A guide to image interpretation, this book contains detailed color plates and tables that compare satellite imaging systems, list remote sensing web sites, and detail photointerpretation equipment. It includes case histories of the search for petroleum and mineral deposits and examines engineering uses of remote sensing. The volume comprises four sections: project initiation; exploration techniques; exploitation and engineering remote sensing; and environmental concerns. They combine to provide readers with a solid foundation of what image interpretation is and enables them to recognize features of interest and effectively use imagery in projects for the petroleum, mining, or groundwater industries.
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Stabilization and Solidification of Hazardous, Radioactive, and Mixed Wastes
Author: Roger D. Spence & Caijun Shi | Size: 7.0 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: CRC Press | Year: 2004 | pages: 392 | ISBN: 1566704448 & 9781566704441
Product Description
The development of stabilization and solidification techniques in the field of waste treatment reflects the efforts to better protect human health and the environment with modern advances in materials and technology. Stabilization and Solidification of Hazardous, Radioactive, and Mixed Wastes provides comprehensive information including case studies, selection criteria, and regulatory considerations on waste characterization, contaminant transport and leachability, testing methods for stabilized waste forms, and the interactions between contaminants and stabilizing components.
The book describes various systems based on cement technology that are used for stabilization and solidification of wastes. It demonstrates how to design a stabilized waste form, including the use of statistical techniques for generating response surface models for large, complicated applications. It provides guidelines for the selection of bonding materials, such as hydraulic cements, polymers, and hydroceramics, and discusses several additives and sorbents used to enhance immobilization, binder properties, and contaminant stabilization. The book portrays the transport mechanisms of contaminants in treated wastes and how to predict the transport of contaminants with various mathematical models. Following a discussion of waste types, principles, and properties of cemented waste forms, such as microstructure and durability, it outlines the test methods used to evaluate them.
Fusing research, technology, and general practice principles taken from the firsthand experience of scientists, engineers, regulators, and teachers, Stabilization and Solidification of Hazardous, Radioactive, and Mixed Wastes can be used in advanced environmental engineering courses and as a reference for stabilization and solidification engineers, technology vendors and buyers, laboratory technicians, scientists, environmentalists, policymakers, and managers in treatment storage and disposal facilities.
Spence and Shi have utilized a significant number of well-recognized researchers in the field to produce this very useful and authoritative volume to review and highlight these very useful remediation techniques.
-Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 124, 2005
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Shunsuke Otani
Inelastic analysis of RC frame structures.
Journal of the Structural Division, ASCE, Vol. 100, No. ST7, July 1974, pp. 1433-1449
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It has always been a dream of mine to go out to the US and have a masters degree in structural engineering, now after I've Gained some experience I'd like to prepare myself to fulfill this dream.
What I've known till now is that I have to have high grades in both TOEFL-IBT and the GRE exam so I can apply.
I'd really appreciate it guys if everyone who has experience in this subject will share me everything he/she knows because I'd Really like to work on this project.
P.S. I need to have a TOEFL certificate because English isn't my mother tongue.
A set of videos that depict how the connections in the facilities which include steel
Welding, screws, such a connetions beam to beam or beam to column, etc., and I hope to be useful.
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Author: Koichi Maekawa, Tetsuya Ishida, Toshiharu Kishi | Size: 25 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Taylor & Francis, Inc. | Year: 2009 | pages: 670 | ISBN: 0415465540
Increases in computer power have now enabled engineers to combine materials science with structural mechanics in the design and the assessment of concrete structures. The techniques developed have become especially useful for the performance assessment of such structures under coupled mechanistic and environmental actions. This allows effective management of infrastructure over a much longer life cycle, thus satisfying the requirements for durability and sustainability. This ground-breaking new book draws on the fields of materials and structural mechanics in an integrated way to address the questions of management and maintenance. It proposes a realistic way of simulating both constituent materials and structural responses under external loading and under ambient conditions. Where the research literature discusses component or element technology related to performance assessment, this book uniquely covers the subject at the level of the whole system including soil foundation, showing engineers how to model changes in concrete structures over time and how to use this for decision making in infrastructure maintenance and asset management.
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Bridge scour is the loss of soil by erosion due to flowing water around bridge supports. Bridge scour includes general scour and local scour. General scour is the aggradation or degradation of the riverbed not related to the presence of local obstacles. Aggradation is the gradual and general accumulation of sediments on the river bottom; one possible scenario is the existence of slope failures upstream leading to the formation of spoils in the river, the erosion of these spoils under higher velocities, followed by transport and deposition under lower velocities at the aggrading location. Degradation is the gradual and general removal of sediments from the riverbed; one possible scenario is the man-made straightening of a river course, a resulting increase in the water velocity and the associated increase in erosion. Local scour is the scour around obstacles to the water flow; it includes pier scour, abutment scour, and contraction scour. Pier scour is the removal of the soil around the foundation of the pier; abutment scour is the removal of the soil around the abutment at the junction between the bridge and the embankment; contraction scour is the removal of the soil from the bottom of the river due to narrowing of the river channel created by the approach embankments for the bridge.
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I'm looking for two standards concerning testing of masonry blocks:
1. EN 772-1:2011 Methods of test for masonry units - Part 1: Determination of compressive strength.
2. EN 772-2:1998/A1:2005 Methods of test for masonry units - Part 2: Determination of percentage area of voids in masonry units (by paper indentation).
If someone of of you have them, please share them.
In all probability the most important socially responsive design that an architect can pursue and doubtless the most difficult to perform well. The primary purpose of all featured buildings is education and this ranges from tertiary institutions; colleges; schools; museums; and pre-school facilities. Biographies of participating firms are provided.
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The planning and design of educational institutions is the most socially responsive design that an architect can pursue and doubtless the most difficult to perform well.
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The planning and design of educational institutions is the most socially responsive design that an architect can pursue and doubtless the most difficult to perform well. The primary purpose of all featured buildings is education, including tertiary institutions, colleges, schools, museums and pre-school facilities. Some of the architectural firms featured in this volume are Architeketen Schweger + Partner, ASSAR, Fentress Bradburn, Holm Architects, Kisho Kurokawa, Michael Graves, Mitchell/ Giurgola Architects, Pica Ciamarra Associati, Thompson Vaivoda & Associates and Wintersgill & Faulkner.
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Computer-based transportation applications and databases have been a fact of life for several decades. Transportation information, however, has often not been accessible in a user-friendly manner, and integrating data from diverse sources has too often been a challenge in itself. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have revolutionized spatial planning and decision making by using the spatial dimension of the depicted world as a common thread according to which all information can be referenced. The application of GIS to transportation research (GIS-T) is quickly becoming a mature domain of application of the GIS technology and has gained full recognition among transportation practitioners and academics.
This book fills a void by providing an overview of the state-of-the-art of GIS for transportation, from data management issues, to data manipulation and analysis, including considerations brought to the forefront by real-time and mobile computing. The twenty-two original contributions by internationally acclaimed authors will be a key reference for practitioners, students and scholars.
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