Autodesk Infrastructure Design Suite Ultimate v2012 Win32-ISO
Size: 10.11 GB
Autodesk® Infrastructure Design Suite Ultimate 2012 adds advanced coordination and clash detection capabilities. This suite helps civil and infrastructure design and construction professionals resolve issues virtually, with advanced coordination, interference management, and clash detection to improve the overall outcome of projects.
AutoCAD® Map 3D
Autodesk® Storm and Sanitary Analysis
AutoCAD® Civil 3D®
Autodesk® 3ds Max® Design
Autodesk® Navisworks® Manage
Includes 3 DVD
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: You may use this software for evaluation purposes only.
If you like it, it is strongly suggested you buy it to support the developers.
By any means you may not use this software to make money or use it for commercial purpose.
Hi all
I'm glad can online again in this fantastic group, I'm offline for more than 2 month.
Please give me info about salary per month in Singapore:
[1] salary of structural engineer for fresh graduate
[2] salary of structural engineer for engineer with 5 years experience
[3] salary of structural engineer for engineer with 10 years experience
Autodesk® Infrastructure Modeler conceptual design software is the next generation of Autodesk® LandXplorer® Studio Professional software, designed to help civil engineering, transportation, and urban planning professionals create, evaluate, and communicate infrastructure proposals. Autodesk Infrastructure Modeler can help drive stakeholder buy-in and inform decision making with visually rich proposals for transportation, land, water, or energy infrastructure projects. And users can share proposed infrastructure models to give designers a head start.
Main Features:
Model existing infrastructure—Use 2D CAD, GIS, Building Information Modeling (BIM), and raster data.
Import detailed models—Incorporate detailed models from AutoCAD® Civil 3D®, AutoCAD® Map 3D, and other software.
Stylize infrastructure models—Depict the local environment more realistically.
Work in 3D—Show proposed roads, water, and land features.
Overlay GIS data—Create 3D thematic maps to help inform decisions.
Manage infrastructure proposals—Create and manage multiple alternatives in a single model.
Communicate visually rich infrastructure proposals—Shift between design proposals and evaluate alternatives from any viewpoint, and capture rendered images or recorded videos.
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: You may use this software for evaluation purposes only.
If you like it, it is strongly suggested you buy it to support the developers.
By any means you may not use this software to make money or use it for commercial purpose.
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Dedicated thread to Greek Codes.
All welcome to share Codes, Guidelines etc. from Greece.
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Greek Seismic Code - EAK2000
Size: 1.93 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization (EPPO), Greek Association for Civil Engineers, Ministry of Public Works in Greece | Year: 2001 | pages: 264
Language: Greek
Info: The text is presented in a traditional "Code + Commentary" format, on alternate pages. It is focused mainly on buildings structures.
1. Scope, Requirements and Design Criteria
2. Design Seismic Actions
3. Seismic Response of Structures
4. Design Criteria and Application Rules
5. Foundations, Retaining Structures, Earth Structures
A. Seismic Ground Motions
B. Specific Rules for RC Structural Members
C. Specific Rules for Steel Structural Members
D. Active Earth Pressure on Walls during Earthquake
E. Specific Rules for Extensions to Existing Buildings
F. Equivalent Static Eccentricities
G. Simplified Approach for estimating Seismic Bearing Capacity of Rectangular Shallow Foundations
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Open access Code by: Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization (EPPO)
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For experiments, dimensional analysis enables the design, checks the validity, orders the procedure and synthesises the data. Additionally it can provide relationships between variables where standard analysis is not available. This widely valuable analysis for engineers and scientists is here presented to the student, the teacher and the researcher. It is the first complete modern text that covers developments over the last three decades while closing all outstanding logical gaps. Dimensional Analysis also lists the logical stages of the analysis, so showing clearly the care to be taken in its use while revealing the very few limitations of application. As the conclusion of that logic, it gives the author's original proof of the fundamental and only theorem. Unlike past texts, Dimensional Analysis includes examples for which the answer does not already exist from standard analysis. It also corrects the many errors present in the existing literature by including accurate solutions. Dimensional Analysis is written for all branches of engineering and science as a teaching book covering both undergraduate and postgraduate courses, as a guide for the lecturer and as a reference volume for the researcher.
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Devoted to the classical continuum theory of solids and fluids as well as selected topics of modern continuum mechanics of viscoelasticity and microcontinua together with their applications to problems of practical interest. Highlights the derivation of constitutive equations for materials from thermodynamics rather than by the traditional methods of fluid dynamics and elasticity theory, with the result that these equations are well supported on physical grounds. Provides complete mathematical derivations of most fundamental equations and inequalities. Contains numerous major applications with solutions and worked-out illustrative examples. Also utilizes current research articles.
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