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You are encouraged to buy copy from Developer after testing it and see its worthiness
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I'm searching for this AISC Engineering Journal:
The Warping Constant for the W-Section with a Channel Cap
Author: Lue, Tony; Ellifritt, Duane S.
it's FREE for AISC members ... Can anybody Share it Please?
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VirtualBox -program to run on a single computer multiple virtual operating systems. This is a convenient and functional tool for virtualization, covering the corporate kahk, and home users. The program supports many different guest Windows (NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/7), as well as DOS, Linux and OpenBSD. As in other similar applications, there is an opportunity to start and stop the guest OS, settings, the use of computer resources, exchange of data between host and guest operating system, the screenshot of the virtual system and much more.
Key features:
» Support for USB 2.0, when a device host are available for guest OS
» Built-in RDP server and client support USB devices over RDP
» Hard drive image experimental support for VMDK/VMware
"Support for iSCSI
"Virtualization appliance
» Support different types of networks (NAT Host Networking via Bridged, Internal)
» Support tree saved state virtual machines (snapshots) can be rolled back from any of the guest system
» Support Shared Folders for easy sharing of files between host and guest systems
The program supports many different guest Windows (NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/7).
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BUILDER provides home builders with home building news, home plans, home design ideas, and building product information, helping them manage their home building operations efficiently and profitably. Builder Magazine is the undisputed #1 magazine in the housing industry. With trade secrets from the fastest growing builders, tech tools to keep you up to date on innovations, and creative marketing tools, Builder will help you thrive in the ever-changing industry.
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This book presents the basic theory and practice of system dynamics. It introduces the modeling of dynamic systems and response analysis of these systems, with an introduction to the analysis and design of control systems. KEY TOPICS Specific chapter topics include The Laplace Transform, mechanical systems, transfer-function approach to modeling dynamic systems, state-space approach to modeling dynamic systems, electrical systems and electro-mechanical systems, fluid systems and thermal systems, time domain analyses of dynamic systems, frequency domain analyses of dynamic systems, time domain analyses of control systems, and frequency domain analyses and design of control systems. For mechanical and aerospace engineers, as well structural engineers too.
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Most government agencies and private companies are investing significant resources in the production and use of geographical data. The capabilities of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) for data analysis are also improving, to the extent that the potential performance of GIS software and the data available for analysis outstrip the abilities of managers and analysts to use and analyze the information. This is especially true for environmental applications. Here the need to keep up-to-date is essential for providing effective and efficient services.
Environmental Modeling with GIS and Remote Sensing derives from a training course run by ITC for professionals and managers in the environmental sciences, detailing the applications of remote sensing and GIS for environmental modeling and assessment. It sets out the current research results and provides operational methods for environmental mapping and monitoring.
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Author: Nicholas J. Garber, Lester A. Hoel | Size: 20.5 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Cengage Learning | Year: 2008 | pages: 1248 | ISBN: 0495082503
The new edition of Garber and Hoel's best-selling text focuses on giving students insight into all facets of traffic and highway engineering. Students generally come to this course with little knowledge or understanding of the importance of transportation, much less of the extensive career opportunities within the field. Transportation is an extremely broad field, and courses must either cover all transportation modes or focus on specifics. While many topics can be covered with a survey approach, this often lacks sufficient depth and students leave the course without a full understanding of any of the fields. This text focuses exclusively on traffic and highway engineering beginning with a discussion of the pivotal role transportation plays in our society, including employment opportunities, historical impact, and the impact of transportation on our daily lives. This approach gives students a sense of what the field is about as well as an opportunity to consider some of its challenges. Later chapters focus on specific issues facing transportation engineers. The text uses pedagogical tools such as worked problems, diagrams and tables, reference material, and realistic examples to demonstrate how the material is applied.
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By emphasizing the three key concepts of mechanics of solids, this new edition helps engineers improve their problem-solving skills. They'll discover how these fundamental concepts underlie all of the applications presented, and they'll learn how to identify the equations needed to solve various problems. New discussions are included on literature reviews, focusing on the literature review found in proposals and research articles. Groupware communication tools including blogs, wikis and meeting applications are covered. More information is also presented on transmittal letters and PowerPoint style presentations. And with the addition of detailed example problems, engineers will learn how to organize their solutions.
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The third edition of Engineering Mechanics: Statics written by nationally regarded authors Andrew Pytel and Jaan Kiusalaas, provides students with solid coverage of material without the overload of extraneous detail. The extensive teaching experience of the authorship team provides first-hand knowledge of the learning skill levels of today's student which is reflected in the text through the pedagogy and the tying together of real world problems and examples with the fundamentals of Engineering Mechanics. Designed to teach students how to effectively analyze problems before plugging numbers into formulas, students benefit tremendously as they encounter real life problems that may not always fit into standard formulas. This book was designed with a rich, concise, two-color presentation and has a stand alone Study Guide which includes further problems, examples, and case studies.
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Nationally regarded authors Andrew Pytel and Jaan Kiusalaas bring a depth of experience that can't be surpassed in this third edition of Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics. They have refined their solid coverage of the material without overloading it with extraneous detail and have revised the now 2-color text to be even more concise and appropriate to today's engineering student. The text discusses the application of the fundamentals of Newtonian dynamics and applies them to real-world engineering problems. An accompanying Study Guide is also available for this text.
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