This paper presents a summary of the results of a numerical parametric study on the effects of wall stiffness and Kâ on the behaviour of single propped embedded retaining walls. By modifying Rowe's wall flexibility number, p. to include both the wall and soil stiffness it is shown that results from analysis based on different soil stiffness profiles and of different wall geometries can be normalised. Finite element predictions of maximum wall bending moment and prop force are compared with values from simple limit equilibrium calculations. Coefficients relating the finite element and limit equilibrium results are established and the manner in which they vary with both wall stiffness and K.â value are presented. A design procedure combining these coefficients with standard limit equilibrium analysis is proposed. This results in the enhancement or reduction of bending moments and prop forces calculated by limit equilibrium depending on wall stiffness and in situ stress conditions.
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Published in : Proceedings, thirteenth International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, New Delhi, 5-10 January 1994
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Solid Modelling and CAD Systems:
How to Survive a CAD System
Authors: Ian Anthony Stroud, Hildegarde Nagy
Edition: illustrated
Publisher: Springer, 2011
ISBN: 0857292587, 9780857292582
Length: 688 pages
Pdf: 14.9 mb Pdf Quality Condition: 9 points (over 10)
Solid Modelling and CAD Systems gives users an insight into the methods and problems associated with CAD systems. It acts as a bridge between users who learn interfaces without understanding how they work and developers who create systems without understanding the needs of the users. The main feature of Solid Modelling and CAD Systems is a logical analysis of the techniques and basic solid modelling methods used in modern CAD systems. The book goes on to describe, among other subjects: two-dimensional shape definition methods, the command interface and graphics, databases and data exchange, early-phase design, andcommand files and command structures. Reading Solid Modelling and CAD Systems will help users understand the limitations of the techniques they are using and will enable practitioners to use CAD systems more efficiently. It is a valuable tool for designers, as well as for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students. The exercises it contains allow readers to try out different aspects of the subject matter and the book also includes projects that can be used for teaching purposes.
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The objectives of the study is to synthesize the available information related to design fires in road tunnels and to identify gaps in that information in order to provide a foundation for design guidance. A design fire is characterized by a number of parameters including the temperature, fire heat release rate (FHRR), fire growth rate, fuel load, and products of combustion.
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HyperLens is a powerful screen magnifier and display enhancer which enables you to freely Zoom, Rotate, Highlight, Sharpen, Enhance, Adjust, Filter and Capture your computer screen display and presentation! You can easily zoom the highly detailed presentations, even with Arbitrary Rotation to effectively present every detail from any angle! It is an advanced yet easy-to-use screen magnification program and also an effective presentation tool!
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Ground Penetrating Radar in Sediments (Geological Society Special Publication) (No. 211)
Author: C. S. Bristow, H. M. Jol | Size: ~40 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Geological Society of London | Year: 2003 | pages: 330 | ISBN: 1862391319
Ground penetrating radar (GPR) is transforming the way earth scientists and engineers describe and interpret near-surface sedimentary environments in the field. Because of recent advances in equipment, GPR now provides continuous, high-resolution data that other geophysical investigative tools cannot achieve. GPR has proven useful in a wide array of environmental, geological, and engineering applications. Included in this book are practical guidelines for data collection and interpretation, from antennae configurations to sequence stratigraphy, together with new advances such as vertical radar profiles and 3-D GPR imaging for hydrocarbon reservoir modeling, designed to assist new and veteran users to get the most from GPR. Case studies in this book detail GPR investigations in a wide array of sedimentary environments including alluvial fans, braided rivers, spits, beaches, sand dunes, lakes, bogs, and floodplains. Examples of GPR investigation applied to stratigraphic correlation problems in Holocene, Pleistocene, and ancient sediments; hydrocarbon reservoir modeling; and detection and mapping of contaminants, reservoir infilling, land mines, and fault displacements are included.
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