Vadose Zone Hydrology: Cutting Across Disciplines
Author: Marc B. Parlange, Jan W. Hopmans | Size: 23.6 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA | Year: 1999 | pages: 480 | ISBN: 0195109902 & 9780195109900
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Book Review
"The 17 papers show a tremendous range both in subject and depth of coverage. The list of chapter authors is impressive and only serves to illustrate the considerable influence of these two scientists. The variety of authors results in a wide range of styles and quality of writing. The level of mathematical sophistication also varies. There will be something for everyone in this collection. Several of the chapters represent a good starting point for graduate students looking for an introduction to a particular topic. --Journal of Environmental Quality
Product Description
The vadose zone is the region between ground level and the upper limits of soil fully saturated with water. Hydrology in the zone is complex: nonlinear physical, chemical, and biological interactions all affect the transfer of heat, mass, and momentum between the atmosphere and the water table. This book takes an interdisciplinary approach to vadose zone hydrology, bringing together insights from soil science, hydrology, biology, chemistry, physics, and instrumentation design. The chapters present state-of-the-art research, focusing on new frontiers in theory, experiment, and management of soils. The collection addresses the full range of processes, from the pore-scale to field and landscape scales.
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