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KEY BENEFIT: Teaching users new and more powerful ways of thinking about programs, this two-in-one text contains a tutorial—full of examples—that explains all the essential concepts of Lisp programming, plus an up-to-date summary of ANSI Common Lisp, listing every operator in the language. Informative and fun, it gives users everything they need to start writing programs in Lisp both efficiently and effectively, and highlights such innovative Lisp features as automatic memory management, manifest typing, closures, and more. Dividing material into two parts, the tutorial half of the book covers subject-by-subject the essential core of Common Lisp, and sums up lessons of preceding chapters in two examples of real applications: a backward-chainer, and an embedded language for object-oriented programming. Consisting of three appendices, the summary half of the book gives source code for a selection of widely used Common Lisp operators, with definitions that offer a comprehensive explanation of the language and provide a rich source of real examples; summarizes some differences between ANSI Common Lisp and Common Lisp as it was originally defined in 1984; and contains a concise description of every function, macro, and special operator in ANSI Common Lisp. The book concludes with a section of notes containing clarifications, references, and additional code. For computer programmers.
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Its eighth edition, this popular primer continues to offer a hands-on, step-by-step introduction to using the powerful tools of MATLAB.
New to the Eighth Edition
A new chapter on object-oriented programming Discussion of the MATLAB File Exchange window, which provides direct access to over 10,000 submissions by MATLAB users Major changes to the MATLAB Editor, such as code folding and the integration of the Code Analyzer (M-Lint) into the Editor Explanation of more powerful Help tools, such as quick help popups for functions via the Function Browser The new bsxfun function A synopsis of each of the MATLAB Top 500 most frequently used functions, operators, and special characters The addition of several useful features, including sets, logical indexing, isequal, repmat, reshape, varargin, and varargout
The book takes you through a series of simple examples that become progressively more complex. Starting with the core components of the MATLAB desktop, it demonstrates how to handle basic matrix operations and expressions in MATLAB. The text then introduces commonly used functions and explains how to write your own functions, before covering advanced features, such as object-oriented programming, calling other languages from MATLAB, and MATLAB graphics. It also presents an in-depth look at the Symbolic Toolbox, which solves problems analytically rather than numerically.
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Here is a short, focused introduction to MATLAB, a comprehensive software system for mathematics and technical computing that should be useful to both beginning and experienced users. It contains concise explanations of essential MATLAB commands, as well as easily understood instructions for using MATLAB's programming features, graphical capabilities, and desktop interface. It also includes an introduction to SIMULINK, a companion to MATLAB for system simulation. Written for MATLAB 6, this book can also be used with earlier (and later) versions of MATLAB. Chapters contain worked-out examples of applications of MATLAB to interesting problems in mathematics, engineering, economics, and physics. In addition, it contains explicit instructions for using MATLAB's Microsoft Word interface to produce polished, integrated, interactive documents for reports, presentations, or on-line publishing. This book explains everything you need to know to begin using MATLAB. Intermediate and advanced users will find useful information here, especially if they are making the switch to MATLAB 6 from an earlier version.
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MATLAB for Neuroscientists: An Introduction to Scientific Computing in MATLAB
Author: Pascal Wallisch, Michael Lusignan, Marc Benayoun, Tanya I. Baker, Adam Seth Dickey, Nicho Hatsopoulos | Size: 12,3 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Academic Press | Year: 2008-11-12 | pages: 400 | ISBN: 0123745519
Matlab is the accepted standard for scientific computing, used globally in virtually all Neuroscience and Cognitive Psychology laboratories. For instance, SPM, the most used software for the analysis and manipulation of fMRI images in research and clinical practice is fully programmed in matlab, and its use of the possibility to allow for sophisticated software modules to be freely added to the software has established it as the by far dominant software in the field. Many universities now offer, or are beginning to offer matlab introductory courses in their neuroscience and psychology programs. Nevertheless, so far there hasn't been a textbook specific to this market, and the use of the plethora of existing engineering focused Matlab textbooks is notoriously difficult for teaching the package in those environments.
This is the first comprehensive teaching resource and textbook for the teaching of Matlab in the Neurosciences and in Psychology. Matlab is unique in that it can be used to learn the entire empirical and experimental process, including stimulus generation, experimental control, data collection, data analysis and modeling. Thus a wide variety of computational problems can be addressed in a single programming environment. The idea is to empower advanced undergraduates and beginning graduate students by allowing them to design and implement their own analytical tools. As students advance in their research careers, they will have achieved the fluency required to understand and adapt more specialized tools as opposed to treating them as "black boxes".
Virtually all computational approaches in the book are covered by using genuine experimental data that are either collected as part of the lab project or were collected in the labs of the authors, providing the casual student with the look and feel of real data. In some rare cases, published data from classical papers are used to illustrate important concepts, giving students a computational understanding of critically important research.
The ability to effectively use computers in research is necessary in an academic environment that is increasingly focused on quantitative issues. Matlab represents an ideal language of scientific computing. It is based on powerful linear algebra structures which lend themselves to empirical problems on the one hand, while at the same time allowing the student to make rapid problem-oriented progress (particularly in terms of visualization of data points) without having to lose focus by worrying too much about memory allocation and other "plumbing" minutiae as would be required in other, more low-level programming languages such as C or C++.
Currently, there are several books that provide introductions to Matlab that are either too generic and fundamental or too irrelevant for neuroscientists and cognitive psychologists who typically face a very circumscribed range of problems in data collection, data analysis and signal processing. Some non-book tutorials and primers that are in use in the community are typically out of date. Matlab versions are usually not backwards compatible. Many commands and functions used in older tutorials and primers, such as "flops" won't work in current versions of Matlab, necessitating a book that is timely and up-to-date.
The complete lack of a relevant resource in this area, combined with a clearly felt need for such a text provided the primary and initial impetus for this project.
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Master MATLAB® step-by-step
The MATLAB— "MATrix LABoratory"—computational environment offers a rich set of capabilities to efficiently solve a variety of complex analysis, simulation, and optimization problems. Flexible, powerful, and relatively easy to use, the MATLAB environment has become a standard cost-effective tool within the engineering, science, and technology communities. Excellent as a self-teaching guide for professionals as well as a textbook for students, Engineering and Scientific Computations Using MATLAB helps you fully understand the MATLAB environment, build your skills, and apply its features to a wide range of applications.
Going beyond traditional MATLAB user manuals and college texts, Engineering and Scientific Computations Using MATLAB guides you through the most important aspects and basics of MATLAB programming and problem-solving from fundamentals to practice. Augmenting its discussion with a wealth of practical worked-out examples and qualitative illustrations, this book demonstrates MATLABs capabilities and offers step-by-step instructions on how to apply the theory to a practical real-world problem. In particular, the book features:
Coverage of a variety of complex physical and engineering systems described by nonlinear differential equations
Detailed application of MATLAB to electromechanical systems
MATLAB files, scripts, and statements, as well as SIMULINK models which can be easily modified for application-specific problems encountered in practice Readable, user-friendly, and comprehensive in scope this is a welcome introduction to MATLAB for those new to the program and an ideal companion for engineers seeking in-depth mastery of the high-performance MATLAB environment.
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Nanotechnology in Civil Infrastructure is a state-of-the art reference source describing the latest developments in nano-engineering and nano-modification of construction materials to improve the bulk properties, development of sustainable, intelligent, and smart concrete materials through the integration of nanotechnology based self-sensing and self-powered materials and cyber infrastructure technologies, review of nanotechnology applications in pavement engineering, development of novel, cost-effective, high-performance and long-lasting concrete products and processes through nanotechnology-based innovative processing of cement and cement paste, and advanced nanoscience modeling, visualization, and measurement systems for characterizing and testing civil infrastructure materials at the nano-scale. Researchers, practitioners, undergraduate and graduate students engaged in nanotechnology related research will find this book very useful.
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Synthetic Membranes and Membrane Separation Processes addresses both fundamental and practical aspects of the subject. Topics discussed in the book cover major industrial membrane separation processes, including reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration, microfiltration, membrane gas and vapor separation, and pervaporation. Membrane materials, membrane preparation, membrane structure, membrane transport, membrane module and separation design, and applications are discussed for each separation process. Many problem-solving examples are included to help readers understand the fundamental concepts of the theory behind the processes. The book will benefit practitioners and students in chemical engineering, environmental engineering, and materials science.
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The books currently available on this subject contain some elements of physical-chemical treatment of water and wastewater but fall short of giving comprehensive and authoritative coverage. They contain some equations that are not substantiated, offering empirical data based on assumptions that are therefore difficult to comprehend. This text brings together the information previously scattered in several books and adds the knowledge from the author's lectures on wastewater engineering.Physical-Chemical Treatment of Water and Wastewater is not only descriptive but is also analytical in nature. The work covers the physical unit operations and unit processes utilized in the treatment of water and wastewater. Its organization is designed to match the major processes and its approach is mathematical. The authors stress the description and derivation of processes and process parameters in mathematical terms, which can then be generalized into diverse empirical situations. Each chapter includes design equations, definitions of symbols, a glossary of terms, and worked examples. One author is an environmental engineer and a professor for over 12 years and the other has been in the practice of environmental engineering for more than 20 years. They offer a sound analytical mathematical foundation and description of processes. Physical-Chemical Treatment of Water and Wastewater fills a niche as the only dedicated textbook in the area of physical and chemical methods, providing an analytical approach applicable to a range of empirical situations.
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Upgrading Water Treatment Plants is a comprehensive and practical guide providing the technical detail required to upgrade existing water treatment plants to increase processing efficiency and improve overall quality without the need for substantial investment into new physical plant installation.
Based on practical experience and field tested methodology, this book is an invaluable reference for civil engineers, treatment plant managers and water scientists in consultancies, water utilities, government agencies and international organizations concerned with public health and water quality.
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