The Gypsum Construction Handbook, 6th Edition
R. S. Means
ISBN: 978-0-87629-258-7
576 pages
January 2009
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Author: Andrzej S. Nowak, Kevin Collins | Size: 36.8 MB | Format:PDF | Year: 2000 | ISBN: 0070481636
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The objective of this book is to provide the reader with a practical tool for reliability analysis of structures. The presented material is intended to serve as a textbook for a one semester course for undergraduate seniors or graduate students. The material is presented assuming the reader has some background in structural engineering and structural mechanics. Previous exposure to probability and statistics is helpful but not required; the most important aspects of probability and statistics are reviewed early in the text.
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Chapter 1 Does the Tethys Begin to Open Again? Late Cenozoic
Tectonomagmatic Activization of the Eurasia from
Petrological and Geomechanical Points of View
E.V. Sharkov
Chapter 2 Geological-Geomechanical Simulation
of the Late Cenozoic Geodynamics
in the Alpine-Mediterranean Mobile Belt
E.V. Sharkov and V.B. Svalova
Chapter 3 Evolution of Rotation Structures in the Earth’s
Geological History
Victor Zemtsov
Chapter 4 Geotectonic Position and Metallogeny of the
Greater Altai Geological Structures in the System of the
Central-Asian Mobile Belt
B.A. Dyachkov, M.A. Mizernaya, Nina Maiorova,
Zinaida Chernenko, Victor Maiorov and O.N. Kuzmina
Chapter 5 Kelyphite and Symplectite: Textural and Mineralogical
Diversities and Universality, and a New Dynamic
View of Their Structural Formation
Masaaki Obata
Part 2 Sedimentary Basins
Chapter 6 Geophysical Modeling of the Surroundings
of La Popa Basin, NE Mexico,
with Gravity and Magnetic Data
Vsevolod Yutsis, Antonio Tamez Ponce and Konstantin Krivosheya
VI Contents
Chapter 7 Cenozoic Tectonic Characteristics, Evolution and
Geodynamics of Dongpu Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, China
Shuping Chen, Yuming Tan, Jiafu Qi, Deren Wang,
Xiaoshui Mu and Xueling Liu
Chapter 8 Geomorphic Landforms and Tectonism Along the Eastern
Margin of the Okavango Rift Zone, North Western Botswana
as Deduced From Geophysical Data in the Area
E.M. Shemang and L.N. Molwalefhe
Chapter 9 Synsedimentary Deformational Structures Caused by
Tectonics and Seismic Events – Examples from the Cambrian
of Sweden, Permian and Cenozoic of Germany
Herbert Scholz, Dorothea Frieling and Michaela Aehnelt
Part 3 Active Plate Margins
Chapter 10 The Caribbean Plate Evolution: Trying to Resolve
a Very Complicated Tectonic Puzzle
Giuseppe Giunta and Silvia Orioli
Chapter 11 Structure and Tectonics of the Andaman Subduction Zone
from Modeling of Seismological and Gravity Data
N. Purnachandra Rao, Ch. Nagabhushana Rao, Pinki Hazarika,
V.M. Tiwari, M. Ravi Kumar and Arun Singh
Chapter 12 Subducted and Exhumed Crust beneath Taiwan Imaged by
Magnetotelluric Data
Chow-Son Chen, Martyn J. Unsworth, Chih-Wen Chiang,
Edward Bertrand and Francis. T. Wu
Chapter 13 Short- / Long-Term Deformation of Upper Crust: Integrated
and Quantitative Approach for Neotectonics
Yasuto Itoh, Shigekazu Kusumoto, Kazunori Miyamoto and
Yoshiyuki Inui
Chapter 14 Spatio-Temporal Changes in Stress Field and Occurrence
of the 2003 Tokachi Oki Earthquake in Hokkaido,
Northern Japan
Subesh Ghimire and Yuichiro Tanioka
Chapter 15 The Dynamic Process Mesozoic-Cenozoic Igneous
in Tibetan Plateau, China
Zhou Su, Qiu Ruizhao, Sun Kai and Zhang Linlin
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Chapter 1 Tectonic Evolution of the Active "Chelif" Basin
(Northern Algeria) from Paleomagnetic and
Magnetic Fabric Investigations
Derder M.E.M., Henry B., Amenna M., Bayou B.,
Maouche S., Besse J., Abtout A., Boukerbout H.,
Bessedik M., Bourouis S. and Ayache M.
Chapter 2 Tunisian Transtensive Basins in Tethyan Geodynamic
Context and Their Post-Tortonian Inversion
Adel Rigane and Claude Gourmelen
Chapter 3 The Chotts Fold Belt of Southern Tunisia, North African
Margin: Structural Pattern, Evolution, and Regional
Geodynamic Implications
Taher Zouaghi, Rihab Guellala, Marzouk Lazzez,
Mourad Bedir, Mohamed Ben Youssef,
Mohamed Hedi Inoubli and Fouad Zargouni
Chapter 4 Interplay between Tectonics and Mount Etna’s Volcanism:
Insights into the Geometry of the Plumbing System
Domenico Patane, Marco Aliotta, Andrea Cannata,
Carmelo Cassisi, Mauro Coltelli, Giuseppe Di Grazia,
Placido Montalto and Luciano Zuccarello
Chapter 5 Transtensional Tectonics Played a Key Role During
the Variscan Cycle in the Sardinia-Corsica Massif
Nello Minzoni
Chapter 6 Relationships between Lithospheric Flexure, Thrust Tectonics
and Stratigraphic Sequences in Foreland Setting: the
Southern Apennines Foreland Basin System, Italy
Salvatore Critelli, Francesco Muto,
Vincenzo Tripodi and Francesco Perri
Part 2 Around the Adriatic
Chapter 7 Two Tectonic Geomorphology Studies on the Landscape and
Drainage Network of Chain and Piedmont Areas of the
Abruzzi Region (Central Apennines, Italy)
Miccadei Enrico and Piacentini Tommaso
Chapter 8 Neogene Tectonics in Croatian Part of the Pannonian Basin
and Reflectance in Hydrocarbon Accumulations
Tomislav Malvić and Josipa Velić
Part 3 Dynamics of the Eastern Mediterranean
Chapter 9 Architecture of Kinematics and Deformation History of
the Tertiary Supradetachment Thrace Basin: Rhodope
Province (NE Greece)
Adamantios Kilias, George Falalakis, Aristides Sfeikos,
Eleftheria Papadimitriou, Agni Vamvaka and Chara Gkarlaouni
Chapter 10 The North Anatolian Fault Zone: an Evaluation
of Earthquake Hazard Parameters
Yusuf Bayrak, Hakan Cınar and Erdem Bayrak
Chapter 11 Tectonic Escape Mechanism in the Crustal Evolution of
Eastern Anatolian Region (Turkey)
Omer Elitok and M. Nuri Dolmaz
Chapter 12 Early-to-mid Pleistocene Tectonic Transition Across the
Eastern Mediterranean Influences the Course
of Human History
Uri Schattner
Part 4 The Persian Gulf
Chapter 13 The Qatar–South Fars Arch Development
(Arabian Platform, Persian Gulf): Insights from Seismic
Interpretation and Analogue Modelling
C.R. Perotti, S. Carruba, M. Rinaldi, G. Bertozzi,
L. Feltre and M. Rahimi
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Tips and tricks for programming in Matlab
Karel Perutka
Using MATLAB to develop standalone graphical
user interface (GUI) software packages for educational purposes B. M. Nasiruzzaman
Teaching practical engineering for freshman students
using the RWTH – Mindstorms NXT toolbox for MATLAB
Alexander Behrens, Linus Atorf and Til Aach
A student friendly toolbox
for power system analysis using MATLAB
A. B. M. Nasiruzzaman
A Matlab® interactive tool for computer aided
control systems design in frequency domain: FRTool
Robin De Keyser and Clara Ionescu
MATLAB – based software for modeling
and studying grid – tied photovoltaic systems
Ali Assi and Mohammed Abdi Jama
Modelling of DC-DC converters
Ovidiu Aurel Pop and Serban Lungu
Matlab simulations
for power factor correction of switching power
Ren Kaichun, He Chunhan, Su Dan, Wang Yongli, Zhang Xingqi, Liu Xiaojun,
Gong Lihong, Zhao Ying and Liu Peng
Simulation of numerical distance relays
Dr. Hamid H Sherwali and Eng. Abdlmnam A. Abdlrahem
Evaluation of the Delta-Sigma modulator
coefficients by MATLAB parallel processing
Michal Pavlik, Martin Magat, Lukas Fujcik and Jiri Haze
A Matlab/Simulink Framework for PLC Controlled Processes
Joao Martins, Celson Lima, Herminio Martinez and Antoni Grau
Optimization and Scheduling Toolbox
Michal Kutil, Přemysl Šůcha, Roman Čapek and Zdeněk Hanzalek
Designing antenna arrays using signal processing,
image processing and optimization toolboxes of MATLAB
Joseph Sahaya Kulandai Raj and Joerg Schoebel
Analysis, model parameter
extraction and optimization of planar inductors using MATLAB
Elissaveta Gadjeva, Vladislav Durev and Marin Hristov
Modelling and simulation
of processes from an iron ore sintering plants
Corina Maria Diniş
Fired process heaters
Hassan Al-Haj Ibrahim
Finite difference solutions of MFM square
duct flow with heat transfer using MatLab program
Mohammed Al-Khawaja and Mohamed Selmi
Toolbox for GPS-based attitude
determination: An implementation aspect
Zhen Dai, Stefan Knedlik and Otmar Loffeld
Seismic model-based inversion using Matlab
Emilson Pereira Leite
Computational and mathematical methods
in portfolio insurance - A MATLAB-based approach
Vasilios N. Katsikis
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1. Remote Sensing of the Ecology and Functioning of the Mekong River Basin
with Special Reference to the Tonle Sap
Benger and Simon Nicholas
2. Remote Sensing of Forest Health
Jyrki Tuominen, Tarmo Lipping, Viljo Kuosmanen and Reija Haapanen
3. Development of a High-Resolution Wireless Sensor Network for Monitoring
Volcanic Activity
José Chilo, Andreas Schlüter and Thomas Lindblad
4. On Position and Attitude Estimation for Remote Sensing with Bistatic SAR
Stefan Knedlik, Junchuan Zhou and Otmar Loffeld
5. Unmanned Airborne Platforms For Disaster Remote Sensing Support
Vincent G. Ambrosia and Steven S. Wegener
6. The Geomorphometry of Rainfall-Induced Landslides in Taiwan Obtained
by Airborne Lidar and Digital Photography
Jin-King Liu, Kuan-Tsung Chang, Jiann-Yeou, Wei-Cheng Hsu, Zu-Yi Liao, Chi-Chung Lau
and Tian-Yuan Shih
7. Description and Publication of Geospatial Information
Arturo Beltran, Laura Díaz, Carlos Granell, Joaquín Huerta and Carlos Abargues
8. Application of Real Time GIS, Remote Sensing and IC Tag for Realization
of Geospatial Informationsociety
Shikada Masaaki, Takeuchi Sayaka, Shimano Sota and Moriya Mitoshi
9. Integrated sea surface temperature products within a coastal ocean
observing system
Nadya T. Vinogradova
10. Soil Backgrounds Impact Analysis on Chlorophyll Indices Using Field, Airborne
and Satellite Hyperspectral Data
A. Bannari and K. Staenz
11. Simultaneous Estimation of Optical Properties of Asian Dust and Ground
Reflectance by Polarization Measurements
Takashi Kusaka and Ryuichi Taniguchi
12. Moving Target Detection and Velocity Estimation in Multi-Channel AT-InSAR
Systems from Amplitude and Phase Data
Alessandra Budillon
13. Monitoring tropical peat swamp deforestation and hydrological dynamics
Dirk Hoekman
14. Multivariate Differencing Techniques for Land Cover Change Detection:
the Normalized Difference Reflectance Approach
Paolo Villa, Giovanmaria Lechi, Mario A. Gomarasca
15. Using Kernel Methods under a Learning Machine Approach for Multispectral
Data Classification. An Application in Agriculture
Adrián González, José Moreno, Graham Russell and Astrid Márquez
16. Multivariate Time Series Support Vector Machine for Multispectral Remote
Sensing Image Classifications
Pei-Gee Peter Ho
17. Surface approximation from rapidly varying data: Applications to geophysical
surfaces and seafloor surfaces
Apprato Dominique, Gout Christian and Le Guyader Carole
18. Three-Dimensional Microwave Imaging using Synthetic Aperture Technique
Shi Jun, Zhang Xiaoling, Yang Jianyu, Liao Kefei and Wang Yinbo
19. Corn Monitoring and Crop Yield Using Optical and Microwave Remote Sensing
Jesus Soria-Ruiz, Yolanda Fernandez-Ordonez and Heather McNairn
20. Radargrammetric SAR image processing
Stéphane Méric, Franck Fayard and Éric Pottier
21. MAP Classification of a Reference Image Using Auxiliaries Images with Different
Prevalent Classes
Orlando Alves Máximo and David Fernandes
22. Optical Satellite Volcano Monitoring: A Multi-Sensor Rapid Response System
Kenneth A. Duda, Michael Ramsey, Rick Wessels and Jonathan Dehn
23. The Extended Integral Equation Model IEM2M for topographically modulated
rough surfaces
Jose Luis Alvarez-Perez
24. Microwave Remote Sensing of Soil Moisture in Semi-arid Environment
A. K. M. Azad Hossain and Greg Easson
25. Ensemble of retrieval algorithms and electromagnetic models for soil
and vegetation water content estimation from SAR images
Claudia Notarnicola
26. Methodology for investigation of the factors for georadar signals influencing
the directional pattern of synthetic aperture radar
Zolotarev I.D. and Miller Ya.E.
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1. Ground based SAR interferometry: a novel tool for Geoscience
Guido Luzi
2. Internet Surveillance Camera Measurements of Atmospheric Aerosols
C.J. Wong, M.Z. MatJafri, K. Abdullah and H.S. Lim
3. Interferometric Imaging Technology for Microwave Radiometers
Ji Wu, Hao Liu, Jingye Yan, Cheng Zhang and Weiying Sun
4. Recent advances in the characterization of aerosol vertical distribution
on a global scale
Francisco Molero
5. Blended Tools for Remote Sensing
Mu-Lin Wu
6. Image Information Mining Systems
Inés María Gómez Muñoz and Mihai Datcu
7. Artificial Intelligence in Geoscience and Remote Sensing
David John Lary
8. C-Band Sea Ice SAR Classification Based on Segmentwise Edge Features
Juha Karvonen
9. Early Warning And On-Line Mapping For Flood Event
D. Mioc, B. Nickerson, F. Anton, E. MacGillivray,
A. Morton, D. Fraser, P. Tang and A. Kam
10. Potential of C-Band Multi-polarized and Polarimetric SAR Data
for Soil Drainage Classification and Mapping
Mohamed A. Niang, Michel C. Nolin and Monique Bernier
11. Electromagnetic Models for Remote Sensing of Layered Rough Media
Pasquale Imperatore, Antonio Iodice and Daniele Riccio
12. Highly accurate geometric correction for NOAA AVHRR data
An Ngoc Van, Mitsuru Nakazawa and Yoshimitsu Aoki
13. C-band Scatterometers and Their Applications
Vahid Naeimi and Wolfgang Wagner
14. Monitoring of terrestrial hydrology at high latitudes with scatterometer data
Annett Bartsch
15. Ocean wind fields from satellite active microwave sensors
S. Zecchetto
16. Optical and Infrared Modeling
Abdelaziz Kallel
17. Remote sensing of aerosol over vegetation cover based on pixel level
multi-wavelength polarized measurements
Xinli Hu, Xingfa Gu and Tao Yu
18. Methods and performances for multi-pass SAR Interferometry
Stefano Tebaldini and Andrea Monti Guarnieri
19. Integration of high-resolution, Active and Passive Remote Sensing
in support to Tsunami Preparedness and Contingency Planning
Fabrizio Ferrucci
20. 3D Measurement of Speed and Direction of Turbulent Air Movement
Shirokov Igor and Gimpilevich Yuri
21. Observing marine pollution with Synthetic Aperture Radar
Paolo Trivero and Walter Biamino
22. Development of Flood Space Monitoring in Kazakhstan
O.P. Arkhipkin, L.F. Spivak and G.N. Sagatdinova
23. The Role of DSD and Radio Wave Scattering in Rain Attenuation
Ondrej Fiser
24. Registration of radar and optical satellite images using multiscale filter
technique and information measure
Qi Li, Bihong Fu and Yanfang Dong
25. Magnitude and Extent of Six Years of Land Subsidence
in Shanghai Revealed by JERS-1 SAR Data
Peter Damoah-Afari, Xiao-li Ding, Zhong Lu, Zhiwei Li and Makoto Omura
26. Impact of Daily Melt and Freeze Patterns on Sea Ice Large Scale
Roughness Features Extraction Eric Hudier and Jean-Sébastien Gosselin
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Local Attitudes towards Wind Power:
The Effect of Prior Experience
Jacob Ladenburg and Gesche Krause
Power Network Requirements
Wind Farms and Grid Codes
María Paz Comech, Miguel García-Gracia,
Susana Martín Arroyo and Miguel Ángel Martínez Guillén
Active and Reactive Power Formulations
for Grid Code Requirements Verification
Vicente León-Martínez and Joaquín Montañana-Romeu
Empirical Approaches
to Estimating Hydraulic Conductivity
Frequency Control of Isolated Power System
with Wind Farm by Using Flywheel
Energy Storage System 65
Rion Takahashi
Control Scheme of Hybrid Wind-Diesel
Power Generation System
Cuk Supriyadi A.N, Takuhei Hashiguchi,
Tadahiro Goda and Tumiran
Power Fluctuations in a Wind Farm
Compared to a Single Turbine
Joaquin Mur-Amada and Jesús Sallán-Arasanz
Input into Power System Networks
Distance Protections in the Power System
Lines with Connected Wind Farms
Adrian Halinka and Michał Szewczyk
Impact of Intermittent Wind Generation
on Power System Small Signal Stability
Libao Shi, Zheng Xu, Chen Wang, Liangzhong Yao and Yixin Ni
Spin-off Products of Offshore Wind Farms
The Potential for Habitat Creation
around Offshore Wind Farms
Jennifer C. Wilson
Perceived Concerns and Advocated Organisational
Structures of Ownership Supporting
‘Offshore Wind Farm – Mariculture Integration’
Gesche Krause, Robert Maurice Griffin and Bela Hieronymus Buck
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Finite element analysis on strains
of viscoelastic human skull and duramater
Xianfang YUE, Li WANG, Ruonan WANG and Feng ZHOU
Application of finite element analysis in dentistry
Ming-Lun Hsu and Chih-Ling Chang
Finite element analysis for dental prosthetic design
Akikazu Shinya and Daiichiro Yokoyama
Application of finite element analysis in root canal therapy
Tao Hu, Ran Cheng, Meiying Shao, Hui Yang, Ru Zhang,
Qianhua Gao and Liyang Guo
Finite element simulation. Applications
in Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology
Antonio Herrera, Luis Gracia, Elena Ibarz, Juan J. Panisello, José Cegoñino,
Jesús Mateo, Javier Rodríguez-Vela and Sergio Puértolas
Finite Element Analysis in Orthopaedic Biomechanics
Daniel Kluess, Jan Wieding, Robert Souffrant,
Wolfram Mittelmeier and Rainer Bader
Orthopaedic Biomechanics: A Practical Approach
to Combining Mechanical Testing and Finite Element Analysis
Rad Zdero, Ph.D.and Habiba Bougherara, Ph.D.
Finite element modeling for a morphometric
and mechanical characterization of trabecular bone
from high resolution magnetic resonance imaging
Angel Alberich-Bayarri, Luis Martí-Bonmatí, M. Ángeles Pérez,
Juan José Lerma and David Moratal
Finite Element Modeling of the Human Lumbar Spine
Marta Kurutz
Analysis of human pressure ulcer
and cushion pads for its prevention
Masataka Akimoto M.D.,Ph.D.
Microfinite Element Modelling for Evaluating Polymer
Scaffolds Architecture and their Mechanical Properties
from Microcomputed Tomography
Angel Alberich-Bayarri, Manuel Salmerón Sánchez,
M. Ángeles Pérez and David Moratal
Computational Modelling of Auxetics
Bogdan Maruszewski, Tomasz Strek, Artur A. Pozniak
and Krzysztof W. Wojciechowski
Modelling of polymeric fibre-composites
and finite element simulation of mechanical properties
Robert A. Shanks
Finite Element Analysis of Nonlinear Isotropic Hyperelastic
and Viscoelastic Materials for Thermoforming Applications
Erchiqui Fouad
Finite element analysis and Fracture in viscoelastic
materials by Mθv integral-Part I: crack initiation
Rostand Moutou Pitti, Frédéric Dubois and Mustapha Taazount
Finite Element modelling of Elastic-Plastic
Contact of Rough Surfaces
Jamil Abdo, M. Danish Haneef and Abdullah M. Al-Shabibi
Numerical study of backward extrusion
process using finite element method
K.Abrinia and S.Orangi
Finite element analysis on v-die bending process
Sutasn Thipprakmas
Analysis of Welding Residual Stresses and Its Applications
Byeong-Choon Goo, Jung-Won Seo and Seung-Yong Yang
Dynamic Finite Element Analysis on Underlay
Microstructure of Cu/low-k Wafer during Wirebonding
Hsiang-Chen Hsu, Chin-Yuan Hu, Wei-Yao Chang,
Chang-Lin Yeh and Yi-Shao Lai
Finite element analysis of deformation and fracture
of cylindrical tubes under internal moving pressures
Majid Mirzaei
FE Analysis of Evolution of Defects during Rolling
Dr. YU Hai-liang
Finite element analysis of strip and rolling mills
Jian-guo CAO, Jie ZHANG, Ning KONG and Kai-fu MI
Strain variations on rolling condition in accumulative
roll-bonding by finite element analysis
Tadanobu INOUE
Finite element analysis of wall deflection
and ground movements caused by braced excavations
Gordon Tung-Chin Kung
Vehicle-Bridge Dynamic Interaction
Using Finite Element Modelling
Arturo González
Finite Element Modelling of Sound
Transmission Loss in Reflective Pipe
Tomasz Strek
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Part 1 Environmental Management at the National
and Regional Level
Chapter 1 Curbing Climate Change through a
National Development of Climate Change Policy
Sumiani Yusoff
Chapter 2 Environmental Protection
Expenditure in European Union
Elzbieta Broniewicz
Chapter 3 Community Ecology and Capacity:
Advancing Environmental Communication
Strategies among Diverse Stakeholders
Rosemary M. Caron,
Michael E. Rezaee and Danielle Dionne
Chapter 4 Regional Issues in Environmental Management
Hiroyuki Taguchi
Chapter 5 Geo-environmental Terrain Assessments Based on
Remote Sensing Tools: A Review of Applications
to Hazard Mapping and Control
Paulo Cesar Fernandes da Silva and John Canning Cripps
Chapter 6 The Implementation of IPPC Directive
in the Mediterranean Area
Tiberio Daddi, Maria Rosa De Giacomo, Marco Frey,
Francesco Testa and Fabio Iraldo
Chapter 7 Contaminated Sites and Public Policies
in São Paulo State, Brazil
Ana Luiza Silva Spinola and Arlindo Philippi Jr.
VI Contents
Chapter 8 Sustainable Management of Muddy Coastlines
Steven Odi-Owei and Itolima Ologhadien
Part 2 Environmental Management in Industry
Chapter 9 Indicators of Sustainable Business Practices
Hyunkee Bae and Richard S. Smardon
Chapter 10 Assessment of Industrial Pollution Load in Lagos,
Nigeria by Industrial Pollution Projection System (IPPS)
versus Effluent Analysis
Adebola Oketola and Oladele Osibanjo
Chapter 11 Pollution Prevention in the Pulp and Paper Industries
Bahar K. Ince, Zeynep Cetecioglu and Orhan Ince
Chapter 12 Retrofit Approach for the Reduction of Water and Energy
Consumption in Pulp and Paper Production Processes
Jesus Martinez Patino and Martin Picon Nunez
Chapter 13 An Application Model for
Sustainability in the Construction Industry
Fernando Beiriz and Assed Haddad
Chapter 14 Assessing the SMEs’ Competitive Strategies
on the Impact of Environmental Factors:
A Quantitative SWOT Analysis Application
Hui-Lin Hai
Chapter 15 Implementation of ISO 14000 in
Luggage Manufacturing Industry: A Case Study
S. B. Jaju
Part 3 Technical Aspects of Environmental Management
Chapter 16 The Statistical Distributions of Industrial
Wastes: an Analysis of the Japanese
Establishment Linked Input-output Data
Hitoshi Hayami and Masao Nakamura
Chapter 17 The Effects of Paper Recycling
and its Environmental Impact
Iveta Čabalova, František Kačik, Anton Geffert and Danica Kačikova
Chapter 18 Overview Management Chemical Residues
of Laboratories in Academic Institutions in Brazil
Patricia Carla Giloni-Lima, Vanderlei Aparecido de Lima
and Adriana Massae Kataoka
Contents VII
Chapter 19 Lengthening Biolubricants´ Lifetime
by Using Porous Materials
Estibaliz Aranzabe, Arrate Marcaide,
Marta Hernaiz and Nerea Uranga
Chapter 20 A Fuzzy Water Quality Index for
Watershed Quality Analysis and Management
Andre Lermontov, Lidia Yokoyama, Mihail Lermontov
and Maria Augusta Soares Machado
Chapter 21 Environmental Management of Wastewater
Treatment Plants – the Added Value
of the Ecotoxicological Approach
Elsa Mendonca, Ana Picado,
Maria Ana Cunha and Justina Catarino
Chapter 22 Technology Roadmap for Wastewater
Reuse in Petroleum Refineries in Brazil
Felipe Pombo, Alessandra Magrini
and Alexandre Szklo
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