ICSMFE, 1994, New Delhi, India, pp. 823 - 826.