Kindly upload Design Of Modern Concrete Highway Bridges
by Conrad P. Heins, R. A. Lawrie . i need this book for my thesis ,i searched every where for this book . kindly do the needful
thanks to all
MICROSOFT VISUAL BASIC 2010: COMPLETE teaches students the essentials of computer programming using the latest Visual Basic programming language, Visual Basic 2010.
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At long last, a master carpenter shows you how to assemble stairs that are solid and attractive. Whether you need to build three steps up to a deck or a full flight to your second floor, this one-on-one tutorial with Scott Schuttner takes the guesswork out of going up and down.
You are right there as Schuttner shows how to build two common staircases: a straight-run stair with plywood treads and risers (to be covered with carpeting) and an L-shaped stair with housed oak treads and risers.
You'll discover how a pro troubleshoots and corrects problems, as well as how to:
calculate and mark the rise and run for any length stair
position carriages to accommodate drywall and skirtboards
fasten sturdy treads and risers so they never squeak
anchor shopmade newel posts, balusters and handrail
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Building a Revolution: Chinese Architecture Since 1980
Author: Charlie Q.L. Xue | Size: 35.5 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Hong Kong Univ Press | Year: 2006 | pages: 204 | ISBN: 9622097448
Since China's modernization began in 1980, the country has witnessed exponential growth in construction activities. In a deliberate attempt to break away from the past, China has shown remarkable drive and determination to refashion itself in terms of architectural and town planning practices. While there are many books about traditional Chinese architecture and gardens, this is perhaps the first book in English to introduce the dramatic new look of China.
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The leading book on Microsoft Office, now fully updated for Office 2010.
Microsoft Office, the world's leading productivity suite, has been updated with new tools. Veteran Office users as well as newcomers will need the comprehensive information in this bestselling All-in-One guide.
With a self-contained minibook devoted to each Office application plus minibooks on how Office works together and how you can expand its usefulness, Office 2010 All-in-One For Dummies gets you up to speed and answers the questions you'll have down the road.
Microsoft Office is the office productivity suite used around the globe; nearly every business worker encounters it daily The 2010 revision will affect all applications in the suite Eight minibooks cover Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Access, Publisher, common Office tools, and ways to expand Office productivity.
Also covers the new online versions of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint as well as changes to the interface and new tools and techniques. Office 2010 All-in-One For Dummies makes it easy to learn to use Office and gets you up and running on all the changes and enhancements in Office 2010.
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* Re-examines classical material, including gyroscopes, precessions, spinning tops, effects of rotation of the Earth on gravity motions
* Places analytical mechanics, such as Lagrange's equations, on sound mathematical and physical ground
* Encompasses recent developments in the solvability of Hamilton–Jacobi PDEs
Classical mechanics is a chief example of the scientific method organizing a "complex" collection of information into theoretically rigorous, unifying principles; in this sense, mechanics represents one of the highest forms of mathematical modeling. This textbook covers standard topics of a mechanics course, namely, the mechanics of rigid bodies, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalism, stability and small oscillations, an introduction to celestial mechanics, and Hamilton–Jacobi theory, but at the same time features unique examples—such as the spinning top including friction and gyroscopic compass—seldom appearing in this context. In addition, variational principles like Lagrangian and Hamiltonian dynamics are treated in great detail.
Using a pedagogical approach, the author covers many topics that are gradually developed and motivated by classical examples. Through `Problems and Complements' sections at the end of each chapter, the work presents various questions in an extended presentation that is extremely useful for an interdisciplinary audience trying to master the subject. Beautiful illustrations, unique examples, and useful remarks are key features throughout the text.
Classical Mechanics: Theory and Mathematical Modeling may serve as a textbook for advanced graduate students in mathematics, physics, engineering, and the natural sciences, as well as an excellent reference or self-study guide for applied mathematicians and mathematical physicists. Prerequisites include a working knowledge of linear algebra, multivariate calculus, the basic theory of ordinary differential equations, and elementary physics.
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Complete review and practice for the geotechnical section of the civil PE exam and the California GE exam. Learn to solve geotechnical problems in the most efficient manner.
Topics Covered
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