Dear friends
I need drawings of any cable stayed bridge. I am especially interested in details like Cables, Anchors with deck and pylons, steel deck details etc.
I need them because in a few months I will start the design of new bridge, crossing a river with 120m span and I want to do something spectacular. Any help, advice is most welcome.
Posted by: Sport - 09-02-2011, 07:40 PM - Forum: Archive
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can someone share this book please:
Sedimentation engineering: processes, measurements, modeling, and practice
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Structure and Interpretation of Classical Mechanics
Author: Gerald Jay Sussman, Jack Wisdom, Meinhard E. Mayer | Size: 10.4 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: The MIT Press | Year: 2001 | pages: 526 | ISBN: 0262194554
This textbook takes an innovative approach to the teaching of classical mechanics, emphasizing the development of general but practical intellectual tools to support the analysis of nonlinear Hamiltonian systems. The development is organized around a progressively more sophisticated analysis of particular natural systems and weaves examples throughout the presentation. Explorations of phenomena such as transitions to chaos, nonlinear resonances, and resonance overlap to help the student to develop appropriate analytic tools for understanding. Computational algorithms communicate methods used in the analysis of dynamical phenomena.
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Spectral/hp Element Methods for Computational Fluid Dynamics
Author: George Em Karniadakis, Spencer J. Sherwin | Size: 22.4 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA | Year: 2005 | pages: 686 | ISBN: 0198528698; 9780198528692
Spectral methods have long been popular in direct and large eddy simulation of turbulent flows, but their use in areas with complex-geometry computational domains has historically been much more limited. More recently the need to find accurate solutions to the viscous flow equations around complex configurations has led to the development of high-order discretization procedures on unstructured meshes, which are also recognized as more efficient for solution of time-dependent oscillatory solutions over long time periods. Here Karniadakis and Sherwin present a much-updated and expanded version of their successful first edition covering the recent and significant progress in multi-domain spectral methods at both the fundamental and application level. Containing over 50% new material, including discontinuous Galerkin methods, non-tensorial nodal spectral element methods in simplex domains, and stabilization and filtering techniques, this text aims to introduce a wider audience to the use of spectral/hp element methods with particular emphasis on their application to unstructured meshes. It provides a detailed explanation of the key concepts underlying the methods along with practical examples of their derivation and application, and is aimed at students, academics and practitioners in computational fluid mechanics, applied and numerical mathematics, computational mechanics, aerospace and mechanical engineering and climate/ocean modelling.
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Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. 12, No. 1 (2001) 51-69
A.S. Elnashai
Engineering Seismology and Earthquake Engineering Section
Civil and Environmental Engineerthg Department, Imperial College, London SW7 28U UK
Whereas the potential of static inelastic analysis methods is recognised in earthquake design and assessment, especially in contrast with elastic analysis under scaled forces, they have inherent shortcomings. In this paper. critical issues in the application of inelastic static (pushover) analysis are discussed and their effect on the obtained results appraised. Areas of possible developments that would render the method more applicable to the prediction of dynamic response are explored. New developments towards a fully adaptive pushover method accounting for spread of inelasticity, geometric nonlinearity, full multi-modal, spectral amplification and period elongation, within a framework of fibre modelling of materials. are discussed and preliminary results are given. These developments lead to static analysis results that are closer than ever to inelastic time-history analysis. It is concluded that there is great scope for improvements of this simple and powerful technique that would increase confidence in its employment as the primary tool for seismic analysis in practice.
Key words : seismic analysis; pushover; inelastic response.
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Author: Helmut Krawinkler, G. D. P. K. Seneviratna | Size: 1.43 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Engineering Structures | Year: 1998 | pages: 13
Engineering Structures, Vol. 20, Nos 4-6, pp. 452-464, 1998
O 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd
Helmut Krawinkler
Department of Civil Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA
G. D. P. K. Seneviratna
Krawinkler, Luth and Associates, 160 Jefferson Drive, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA
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Author: Wai-Fah Chen, Da-Jian Han | Size: 0 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: J. Ross Publishing; Reprint edition (January 12, 2007) | Year: January 12, 2007 | pages: 606 pages | ISBN: 1932159754
This comprehensive text addresses the elastic and plastic behavior of general structural elements under combined stress. It sets out to examine the stress-strain behaviors of materials under simple test conditions and proceeds to show how these behaviors can be generalized under combined stress. The topic of structural plasticity is presented in a manner that is simple and concise, encompassing the classical theory of metal plasticity as well as concrete plasticity. An unabridged J. Ross Publishing republication of the edition published by Springer-Verlag, New York, 1988, 606pp. Key Features - Outlines the finite element implementation of the generalized stress-strain relations for the solution of practical steel and concrete structural problems - Provides worked examples, end-of-chapter problems, answers to selected problems, and clear illustrations and tables - Includes important constitutive equations for structural materials and applications to steel and concrete structures - Offers examples of the most useful constitutive models and analytical methods
Structural Stability: Theory and Implementation is a practical work that provides engineers and students in structural engineering or structured mechanics with the background needed to make the transition from fundamental theory to practical design rules and computer implementation. Beginning with the basic principles of structural stability and basic governing equations,Structural Stability is a concise and comprehensive introduction that applies the principles and theory of structural stability (which are the basis for structural steel design) to the solution of practical building frame design problems. Special features include:
modern theories of structural stability of members and frames, and a discussion of how these theories may be utilized to provide design rules and calculation techniques for design
important governing equations and the classical solutions used in design processes
examples of analytical and numerical methods selected as the most useful and practically applicable methods available
detailed information on the stability design rules of the 1986 AISC/LRFD Specifications for the design, fabrication, and erection of structural steel for buildings
dual units (SI and English) with most of the material presented in a non-dimensional format
fully worked examples, end-of-chapter problems, answers to selected problems, and clear illustrations and tables
Am outstandingly practical resource, Structural Stability offers the reader an understanding of the fundamental principles and theory of structural stability not only in an idealized, perfectly elastic system, but also in an inelastic, imperfect system representative of the actual structural systems encountered in engineering practice.
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