Please I need samples of Technical and Financial Proposals written by other consultants for road/bridge projects. I want to prepare a proposal for an upcoming road/bridge project. Thank you for your anticipated help.
Transportation Infrastructure Engineering: A Multimodal Integration, SI Version
Author: Lester A. Hoel, Nicholas J. Garber, Adel W. Sadek | Size: 11.7 MB | Format:PDF | Year: 2010 | pages: 688 | ISBN: 0495667897
Transportation Infrastructure Engineering: A Multimodal Integration, intended to serve as a resource for courses in transportation engineering, emphasizes transportation in an overall systems perspective. It can serve as a textbook for an introductory course or for upper-level undergraduate and first-year graduate courses. This book, unlike the widely used textbook, Traffic and Highway Engineering, serves a different purpose and is intended for a broader audience. Its objective is to provide an overview of transportation from a multi-modal viewpoint rather than emphasizing a particular mode in great detail. By placing emphasis on explaining the environment in which transportation operates, this book presents the "big picture" to assist students in understanding why transportation systems operate as they do and the role they play in a global society.
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DataScene Professional (45 days trial and renew)
Size: 47.8 MB
DataScene is a data analysis, animation, and graphing software package developed with the latest generation of computational technologies. With its powerful and user-friendly interface, the user can easily manage and analyze data, generate and view high quality graphs, produce online and offline animations, monitor and chart real-time data, and print and export graphs and charts.
Plotting 39 types of series with ultra-high graph quality.
3D canvas for most graph types.
Supporting a wide variety of highly customizable graphical elements, such as transparent color, solid brush, gradient brush, image brush, hatch brush with 56 textures, shadow, visual aspect settings, etc.
Highly customizable and feature-rich graph axes, legend, marks, titles, and walls.
Rich text graph annotations with a What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) editor.
Supporting 16 built-in graph themes and custom theme.
Analyze and processing data using column amd cell formulas.
Processing graphs with 20 series functions, such as Cublic Spline, Moving Average, Integrate, Differentiate, FFT, Nonlinear Regression/Curve Fitting, etc.
Powerful math parser that supports 57 built-in mathematical and text functions - which include special functions like Bessel, Beta, Gamma, Error, Hypergeometric, etc.
Creating graph animation using time-dependent mathematical formulas.
Creating graph animation using sequences of data.
Monitoring, charting, and processing real-time data.
Import data from Microsoft® Excel, all kinds of text files (delimited with any delimiter, CSV, and with fixed-width columns).
Exporting to a variety of graph formats: BMP, JPG, TIFF, PNG, GIF, EMF, PostScript, and PDF.
Exporting animated graphs and charts to AVI and animated GIF for offline playback.
Super clean, friendly, context-sensitive, and configurable user interface.
A rich set of graphical and data tools.
Automatic graph update and result recalculation upon data source change.
Read my included readme.txt for learning how to renew the 45 days trial.
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: You may use this software for evaluation purposes only.
If you like it, it is strongly suggested you buy it to support the developers.
By any means you may not use this software to make money or use it for commercial purpose.
CurveExpert Professional v1.2.3 (30 days trial and renew)
Size: 22 MB
CurveExpert Professional is a cross-platform solution for curve fitting and data analysis. Data can be modelled using a toolbox of linear regression models, nonlinear regression models, smoothing methods, or various kinds of splines.
Over 60 models are built-in, but custom regression models may also be defined by the user. Full-featured publication-quality graphing capability allows thorough examination of the curve fit. The process of finding the best fit can be automated by letting CurveExpert compare your data to each model to choose the best curve. The software is designed with the purpose of generating high quality results and output while saving your time in the process.
If you want to try CurveExpert Professional, you can start a trial period by selecting Help->Activate Trial Period; note that an internet connection is required for the starting of the trial period, but is not required once the trial period has been activated.
This trial period is active for approximately 30 days from activation date. During this period, all features of CurveExpert Professional are accessible. When the software is out of its trial period (either before or after), most output functions are disabled, and a watermark appears on all graphs.
Read the readme.txt inside for activating the trial and for renewing it.
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: You may use this software for evaluation purposes only.
If you like it, it is strongly suggested you buy it to support the developers.
By any means you may not use this software to make money or use it for commercial purpose.
The field of granular physics has burgeoned since its development in the late 1980s, when physicists first began to use statistical mechanics to study granular media. They are prototypical of complex systems, manifesting metastability, hysteresis and bistability, and a range of other fascinating phenomena. This 2007 book is a wide-ranging account of developments in granular physics, and lays out the foundations of the statics and dynamics of granular physics. It covers a wide range of subfields, ranging from fluidisation to jamming, and these are modelled through a range of computer simulation and theoretical approaches. Written with an eye to pedagogy and completeness, this book will be valuable asset to any researcher in this field. The book also contains contributions from Professor Sir Sam Edwards, with Dr Raphael Blumenfeld, Professor Isaac Goldhirsch and Professor Philippe Claudin.
Book Description
This 2007 book is a wide-ranging account of developments in granular physics, and lays out the foundations of the statics and dynamics. Its pedagogical approach contains discussions at the end of each chapter. This will be a valuable asset for any researcher in this field.
About the Author
Anita Mehta, a former Rhodes scholar, is currently a Radcliffe Fellow at Harvard University. She is well known as being one of the pioneers in granular physics, and is credited with the introduction of many new concepts in this field, in particular to do with the competition of slow and fast modes in granular dynamics.
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Kindly share Design Of Modern Concrete Highway Bridges
by Conrad P. Heins, R. A. Lawrie . i really need this book ,i searched every where for this book . kindly do the needful.please please
thanks to all
Author: Ronald A. Fisher | Size: ?? MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Macmillan Pub Co; 9 edition | Year: June 1971 | pages: 250 | ISBN: 0028446909, 9780028446905
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